My publications and talks

Of course, you can also find them on Google Scholar.

Video recordings of my talks

Sometimes someone records me on video while I am giving a talk. I try to collect such videos.

  • Více než jen ChatGPT: Principy a možnosti současných nástrojů umělé inteligence, Jeden stream s informatikou a matematikou, leden 2024 (video, slajdy)
  • Umělá inteligence nejen ve fotografii, Akademie APF, online panelová diskuze, 2023 (video, web)
  • THEaiTRE: Generování scénářů divadelních her pomocí jazykových modelů rodiny GPT, Matematické problémy nematematiků, 2023, Prague, Czechia (video)
  • THEaiTRE: Challenges in automated generation of theatre play scripts, ÚFAL Monday Seminar, 2022, Prague, Czechia (video, slides)
  • EUNIC AI Science Café Series: AI & Theatre, 2021 (video)
  • THEaiTRE 1.0: Interactive generation of theatre play scripts, Text2Story 2021 (video, slides)
  • THEaiTRE: Creating and staging the first play witten by artificial intelligence, Encounter 2021 (video)
  • THEaiTRE: Umělá inteligence píše divadelní hru, Noc vědců 2020 (video with slides)
  • Hidden in the Layers: Interpretation of Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing, ÚFAL Monday Seminar, 2020 (video with slides)
  • From Balustrades to Pierre Vinken: Looking for Syntax in Transformer Self-Attentions, BlackBoxNLP workshop, Florence, Italy (video with slides)
  • Cross-lingual Transfer of Dependency Parsers, ÚFAL Monday Seminar, 2017, Prague, Czechia (video and slides)
  • KLcpos3 - a Language Similarity Measure for Delexicalized Parser Transfer, ACL 2015, Beijing, China (video with slides)
  • Using a Collection of Many Treebanks for Exploring the Structure of Natural Language Sentences, ÚFAL Doctoral Students Workshop 2014, Prague, Czechia (video and slides)
  • DEPFIX: Automatic Post-editing of Phrase-based Machine Translation Outputs, ÚFAL Monday Seminar, 2013, Prague, Czechia (video and slides)
  • Error Correction of PB SMT Outputs with automatic post-editing shown on English to Czech translation, MTM 2013, Prague, Czechia (video)
  • Deepfix: Statistical Post-editing of Statistical Machine Translation Using Deep Syntactic Analysis, ACL SRW 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria (video with slides)

A YouTube playlist containing various THEaiTRE videos.

An automatic listing of my publications

For each publication, there is also a link to the paper in PDF, and also to presentation(s) and/or poster(s).

However, the names of the files are always something like batt1.pdf and I cannot change that as it gets generated automatically, so you have to try out the files to see which is which...

  1. Michal Chudoba, Rudolf Rosa (2024): GPT Czech Poet: Generation of Czech Poetic Strophes with Language Models (Electronic). In: Computing Research Repository, ISSN 2331-8422, arXiv:2407.12790 cs.CL, pp. 1-9 (url, local PDF)
  2. David Mareček, Marie Nováková, Klára Vosecká, Josef Doležal, Tomáš Musil, Rudolf Rosa (2024): Annotation and automated classification of dramatic situations. In: Computational Drama Analysis: Reflecting on Methods and Interpretations, pp. 107-122, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, ISBN 9783111071763 (url, bibtex)
  3. Rudolf Rosa (2024): Jak funguje jazykový model. In: Gymnasion, ISSN 1214-603X, vol. 18/1, no. 34, pp. 68-73 (bibtex)
  4. Tomáš Sourada, Jana Straková, Rudolf Rosa (2024): OOVs in the Spotlight: How to Inflect them?. In: Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pp. 12455-12466, European Language Resources Association, Torino, Italy, ISBN 978-2-493814-10-4 (pdf, bibtex)
  5. Alžběta Havlová, Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Studeník (2023): V umění je potřeba inovace. Umělá inteligence čerpá jen z toho, co už bylo, říká počítačový lingvista (Electronic). (url)
  6. Alžběta Havlová, Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Studeník (2023): Před pár lety byla umělá inteligence obskurní disciplínou. Dnes umí vygenerovat pohádku i divadelní hru (Electronic). (url)
  7. Alžběta Havlová, Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Studeník (2023): Je dobré se umělé inteligence bát, ale je nutné se bát správným způsobem, říká počítačový výzkumník (Electronic). (url)
  8. Alžběta Havlová, Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Studeník (2023): Lidé se často bojí umělé inteligence špatně, čekají, kdy roboti získají nadvládu a všechny nás pozabíjejí, říká výzkumník (Electronic). (url)
  9. Tomáš Musil, Klára Vosecká, Rudolf Rosa (2023): Performing AI-Generated Theater Plays. In: Choreomata: Performance and Performativity after AI, pp. 390-400, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, ISBN 9781032319919 (url, bibtex)
  10. Rudolf Rosa, Daniel Hrbek (2023): AI: WHEN A ROBOT WRITES A PLAY. In: Theatre About Science. Theory and Practice, pp. 197-205, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-26-2506-5 (url, bibtex)
  11. Victor Schetinger, Dafne Reis Pedroso da Silva, Sara Di Bartolomeo, Edirlei Soares de Lima, Christofer Meinecke, Rudolf Rosa (2023): Macunaíma, papagaio IA, resolve crimes em Praga: Rumo à visualização de padrões em narrativas de modelos de IA generativos. In: Revista GEMInIS, ISSN 2179-1465, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 21-37 (url, bibtex)
  12. Victor Schetinger, Sara Di Bartolomeo, Edirlei Soares de Lima, Christofer Meinecke, Rudolf Rosa (2023): n Walks in the Fictional Woods. In: Proceedings of alt.VIS 2023, pp. 1-8, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA (url, bibtex)
  13. Inguna Skadina, Andrejs Vasiljevs, Marcis Pinnis, Aivars Bērziņš, Nora Aranberri, Joachim van den Bogoaert, Sally O’Connor, Mercedes García-Martínez, Iakes Goenaga, Jan Hajič, Manuel Herranz, Christian Lieske, Martin Popel, Maja Popović, Sheila Castilho, Federico Gaspari, Rudolf Rosa, Riccardo Superbo, Andy Way (2023): Deep Dive Machine Translation. In: European Language Equality - A Strategic Agenda for Digital Language Equality, pp. 263-288, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-031-28819-7 (url, bibtex)
  14. Rishu Kumar, Rudolf Rosa (2022): TEAM UFAL @ CreativeSumm 2022: BART and SamSum based few-shot approach for creative Summarization. In: Proceedings of The Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Creative Writing, pp. 24-28, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  15. Petr Pohůdka, Rudolf Rosa (2022): Rudolf Rosa: Dokázali jsme, že doba, kdy AI zvládne napsat divadelní hru, je velmi blízko (Electronic). (url)
  16. Petr Pohůdka, Rudolf Rosa (2022): Rudolf Rosa: We have proved that AI is almost advanced enough to write a theater play (Electronic). (url)
  17. Rudolf Rosa (2022): 70/70: Rudolf Rosa (Electronic). In: (url)
  18. Rudolf Rosa, Patrícia Schmidtová, Ondřej Dušek, Tomáš Musil, David Mareček, Saad Obaid ul Islam, Marie Nováková, Klára Vosecká, Josef Doležal (2022): GPT-2-based Human-in-the-loop Theatre Play Script Generation. In: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Narrative Understanding, pp. 29-37, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-955917-85-8 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  19. Rudolf Rosa, Patrícia Schmidtová, Alisa Zakhtarenko, Ondřej Dušek, Tomáš Musil, David Mareček, Saad Obaid ul Islam, Marie Nováková, Klára Vosecká, Daniel Hrbek, David Košťák (2022): THEaiTRobot: An Interactive Tool for Generating Theatre Play Scripts. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Natural Language Generation: System Demonstrations, pp. 10-13, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-955917-60-5 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  20. Patrícia Schmidtová, Dávid Javorský, Christián Mikláš, Tomáš Musil, Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek (2022): DialogueScript: Using Dialogue Agents to Produce a Script (Electronic). In: Computing Research Repository, ISSN 2331-8422, 2206.08425, pp. 1-5 (url)
  21. Patrícia Schmidtová, Rudolf Rosa, David Košťák, Tomáš Studeník, Daniel Hrbek, Tomáš Musil, Josef Doležal, Ondřej Dušek, David Mareček, Klára Vosecká, Marie Nováková, Petr Žabka, Alisa Zakhtarenko, Dominik Jurko, Martina Kinská, Tom Kocmi, Ondřej Bojar (2022): THEaiTRE: Generating Theatre Play Scripts using Artificial Intelligence. In: , ISBN 978-80-88132-14-1 (url, bibtex)
  22. 1.0 THEaiTRobot, David Košťák, Daniel Hrbek, Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek (2022): Úryvek z divadelní hry AI: Když robot píše hru. In: Academix revue, ISSN 2788-094X, 4, pp. 46-49 (bibtex)
  23. 2.0 THEaiTRobot, Josef Doležal, Klára Vosecká, Tomáš Musil, David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa (2022): Permeation (technical report). In: (pdf, bibtex)
  24. Daniel Hrbek, 1.0 THEaiTRobot, Tomáš Studeník, David Košťák, Martina Kinská, Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, Tom Kocmi, David Mareček, Tomáš Musil, Patrícia Schmidtová, Dominik Jurko, Ondřej Bojar, Klára Vosecká, Josef Doležal, Marie Nováková, Petr Žabka (2021): AI: Když robot píše hru (online premiéra divadelní hry) (Electronic). (url)
  25. David Hrbek, Tomáš Studeník, Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, Daniel Hrbek, David Košťák, Jan Romportl (2021): Ta otázka, ta zvědavost, ta provokace. In: Taneční zóna, ISSN 1213-3450, vol. 25, no. 1/2021, pp. 12-25 (bibtex)
  26. Martina Kinská, David Košťák, Ondřej Dušek, Rudolf Rosa (2021): AI: Když robot píše hru (divadelní program). In: , ISBN 00-0000-000-0 (bibtex)
  27. Rudolf Rosa (2021): Technická zpráva o vývoji projektu THEaiTRE v roce 2020 (technical report). In: (pdf, local PDF, bibtex)
  28. Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Musil, Ondřej Dušek, Dominik Jurko, Patrícia Schmidtová, David Mareček, Ondřej Bojar, Tom Kocmi, Daniel Hrbek, David Košťák, Martina Kinská, Marie Nováková, Josef Doležal, Klára Vosecká, Tomáš Studeník, Petr Žabka (2021): When a Robot Writes a Play: Automatically Generating a Theatre Play Script. In: Proceedings of the ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 565-567, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA (url, local ZIP, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  29. Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Musil, Ondřej Dušek, Dominik Jurko, Patrícia Schmidtová, David Mareček, Ondřej Bojar, Tom Kocmi, Daniel Hrbek, David Košťák, Martina Kinská, Marie Nováková, Josef Doležal, Klára Vosecká, Tomáš Studeník, Petr Žabka (2021): THEaiTRE 1.0: Interactive Generation of Theatre Play Scripts. In: Proceedings of the Text2Story’21 Workshop, pp. 71-76, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany (pdf, local PDF, local ZIP, local PDF, bibtex)
  30. 1.0 THEaiTRobot, David Košťák, Daniel Hrbek, Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek (2021): AI: When a Robot Writes a Play (technical report). In: (pdf, local PDF, local ZIP, bibtex)
  31. Abhishek Agrawal, Rudolf Rosa (2020): Eyes on the Parse: Using Gaze Features in Syntactic Parsing. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Beyond Vision and LANguage: inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN), pp. 1-16, Association for Computational Linguistics, Barcelona, Spain, ISBN 978-1-952148-51-4 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  32. Veronika Dostálová, Rudolf Rosa, Daniel Hrbek, Tomáš Studeník (2020): Dočkáme se digitálního Shakespeara? AI jako autor divadelní hry. In: TA.DI, 11/2020, pp. 28-31 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  33. Ingrid Fadelli, Rudolf Rosa (2020): THEaiTRE: A theatre play written entirely by machines (Electronic). (url)
  34. Karolína Houžvičková Šolcová, Rudolf Rosa, Daniel Hrbek (2020): R.U.R. v dobách umělé inteligence: Divadelní hru k 100 letům Čapkova díla píše robot z Matfyzu (Electronic). (url)
  35. Karolína Houžvičková Šolcová, Rudolf Rosa, Daniel Hrbek (2020): Umělá inteligence píše divadelní hru (Electronic). (url)
  36. Jindřich Libovický, Rudolf Rosa, Alexander Fraser (2020): On the Language Neutrality of Pre-trained Multilingual Representations. In: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, pp. 1663-1674, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-952148-90-3 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  37. Tomasz Limisiewicz, Rudolf Rosa, David Mareček (2020): Universal Dependencies according to BERT: both more specific and more general. In: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, pp. 2710-2722, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-952148-90-3 (url, bibtex)
  38. David Lukeš, Rudolf Rosa (2020): V4PY: An Introduction to Python for Linguists (Electronic). (url)
  39. David Mareček, Jindřich Libovický, Tomáš Musil, Rudolf Rosa, Tomasz Limisiewicz (2020): Hidden in the Layers: Interpretation of Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing. In: , ISBN 978-80-88132-10-3 (url, bibtex)
  40. Ondřej Novotný, Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Studeník (2020): Scénář: Robot. Ve Švandově divadle píše hru k výročí R.U.R. umělá inteligence. In: Hospodářské noviny IHNED, ISSN 1213-7693, pp. 1-3 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  41. Rudolf Rosa (2020): THEaiTRE: Umělá inteligence píše divadelní hru. In: Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, ISSN 0035-9343, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 42-50 (pdf, bibtex)
  42. Rudolf Rosa (2020): Deliverable D7.2 Report on NLP Technologies Workshop at EUROSAI Congress (technical report). In: (bibtex)
  43. Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, Tom Kocmi, David Mareček, Tomáš Musil, Patrícia Schmidtová, Dominik Jurko, Ondřej Bojar, Daniel Hrbek, David Košťák, Martina Kinská, Josef Doležal, Klára Vosecká (2020): THEaiTRE: Artificial Intelligence to Write a Theatre Play. In: Proceedings of AI4Narratives — Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Narratives, pp. 9-13, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany (pdf, local ZIP, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  44. Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Musil, David Mareček (2020): Measuring Memorization Effect in Word-Level Neural Networks Probing. In: 23rd International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, pp. 180-188, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, ISBN 978-3-030-58322-4 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  45. Martin Uhlíř, Rudolf Rosa, Tomáš Musil, David Košťák (2020): Ze života robotů. In: Respekt, ISSN 1801-1446, 46/2020, pp. 52-55 (url, bibtex)
  46. Martin Vastl, Daniel Zeman, Rudolf Rosa (2020): Predicting Typological Features in WALS using Language Embeddings and Conditional Probabilities: ÚFAL Submission to the SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology, pp. 29-35, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-952148-73-6 (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  47. Jindřich Libovický, Rudolf Rosa, Alexander Fraser (2019): How Language-Neutral is Multilingual BERT? (Electronic). In: Computing Research Repository, ISSN 2331-8422, vol. arXiv:1911.03310 [cs.CL], no. arXiv:1911.03310 [cs.CL], pp. 1-6 (url, local PDF)
  48. David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa (2019): From Balustrades to Pierre Vinken: Looking for Syntax in Transformer Self-Attentions. In: The BlackboxNLP Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP at ACL 2019, pp. 263-275, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-950737-30-7 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  49. Rudolf Rosa, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2019): Attempting to separate inflection and derivation using vector space representations. In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Resources and Tools for Derivational Morphology (DeriMo 2019), pp. 61-70, ÚFAL MFF UK, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-80-88132-08-0 (url, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  50. Rudolf Rosa, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2019): Unsupervised Lemmatization as Embeddings-Based Word Clustering (Electronic). In: Computing Research Repository, ISSN 2331-8422, arXiv:1908.08528 [cs.CL], pp. 1-5 (url, local PDF)
  51. Jindřich Libovický, Rudolf Rosa, Jindřich Helcl, Martin Popel (2018): Solving Three Czech NLP Tasks End-to-End with Neural Models. In: Proceedings of the 18th conference ITAT 2018: Slovenskočeský NLP workshop (SloNLP 2018), pp. 138-143, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Košice, Slovakia, ISBN 978-1727267198 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  52. David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa (2018): Extracting Syntactic Trees from Transformer Encoder Self-Attentions. In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP, pp. 347-349, The Assotiation of Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-948087-71-1 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  53. Rudolf Rosa (2018): Discovering the structure of natural language sentences by semi-supervised methods (PhD thesis). In: (url, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  54. Rudolf Rosa, Petra Barančíková (2018): Slovakoczech NLP workshop (SloNLP 2018) (ProceedingsPart). In: Proceedings of the 18th conference ITAT 2018: Slovenskočeský NLP workshop (SloNLP 2018), pp. 125-143, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Košice, Slovakia, ISBN 978-1727267198 (url)
  55. Rudolf Rosa, David Mareček (2018): CUNI x-ling: Parsing under-resourced languages in CoNLL 2018 UD Shared Task. In: Proceedings of the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies, pp. 187-196, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-948087-82-7 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  56. David Mareček, Ondřej Bojar, Ondřej Hübsch, Rudolf Rosa, Dušan Variš (2017): CUNI Experiments for WMT17 Metrics Task. In: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation, Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pp. 604-611, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-945626-96-8 (url, bibtex)
  57. Rudolf Rosa (2017): MonoTrans: Statistical Machine Translation from Monolingual Data. In: Proceedings of the 17th conference ITAT 2017: Slovenskočeský NLP workshop (SloNLP 2017), pp. 201-208, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-1974274741 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  58. Rudolf Rosa, Petra Barančíková (2017): Slovakoczech NLP workshop (SloNLP 2017) (ProceedingsPart). In: Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Information Technologies - Applications and Theory (ITAT 2017), pp. 175-208, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-1974274741 (url)
  59. Rudolf Rosa, Daniel Zeman, David Mareček, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2017): Slavic Forest, Norwegian Wood. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial4), pp. 210-219, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-945626-43-2 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  60. Rudolf Rosa, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2017): Error Analysis of Cross-lingual Tagging and Parsing. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, pp. 106-118, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-80-88132-04-2 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  61. Antonio Jimeno Yepes, Aurelie Névéol, Mariana Neves, Karin Verspoor, Ondřej Bojar, Arthur Boyer, Cristian Grozea, Barry Haddow, Madeleine Kittner, Yvonne Lichtblau, Pavel Pecina, Roland Roller, Rudolf Rosa, Amy Siu, Philippe Thomas, Saskia Trescher (2017): Findings of the WMT 2017 Biomedical Translation Shared Task. In: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Machine Translation, Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pp. 234-247, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-945626-96-8 (pdf, bibtex)
  62. Martin Popel, Roman Sudarikov, Ondřej Bojar, Rudolf Rosa, Jan Hajič (2016): TectoMT – a deep-­linguistic core of the combined Chimera MT system. In: Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, ISSN 2255-8942, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 377-377 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  63. Rudolf Rosa (2016): Czechizator. In: Proceedings of the 16th ITAT: Slovenskočeský NLP workshop (SloNLP 2016), pp. 74-79, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-1537016740 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  64. Rudolf Rosa, Petra Barančíková (2016): Slovakoczech NLP workshop (SloNLP 2016) (ProceedingsPart). In: Proceedings of the 16th ITAT Conference Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pp. 35-89, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-1537016740 (url)
  65. Rudolf Rosa, Martin Popel, Ondřej Bojar, David Mareček, Ondřej Dušek (2016): Moses & Treex Hybrid MT Systems Bestiary. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Deep Machine Translation Workshop, pp. 1-10, ÚFAL MFF UK, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-80-88132-02-8 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  66. Rudolf Rosa, Roman Sudarikov, Michal Novák, Martin Popel, Ondřej Bojar (2016): Dictionary-based Domain Adaptation of MT Systems without Retraining. In: Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation (WMT). Volume 2: Shared Task Papers, pp. 449-455, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-945626-10-4 (pdf, bibtex)
  67. Petra Barančíková, Rudolf Rosa (2015): Targeted Paraphrasing on Deep Syntactic Layer for MT Evaluation. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2015), pp. 20-27, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-637-8965-6 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  68. Petra Barančíková, Rudolf Rosa (2015): Slovakoczech NLP workshop (SloNLP 2015) (ProceedingsPart). In: ITAT 2015: Information Technologies – Applications and Theory, Proceedings of the 15th conference ITAT 2015, pp. 65-105, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-1515120650 (url)
  69. Ondřej Dušek, Luís Gomes, Michal Novák, Martin Popel, Rudolf Rosa (2015): New Language Pairs in TectoMT. In: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Machine Translation, pp. 98-104, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-32-7 (pdf, local PDF, bibtex)
  70. Rudolf Rosa (2015): Multi-source Cross-lingual Delexicalized Parser Transfer: Prague or Stanford?. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2015), pp. 281-290, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-637-8965-6 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  71. Rudolf Rosa (2015): Parsing Natural Language Sentences by Semi-supervised Methods (Electronic). (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF)
  72. Rudolf Rosa (2015): A new parsing algorithm. In: UFAL WDS 2015 (Conference of PhD Students in Mathematical Linguistics), pp. 8-13, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czechia (local PDF, bibtex)
  73. Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, Michal Novák, Martin Popel (2015): Translation Model Interpolation for Domain Adaptation in TectoMT. In: Proceedings of the 1st Deep Machine Translation Workshop, pp. 89-96, ÚFAL MFF UK, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-80-904571-7-1 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  74. Rudolf Rosa, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2015): MSTParser Model Interpolation for Multi-source Delexicalized Transfer. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Parsing Technologies, pp. 71-75, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-98-3 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  75. Rudolf Rosa, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2015): KLcpos3 - a Language Similarity Measure for Delexicalized Parser Transfer. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers), pp. 243-249, Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-73-0 (url, local PDF, local PDF, local ZIP, local PDF, bibtex)
  76. Petra Barančíková, Rudolf Rosa, Aleš Tamchyna (2014): Improving Evaluation of English-Czech MT through Paraphrasing. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), pp. 596-601, European Language Resources Association, Reykjavík, Iceland, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4 (pdf, local PDF, bibtex)
  77. Ondřej Dušek, Jan Hajič, Jaroslava Hlaváčová, Michal Novák, Pavel Pecina, Rudolf Rosa, Aleš Tamchyna, Zdeňka Urešová, Daniel Zeman (2014): Machine Translation of Medical Texts in the Khresmoi Project. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp. 221-228, Association for Computational Linguistics, Baltimore, MD, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-17-4 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  78. Pavel Pecina, Ondřej Dušek, Lorraine Goeuriot, Jan Hajič, Jaroslava Hlaváčová, Gareth J.F. Jones, Liadh Kelly, Johannes Leveling, David Mareček, Michal Novák, Martin Popel, Rudolf Rosa, Aleš Tamchyna, Zdeňka Urešová (2014): Adaptation of machine translation for multilingual information retrieval in medical domain. In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, ISSN 0933-3657, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 165-185 (url, bibtex)
  79. Rudolf Rosa (2014): Depfix, a Tool for Automatic Rule-based Post-editing of SMT. In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, ISSN 0032-6585, 102, pp. 47-56 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  80. Rudolf Rosa (2014): Fairytale Child Chatbot. In: Proceedings of the 14th conference ITAT 2014, pp. 79-84, Institute of Computer Science AS CR, Praha, Czechia, ISBN 978-80-87136-18-8 (local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  81. Rudolf Rosa (2014): Depfix Manual (technical report). In: (local HTML, local PDF, bibtex)
  82. Rudolf Rosa, Jan Mašek, David Mareček, Martin Popel, Daniel Zeman, Zdeněk Žabokrtský (2014): HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2014), pp. 2334-2341, European Language Resources Association, Reykjavík, Iceland, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  83. Aleš Tamchyna, Martin Popel, Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Bojar (2014): CUNI in WMT14: Chimera Still Awaits Bellerophon. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp. 195-200, Association for Computational Linguistics, Baltimore, MD, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-17-4 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  84. Niraj Aswani, Thomas Beckers, Erich Birngruber, Célia Boyer, Andreas Burner, Jakub Bystroň, Khalid Choukri, Sarah Cruchet, Hamish Cunningham, Jan Dědek, Ljiljana Dolamic, René Donner, Ondřej Dušek, Sebastian Dungs, Ivan Eggel, Antonio Foncubierta, Norbert Fuhr, Adam Funk, Alba García Seco de Herrera, Arnaud Gaudinat, Georgi Georgiev, Julien Gobeill, Lorraine Goeuriot, Paz Gomez, Mark A. Greenwood, Manfred Gschwandtner, Allan Hanbury, Jan Hajič, Jaroslava Hlaváčová, Markus Holzer, Gareth J.F. Jones, Blanca Jordán, Matthias Jordan, Klemens Kaderk, Franz Kainberger, Liadh Kelly, Sascha Kriewel, Marlene Kritz, Georg Langs, Nolan Lawson, Johannes Leveling, David Mareček, Dimitrios Markonis, Iván Martínez, Vassil Momtchev, Alexandre Masselot, Hélène Mazo, Henning Müller, Michal Novák, Johann Petrak, João Palotti, Pavel Pecina, Konstantin Pentchev, Deyan Peychev, Natalia Pletneva, Martin Popel, Diana Pottecher, Angus Roberts, Rudolf Rosa, Patrick Ruch, Alexander Sachs, Matthias Samwald, Priscille Schneller, Veronika Stefanov, Aleš Tamchyna, Miguel Angel Tinte, Zdeňka Urešová, Alejandro Vargas, Dina Vishnyakova (2013): Khresmoi Professional: Multilingual Semantic Search for Medical Professionals. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Workshop on Health Search and Discovery: Helping Users and Advancing Medicine, pp. 31-34, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK (url, local PDF, bibtex)
  85. Ondřej Bojar, Rudolf Rosa, Aleš Tamchyna (2013): Chimera – Three Heads for English-to-Czech Translation. In: Proceedings of the Eight Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp. 92-98, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofija, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-1-937284-57-2 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  86. Rudolf Rosa (2013): Automatic post-editing of phrase-based machine translation outputs (masters thesis). In: (local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  87. Rudolf Rosa, David Mareček, Aleš Tamchyna (2013): Deepfix: Statistical Post-editing of Statistical Machine Translation Using Deep Syntactic Analysis. In: 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop, pp. 172-179, Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofija, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-1-937284-53-4 (url, local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  88. Aleš Tamchyna, Ondřej Dušek, Rudolf Rosa, Pavel Pecina (2013): MTMonkey: A Scalable Infrastructure for a Machine Translation Web Service. In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, ISSN 0032-6585, 100, pp. 31-40 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  89. Rudolf Rosa, Ondřej Dušek, David Mareček, Martin Popel (2012): Using Parallel Features in Parsing of Machine-Translated Sentences for Correction of Grammatical Errors. In: Proceedings of Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-6), ACL, pp. 39-48, Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju, Korea, ISBN 978-1-937284-38-1 (pdf, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  90. Rudolf Rosa, David Mareček (2012): Dependency Relations Labeller for Czech. In: Text, Speech and Dialogue: 15th International Conference, TSD 2012. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743, 7499, pp. 256-263, Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-32789-6 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  91. Rudolf Rosa, David Mareček, Ondřej Dušek (2012): DEPFIX: A System for Automatic Correction of Czech MT Outputs. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp. 362-368, Association for Computational Linguistics, Montréal, Canada, ISBN 978-1-937284-20-6 (pdf, local HTML, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  92. Ondřej Hálek, Rudolf Rosa, Aleš Tamchyna, Ondřej Bojar (2011): Named Entities from Wikipedia for Machine Translation. In: Information Technologies – Applications and Theory, pp. 23-30, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-89557-02-8 (local PDF, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)
  93. David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa, Petra Galuščáková, Ondřej Bojar (2011): Two-step translation with grammatical post-processing. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pp. 426-432, Association for Computational Linguistics, Edinburgh, UK, ISBN 978-1-937284-12-1 (url, local PDF, local PDF, bibtex)