The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics

PBML is a journal (published since 1964) with fast, fair and constructive peer review. It is recognized as a source of high quality research from the broad field of computational linguistics, both in its scientific and engineering side, including machine translation, corpus linguistics, morphology, syntax, semantics, etc. PBML is especially focused on original papers about dependency grammar and open source tools for machine translation.

Recent Issues

PBML was traditionally published in print edition twice a year (regularly in April and October). Starting from PBML 87 (2007), all articles are published electronically as well: you can download PDF files of either the entire issues or single contributions. Starting from PBML 89 (2008), all articles have assigned DOI identifiers. ISSN of the print version is 0032-6585 and of the online version 1804-0462. PBML 120 was the last printed version. PBML 122 will be the last issue: the journal will end by the end of 2024.


PBML invites submissions on original and unpublished research from the broad field of computational linguistics in any of its aspects. The language is restricted to English, German and French. In addition to peer-reviewed research papers, we welcome also book reviews, book notices and short notes. See Instructions for Authors for more details on contributing. Contributions and questions should be send to

Time Schedule of Nearest Issues

  submission deadline notification of acceptance publication
PBML 122 abstracts: July 24, 2024
full articles: August 1, 2024
September 31, 2024 October 2024

Notifications of acceptance/rejection might be sent earlier in case of submissions received significantly before the respective deadlines.

Editorial Board

Jan Hajič, Charles University, Czech Republic
Editorial Board Members
Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "Antonio Zampolli", (ILC-CNR), Italy
Walther von Hahn, Institut für Germanistik I , Germany
Jan Hajič, Charles University, Czech Republic
Eva Hajičová, Charles University, Czech Republic
Erhard Hinrichs, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Phillip Koehn, Johns Hopkins University, USA; University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Jaroslav Peregrin, Charles University, Czech Republic
Patrice Pognan, Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales, France
Alexandr Rosen, Charles University, Czech Republic
Hans Uszkoreit, Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, Germany
Technical Editors
Martin Popel, Ondřej Bojar
Editorial Assistant
Jana Hamrlová

Review Process

The submitted manuscripts are processed by a reviewing procedure, involving at least two independent, anonymous and conflict-of-interest-free reviewers for each submission. At least one of reviewers is a member of the international Editorial Board. The second reviewer is appointed by the Editorial Board depending on the topic of the submitted paper. Reviewers are instructed to give detailed comments on the paper, including an assessment of the paper's strengths and weaknesses, its degree of originality and novelty, and to indicate to which subgroup of the research community the results presented in the paper are interesting.

Editorial Process and Copyright

If a contribution of any type is accepted for publication, the technical editors (copyeditors) will work with the author(s) to bring the appearance of the article to the high standard used by the journal. Cooperation of the authors is essential for timely publication within the journal schedule. Copyeditors have the right to edit the submitted LaTeX source to make sure the appearance is according to the guidelines, but substantial changes to appearance will be consulted with the authors.

The copyright and the ownership of the contributions (long articles, short articles, book reviews, short book notices, special articles, etc.) remains with the authors, except that certain distribution and other rights are transferred to the publishers and the published articles are available under Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND). See the copyright release agreement (odt, doc) that the corresponding author has to sign in the name of all authors.


If you want to subscribe to PBML and receive the print edition, please contact us at