4. Attributes of nodes in a tectogrammatical tree

Table 11.1. Attributes of the technical root node of a tectogrammatical tree

Attribute Obligatory Value
atree.rf NO

Permissible values: PML reference.

This attribute links the tectogrammatical leayer with the analytical layer through a reference to an analytical tree. See Section 1, "Relation between the tectogrammatical level and the lower levels".

deepord NO

Permissible values: a non-negative whole number.

This attribute determines the position of a node in terms of horizontal ordering of the nodes within a tree. A root node is always assigned value 0 and unlike other nodes it bears no linguistically conditioned information.

id YES

Permissible values: identifier.

The value is represented by a unique tree identifier within PDT 2.0.

nodetype NO

Permissible values: constant: root.

This attribute is present at the root node of a tree only for the sake of the user�?s comfort. Its value is always root, which distinguishes the root node of a tectogrammatical tree from other nodes within the tree.

Table 11.2. Attributes of other nodes

Attribute Obligatory Value
a NO

The value is represented by a structure with attributeslex.rf, aux.rf.

This attribute links nodes of the tectogrammatical layer with items on lower layers. It does not contain any identifier, or it contains one or several identifiers of the analytical layer; these identifiers influence the attributes t_lemma, functor, subfunctor, val_frame.rf, or gram. This attribute consists of two parts: lex.rf and aux.rf. See Section 1, "Relation between the tectogrammatical level and the lower levels".

a/aux.rf NO

Permissible values: a list each element of which is a PML reference.

This attribute contains a list of references to nodes of the analytical layer. These nodes frequently carry grammatical words (i.e. prepositions, subordinating conjuctions, auxiliary verbs, deictic words etc.) and together with the node referred to in the attribute a/lex.rf they constitute one autosemantic expression. A value that can possibly appear in the attribute a/lex.rf is not recorded in the list a/aux.rf. See Section 1, "Relation between the tectogrammatical level and the lower levels".

a/lex.rf NO

Permissible values: PML reference.

This attribute refers to a node on the analytical layer. It is usually the node from which the particular tectogrammatical tree acquired its lexical meaning. See Section 1, "Relation between the tectogrammatical level and the lower levels".

compl.rf NO

Permissible values: PML reference.

This attribute is used to record second dependency of predicative complements. It occurs only by the nodes with functor COMPL. It contains an identifier of the node of a tectogrammatical tree which the particular node also depends on (apart from the dependency expressed by an edge). See Section 10, "Predicative complement (dual dependency)".

coref_gram.rf NO

Permissible values: a list each element of which is a PML reference.

This attribute is used to record grammatical coreference. It contains the identifier of the node of (usually the same) tectogrammatical tree that the particular node grammatically corefers to. See Section 1, "Representing coreference in the tectogrammatical trees".

coref_special NO

Permissible values: segm , exoph, .

This attribute is used to mark special types of textual coreference in which the coreferred element is not represented by a node or a subtree of a tectogrammatical tree. The value segm indicates that the coreferred element is a segment, a larger section of a text. The value exoph indicates exophoric reference, i.e. coreference in which the coreferred element is represented by a extratextual situation which is not closer specified. See Section 1, "Representing coreference in the tectogrammatical trees".

coref_text.rf NO

Permissible values: a list each element of which is a PML reference.

The attribute is used to record textual coreference. It contains the identifier of the node of a tectogrammatical tree which represents the explicit coreferred element of the particular node. See Section 1, "Representing coreference in the tectogrammatical trees".

deepord YES

Permissible values: a non-negative whole number.

This attribute numbers nodes in a tectogrammatical tree and it provides them with non-negative whole numbers in the sequence which reflects the deep structure word order. In the sequence given by the attributedeepord nodes of a tree are recorded in graphic applications (from left to right in the direction of increasing values of the attribute deepord). See Section 3, "Communicative dynamism".

functor YES


The value is represented by a functor of the node. See Chapter 7, Functors and subfunctors.

gram NO

The value is represented by a structure with attributes sempos, gender, number, degcmp, verbmod, deontmod, tense, aspect, resultative, dispmod, iterativeness, indeftype, person, numertype, politeness, negation.

This structure occurs only with complex nodes, i.e. nodes that have the attribute value nodetype complex. SeeChapter 5, Complex nodes and grammatemes.

gram/aspect NO

Permissible values: proc, cpl, nr, .

Gender grammateme - see Section 5.12, "The aspect grammateme"

gram/degcmp NO

Permissible values: pos, comp, acomp, sup, nr, .

Grade grammateme - see Section 5.8, "The degcmp grammateme (degree)".

gram/deontmod NO

Permissible values: deb, hrt, vol, poss, perm, fac, decl, nr, .

Deontic modality grammateme - see Section 5.10, "The deontmod grammateme (deontic modality)"

gram/dispmod NO

Permissible values: disp1, disp0, nr, nil, .

Dispositional modality grammateme - see Section 5.11, "The dispmod grammateme (dispositional modality)"

gram/gender NO

Permissible values: anim, inan, fem, neut, inher, nr, .

Gender grammateme - see Section 5.2, "The gender grammateme".

gram/indeftype NO

Permissible values: relat, indef1, indef2, indef3, indef4, indef5, indef6, inter, negat, total1, total2, nr, .

The type of indefiniteness grammateme- see Section 5.6, "The indeftype grammateme".

gram/iterativeness NO

Permissible values: it1, it0, nr, .

Iterativeness grammateme - see Section 5.15, "The iterativeness grammateme"

gram/negation NO

Permissible values: neg0, neg1, nr, .

Negation grammateme - see Section 5.7, "The negation grammateme".

gram/number NO

Permissible values: sg, pl, inher, nr, .

Number grammateme - see Section 5.1, "The number grammateme".

gram/numertype NO

Permissible values: basic, set, kind, ord, frac, nr, .

The type of a numeral grammateme - see Section 5.5, "The numertype grammateme".

gram/person NO

Permissible values: 1, 2, 3, inher, nr, .

Person grammateme - see Section 5.3, "The person grammateme".

gram/politeness NO

Permissible values: polite, basic, inher, nr, .

Politeness - see Section 5.4, "The politeness grammateme".

gram/resultative NO

Permissible values: res1, res0, nr, .

Resultativeness grammateme - see Section 5.14, "The resultative grammateme (resultative aspect)"

gram/sempos YES

Permissible values: n.denot, n.denot.neg, n.pron.def.demon, n.pron.def.pers, n.pron.indef, n.quant.def, adj.denot, adj.pron.def.demon, adj.pron.indef, adj.quant.def, adj.quant.indef, adj.quant.grad, adv.denot.grad.nneg, adv.denot.ngrad.nneg, adv.denot.grad.neg, adv.denot.ngrad.neg, adv.pron.def, adv.pron.indef, v, .

The attribute sempos carries the information on the subgroup of which semantic part of speech a complex node belongs to. See Section 3.1, "The sempos attribute".

gram/tense NO

Permissible values: sim, ant, post, nr, nil, .

Tense grammateme - see Section 5.13, "The tense grammateme"

gram/verbmod NO

Permissible values: ind, imp, cdn, nr, nil, .

Verbal modality grammateme - see Section 5.9, "The verbmod grammateme (verbal modality)"

id YES

Permisisble values: identifier.

The value is represented by a unique identifier of a node within PDT 2.0.

is_dsp_root NO

Permissible values: 0, 1, .

The value 1 occurs with the nodes which represent a root node of a subtree that records a direct speech (even in the case in which the direct speech is not marked in graphics within the text). If no value is filled, the value0is assumed. See Section 3, "Direct speech".

is_generated NO

Permissible values: 0, 1, .

The value 1 indicates newly established or copied nodes. If no value is filled, the value 0 is assumed. See Section 12, "Ellipsis".

is_member NO

Permissible values: 0, 1, .

The attribute is meaningful only for direct daughter nodes of paratactic structures (nodetype=coap). No attribute value is filled for other nodes. The attribute is assigned value 1 by direct daughter nodes of the paratactic structure root nodes which represent direct elements of the paratactic structure. Nodes (except for nodes with functor CM and RHEM) which are direct daughter nodes of paratactic structure root nodes and which have no is_member=1, represent a shared modifier of terminal elements of the particular paratactic structure. Nodes with functor CM (Section 12.4, "Functor for conjunction modifiers (CM)") have no attribute value is_member filled and they are considered a part of a coordinating connective. Nodes with functor RHEM (Section 7.5, "RHEM") are recorded according to special rules of hanging nodes(Section 6.2, "Basic guidelines regarding the position of rhematizers in tectogrammatical trees") and the description stated ablove does not apply to them. If no attribute value is filled, the value0 is assumed. See Section 6.1, "Representing parataxis in a tectogrammatical tree".

is_name_of_person NO

Permissible values: 0, 1, .

This attribute is used to indicate proper names of persons. The value 1 indicates that the node represents a part of a person�?s name. If no attribute value is filled, the value 0 is assumed. SeeSection 8.2, "Proper nouns and titles".

is_parenthesis NO

Permissible values: 0, 1, .

The value 1 indicates nodes which represent expressions that are part of parenthesis. If no attribute value is filled, the value 0 is assumed. See Section 7, "Parenthesis".

is_state NO

Permissible values: 0, 1, .

The value1 indicates nodes which represent (usually verbal) modifications with the meaning of a state. If no attribute value is filled, the value 0 is assumed. See Section 13.2, "Attribute with the meaning of "state"".

nodetype YES

Permissible values: atom, coap, complex, dphr, fphr, list, qcomplex, .

The attribute value nodetype indicates a type of a node.

atomic node
paratactic structure root node
complex node
dependent part of an idiomatic expression
a part of a foreign-language expression
root node of a list structure
quasicomplex node

See Chapter 3, Node types.

quot NO

Permissible values: a list each element of which is a structure with attributes type and set_id.

The attribute signals nodes which represent parts of a text which appear"within quoation marks". Each part of a text within quoation marks is assigned a unique identifier which is further used in the following way: A set of nodes which represent a part of a text within quotation marks is marked by its each element having an element with set_id (corresponding to the identifier of the part within quotation marks) among the values of attribute quot. Therefore one node can belong to no, to one or to more sets which are marked in this way (embedded quotation marks). See Section 19.1, "Text within quotation marks".

quot/set_id YES

Permissible values: arbitrary string.

A string attribute value is used to identify a set of nodes which represent a part of a text within qoatation marks.

quot/type YES

Permissible values: citation, dsp, meta, other, title, .

The attribute determines the type of use of quotation marks. The type dsp indicates a direct speech (formally independent citations), citation indicates a formally dependent citation, meta indicates meta-use, title indicates a proper name and other indicates another type of use of quotation marks.

sentmod NO

Permissible values: enunc, excl, desid, imper, inter, .

Sentence modality grammateme - see Section 7, "The sentmod attribute".

subfunctor NO

Permissible values: above, abstr, across, after, agst, along, approx, around, basic, before, begin, behind, below, betw, circ, elsew, end, ext, flow, front, incl, in, less, mid, more, near, opp, target, than, to, wout, wrt, nr, .

The value is represented by the so-called subfunctor which closer specifies the meaning of the assigned functor. See Section 13.1, "Subfunctors".

t_lemma YES

Permissible values: arbitrary string.

The value is represented by a t-lemma. See Chapter 4, Tectogrammatical lemma (t-lemma).

tfa NO

Permissible values: t, f, c, .

The attribute contains the annotation of context dependency. The value t occurs by the nodes which represent context (non-contrastively) dependent expressions; the valuec occurs by the nodes which represent context (contrastively) dependent expressions and the value f occurs by the nodes which represent a context independent expression. If no attribute value is filled, the node does not have any of the qualities described above (typically nodes the attribute value of which is nodetype directly coap and fphr).See Section 2, "Contextual boundness".

val_frame.rf NO

Permissible values: PML reference (the attribute allows alternatives).

The attribute is used to refer to the valency lexicon. The value is represented by the identifier of a valency frame which is realized by the particular node (and its subtree). See Section 2.2, "Valency frames and the way they are recorded in the valency lexicon".