5.10. The deontmod grammateme (deontic modality)

The basic values of the deontmod grammateme are represented in Table 5.11, "Values of the deontmod grammateme".

Table 5.11. Values of the deontmod grammateme


the event is understood as "necessary"


the event is understood as "obligatory (an obligation)"


the event is understood as "wanted/intended"


the event is understood as "possible"


the event is understood as "permitted"


the event is understood as "an ability (to do sth)"


basic (unmarked) modality

The grammateme is used to express the fact that the event is understood as necessary, possible, permitted etc. It is relevant for:

The value of the grammateme follows from the used modal verb. Examples:

Musíme zaplatit fakturu včas. [deontmod=deb] (=We must/have to settle the invoice in time)

Chtěl na sebe upozornit. [deontmod=vol] (=He wanted to turn the attention to himself)

Petr ti měl podklady poslat už včera. [deontmod=hrt] (=Petr was supposed to send you the documents already yesterday)

Můžete odejít. [deontmod=poss] (=You can go)

Nesmíš kouřit. [deontmod=perm] (=You are not allowed to smoke)

Přišel na schůze včas. [deontmod=decl] (=He came to the meetings in time)

For more details, see Section 6.4.2, "Values of the deontic modality grammateme".