The basic values of the verbmod
grammateme are represented in Table 5.10, "Values of the verbmod
The verbmod
grammateme is a tectogrammatical correlate of the morphological category of (verbal) mood. It is relevant for:
semantic verbs (sempos
; see Section 6.4, "Semantic verbs").
The values of the grammateme usually correspond to the value of the morphological category of mood. Example:
Přišli včas? [verbmod
] (=Did they come in time?)
Přijďte na schůzi včas! [verbmod
] (=Come to the meeting in time!)
My bychom přišli určitě včas. [verbmod
] (=We would definitely come in time)
For more details, see Section 6.4.1, "Values of the verbal modality grammateme".