The basic values of the numertype
grammateme are presented in Table 5.6, "Values of the numertype
Table 5.6. Values of the numertype
basic |
cardinal numeral (tři (=three), šest, kolik (=six, how_many)) |
frac |
fraction numeral (třetina (=one_third), šestina (=one_sixth)) |
kind |
sort numeral (trojí (=three_kinds_of), šesterý (=six_kinds_of), kolikerý (=how_many_kinds_of)) |
ord |
ordinal numeral (třetí (=the_third), šestý (=the_sixth), kolikátý (=how_many.ord)) |
set |
set numeral (troje (=three_sets_of), šestery, kolikery (=six_sets_of, how_many_sets_of)) |
The grammateme is relevant for:
definite quantificational semantic nouns (sempos
= n.quant.def
; see Section 6.1.5, "Definite quantificational semantic nouns"),
definite quantificational semantic adjectives (sempos
= adj.quant.def
; see Section 6.2.4, "Definite quantificational semantic adjectives"),
indefinite quantificational semantic adjectives (sempos
= adj.quant.indef
; see Section 6.2.5, "Indefinite quantificational semantic adjectives"),
gradable quantificational semantic adjectives (sempos
= adj.quant.grad
; see Section 6.2.6, "Gradable quantificational semantic adjectives"),
Nominal and adjectival numerals (fraction, set, sort and ordinal numerals) are all taken to be derived from the corresponding cardinal numerals (see Section 1.2, "Types of lexical derivation", Section 1.3, "Mixed type"). The value of the numertype
grammateme expresses the semantic feature in which the given numeral is distinct from the corresponding cardinal numeral (by the t-lemma of which it si represented at the tectogrammatical level).
Examples of definite quantificational semantic nouns:
Přišli jen tři. [numertype
] (=lit. Came only three)
Snědl jen polovinu koláče. [numertype
] (=He only ate half of the cake)
For more details, see Section 6.1.5, "Definite quantificational semantic nouns".
Examples of definite quantificational semantic adjectives:
Našel tři klíče. [numertype
] (=He found three keys)
Prošel už troje dveře. [numertype
] (=He has gone through three doors already)
Ztratil už troje klíče. [numertype
] (=He has lost three bunches/sets of keys already)
Má dvojí tvář. [numertype
] (=He is two-faced; he has got two faces)
Čekal na druhý pokus. [numertype
] (=He waited for the second try)
For more details, see Section 6.2.4, "Definite quantificational semantic adjectives".
Examples of indefinite quantificational semantic adjectives:
Zeptej se, kolik akcií koupil. [numertype
] (=Ask him how many shares he bought)
Kolikery dveře potřebuje? [numertype
] (=How many doors does he need?)
Kolikery klíče potřebuje? [numertype
] (=How many bunches/sets of keys does he need?)
Kolikeré má občanství? [numertype
] (=How many citizenships does he have?)
Kolikátý příklad řeší? [numertype
] (=Which (lit. how_many.ord) example is he solving?)
For more details, see Section 6.2.5, "Indefinite quantificational semantic adjectives".
Examples of gradable quantificational semantic adjectives:
Má hodně problémů. [numertype
] (=He's got lots of problems)
For more details, see Section 6.2.6, "Gradable quantificational semantic adjectives".