The basic values of the negation
grammateme are represented in Table 5.8, "Values of the negation
The grammateme is relevant for:
certain denominating semantic nouns (sempos
= n.denot.neg
; see Section, "Denominating semantic nouns with which the negation is represented separately"),
denominating semantic adjectives (sempos
= adj.denot
; see Section 6.2.1, "Denominating semantic adjectives"),
gradable denominating semantic adverbs that can be negated (sempos
= adv.denot.grad.neg
; see Section 6.3.4, "Gradable denominating semantic adverbs that can be negated"),
non-gradable denominating semantic adverbs that can be negated (sempos
= adv.denot.ngrad.neg
; see Section 6.3.2, "Non-gradable denominating semantic adverbs that can be negated").
The negation
grammateme is used to express whether a given semantic noun / adjective / adverb occured in its negated or non-negated form in the surface structure of the sentence. Both forms are represented by a non-negated t-lemma at the tectogrammatical level. A node representing a positive (non-negated) item has the neg0
value in its negation grammateme; a node for a negative item is specified as neg1
hlasování o státním rozpočtu [negation
] (=lit. voting about state budget)
otázka bytí [negation
] a nebytí [negation
] vysokých škol (=lit. question (of) being and non-being (of) universities)
nezralost dítěte [negation
] (=lit. immaturity (of) child)
nepěkný zážitek [negation
]] (=lit. not_nice experience)
nepříliš vydařený výlet [negation
] (=lit. not_very successful trip)