Contextual boundness is a property of an expression (be it expressed or absent in the surface structure of the sentence) which determines whether the speaker (author) uses the expression as given (for the recipient), i.e. uniquely determined by the context.
The contextual boundness of individual expressions is contained in the attribute tfa
(topic-focus articulation). Every node (relevant for the topic-focus articulation of the sentence) is assigned one of three possible values of the attribute tfa
. Values of the attribute tfa
are described in Table 10.1, "Values of the attribute tfa
Table 10.1. Values of the attribute tfa
c |
the node represents a contrastive contextually bound expression |
f |
the node represents a contextually non-bound expression |
t |
the node represents a non-contrastive contextually bound expression |
A clue for the assignment of values of contextual boundness is the relation of an expression (represented by a node) to the context (see Section 2.1, "Context"), its function in the topic-focus articulation of the sentence and the means of expressing the function in Czech sentences, e.g. the meaning of the expression, word order, and in particular sentential intonation (see Section 1, "Signalling TFA"). The actual decision about the contextual boundness of an expression is left to the language awareness of the annotator.
The attribute tfa
is not filled at:
technical root node of the tectogrammatical tree ( nodetype
= root
paratactic structure root nodes ( nodetype
= coap
; see also Section 4.3.2, "Topic-focus articulation of paratactic structures").
nodes with the functor CM
Nodes with the functor CM
constitute a specific constituent of paratactic connectives (see Section 16.1, "Co-ordinating connectives"). Similarly to paratactic structure root nodes, they are irrelevant for the topic-focus articulation.
nodes with the functor FPHR
The functor FPHR
) marks nodes constituting foreign-language expressions. Foreign-language expressions are represented as a list structure, with a newly established root node with the t-lemma substitute #Forn
(see Section 9, "Foreign-language expressions"). The tfa
value is assigned to the foreign-language expression as a whole, it is filled for the root node of the list structure.