In the processing of text within quotation marks and apostrophes functioning as quotation marks (subsequently only "text within quotation marks") two types of information are added to the tectogrammatical trees:
range of quotation marks
= which part of the tectogrammatical tree (which nodes) represents the expressions contained at surface level within the quotation marks.
types of uses of quotation marks
= which function of the quotation marks applies (for example: direct speech, title, citation).
Both types of information are embedded in the attribute quot
, created by a list, each element of which is a structure with the attributes quot/type
and quot/set_id
. For each text within quotation marks of which the expression represented by a node is a component (the expression can be a component of further texts within quotation marks), there is one element in the list that corresponds to the attribute quot
for this node.
Range of quotation marks. For each text in quotation marks a unique identifier is selected. For all nodes representing expressions in the relevant text within quotation marks this unique identifier is recorded in the attribute quot/set_id
. One node can be a member of one or more sets of such marked nodes (embedded quotation marks), or of none. See also Table 8.3, "Values of the attribute quot/set_id
Table 8.3. Values of the attribute quot/set_id
arbitrary sequence |
identifier unambiguously marking a set of nodes representing part of a text in quotation marks |
The annotation of the range of the quotation marks takes the following facts into consideration:
the ranges of the quotation marks may be embedded.
the range of the quotation marks may extend beyond the sentence boundary.
the range of the quotation marks does not necessarily correspond to a connected part of the sentence (i.e. one range does not necessarily correspond to one pair of quotation marks).
nodes within the range of the quotation marks may have direct daughter nodes which are not within the range.
the range of the quotation marks does not even necessarily correspond to a single connected sub-tree within a single tectogrammatical tree.
several texts in quotation marks can occur together in a short section of text and each may be made up of several sub-trees; the decision as to which parts belong to the same range of quotation marks cannot rely on the sequence of nodes in the trees alone, because this is subject to changes resulting from the annotation of the functional sentence perspective.
Types of quotation mark usage. Information on the type of quotation mark usage is given in the attribute quot/type
. Each node representing an expression which is a component of a text in quotation marks has, in addition to the attribute quot/set_id
, which groups together a set of nodes representing one text in quotation marks, one of the possible values entered in the attribute quot/type
(possible values of the attribute quot/type
see Table 8.4, "Values of the attribute quot/type
"). The type of quotation mark usage is set for the entire text in quotation marks. The rule is, therefore, that nodes with the same identifier in the attribute quot/set_id
also have the same value in the attribute quot/type
Table 8.4. Values of the attribute quot/type
citation |
the node represents an expression which is a component of the citation identified by quotation marks |
dsp |
the node represents an expression which is a component of the direct speech identified by quotation marks |
meta |
the node represents an expression which is a component of the metalinguistically employed expression identified by quotation marks |
title |
the node represents an expression which is a component of a proper noun identified by quotation marks |
other |
the node represents an expression which is a component of text in quotation marks and the quotation marks here have none of the above-mentioned functions. |
The respective types of usage are further described in the individual sections.
!!! Currently, the attribute quot/type
distinguishes four types of quotation mark usage. In all other types of usage (irony, metaphor etc.) in this phase of the annotation the value other
is assigned.
If the quotation marks denote part of a text quoted from a spoken or written speech, or reproducing someone's thoughts, the nodes representing the respective expressions of this text in quotation marks contain in the attribute quot/type
the value dsp
or citation
. The rule here is that:
the value dsp
is entered at nodes representing expressions from such a text in quotation marks that denotes a complete utterance as direct speech (on demarcation of direct speech, see Section 3, "Direct speech"). Cf.:
"Vybrali si," komentoval ministr jejich počínaní, "to správné místo." (="They have chosen," commented the minister regarding their action, "the correct place.")
Quotation marks mark direct speech. All nodes representing expressions from this text in quotation marks will have the same identifier in the attribute quot/set_id
and in the attribute quot/type
they will have the value dsp
Further examples:
"Máme několik set členů." [for every node the following applies: quot/type
] (="We have several hundred members.")
Martina Hingisová: " Hráčky mě akceptovaly." [quot/type
] (=Martina Hingisová: "The players accepted me.")
Prý se zabarikádovali za formulí "Žádné zvýšení platů bez snížení nákladů" a nepředkládají žádné konkrétní návrhy. [ quot/type
] (=Apparently they have barricaded themselves behind the formula "No increase in pay without a reduction in costs" and they are not making any concrete proposals.)
"Jsem zklamaný z toho, že jsme prohráli," byla první slova F.Musila. [quot/type
] (="I am disappointed that we have lost," were the first words of F. Musil.)
Na otázku reprezentativního nezávislého průzkumu v rámci Media projektu, "kterou televizi jste včera sledovali," uvedlo asi 68% televizi Nova. [quot/type
] (=To the question in a representative independent survey under the auspices of the Media project "What television channel did you watch yesterday?" about 68% mentioned Nova.)
Vhodnost těch nemalých investic obhajuje slovy: " Velká část budov je ve velmi zanedbaném stavu." [quot/type
] (=He/She defends the appropriateness of these considerable investments with the words: "Many of the buildings are in a very neglected state.")
Povídka Opatrně jakoby připomínala Carverovu radu žáku Mc Inerymu: " Zkuste psát o tom, co ještě prožít. [quot/type
] (="The story Carefully seemed reminiscent of Carver's advice to his pupil McInery: "Try to write about what is still to be experienced.")
Uslyšel povzdech prodavače: " Není nad starou mechaniku." [quot/type
] (=He heard the salesman sigh: "You can't beat the old machinery."
On rules for representing direct speech (not only when signalled graphically) see Section 3, "Direct speech".
the value citation
is entered at the nodes representing the quotation (citation). By quotation is meant text within quotation marks denoting a quoted utterance which is formally linked to a construction. The quoted utterance is not complete; usually only a part of the utterance is quoted, possibly only one word. Cf.:
Tisk citoval prezidentku ústavu, podle níž "je dnes nutné uvažovato změně." (=The press quoted the president of the institute; according to her "it is necessary to consider a change today.")
Quotation marks denote an (incomplete) quotation which is formally incorporated in a clause. All nodes representing expressions from this text within quotation marks will have the same identifier in the attribute quot/set_id
and in the attribute quot/type
they will have the value citation
Further examples:
Dodal, že SRN se nechce s Japonskem "tlačit", nýbrž "podporovat". [for every node the following applies: quot/type
] (=He added that the FRG did not want to "pressurise" Japan but to "be supportive")
Řekl, že "to není nutné." [quot/type
] (="He said "it isn't necessary.")
No special rules have been established for the annotation of formally incorporated quotations.
Borderline cases between direct speech and quotation. Selection of the value dsp
or citation
is particularly problematic in cases of texts within quotation marks where direct speech, formally not incorporated, is only partially within quotation marks:
the governing constituent of the direct speech (usually a verb) is within quotation marks, but some expressions which are part of the direct speech are not within the range of the quotation marks.
In such cases the value dsp
is entered in the attribute quot/type
at all nodes representing expressions which are within the range of the quotation marks.
Při sporu o odvolání "nedošlo ke kompromisu", uvedl Vrabec. [quot/type
] (=In the dispute over an appeal "no compromise was reached", stated Vrabec.)
the governing constituent of the direct speech (usually a verb) is not within the range of the quotation marks. Some lower embedded expressions which are components of direct speech (formally not incorporated) are within the range of the quotation marks.
In such cases the value citation
is entered in the attribute quot/type
at all nodes representing expressions within the range of the quotation marks.
Opel pracuje "s velkým nasazením", řekl mluvčí. [quot/type
] (=Opel works "at a high level of output", said a spokesman.)
Tato fáze přesáhne datum "stanovený jako den odchodu z ČSOB" , uvádí se tam. [quot/type
] (=This phase goes beyond the date "set as the day of leaving ČSOB (Czechoslovak Commercial Bank)", it says there.)
direct speech is not marked by any graphic means.
in such cases the attribute quot/type
is not entered at any node.
Hráčky mě akceptovaly, prohlásila Hingisová. (=The players accepted me, declared Hingisová.)
Borderline cases between direct speech and meta-usage. On borderline cases of direct speech and meta-usage (not only graphically marked) see Section 3.3, "Borderline cases between direct speech and meta-usage".
If quotation marks denote an expression used metalinguistically (on demarcation see Section 8.3, "Expressions used metalinguistically") the value meta
is entered in the attribute quot/type
at the nodes representing individual expressions from this text within quotation marks. Cf.:
Za výchozí význam považuje "hák, hákovitý předmět". (=The original meaning is considered to be "a hook, a hook-shaped object".)
Quotation marks mark meta-usage. All nodes representing expressions from this text within quotation marks will have the same identifier in the attribute quot/set_id
and in the attribute quot/type
they will have the value meta
Further examples:
cedule s nápisem "Romy neobsluhujeme" [the following applies to every node: quot/type
] (=a notice with the inscription "we do not serve Romanies")
Germanismus klika se užívá ve významu "štěstí" [quot/type
] a znamená také " držadlo k otvírání dveří". [ quot/type
] (=The Germanism klika is used in the sense of "luck" and it also means "door handle")
Potetovaná kůže znamená "Já jsem tady kápo". [quot/type
] (=Showing a tattoo means "I am top dog here")
Billboard s nápisem "Vpřed" [quot/type
] (=A hoarding with the inscription "Forwards")
Jazýček vah se brzy ustálil na starých hodnotách označených "nezájem" [quot/type
] a " přehlížení". [quot/type
] (=The indicator on the scales soon came to rest on the old values designated as "no interest" and "lack of concern".)
Hráčky se omezí na "ahoj". [quot/type
] (=The players restrict themselves to a "hello")
Slovo "šebah" [quot/type
] znamená původně " sedm". [quot/type
] (=The original meaning of the word "shebah" is "seven")
Vyznání "miluji tě" [quot/type
] i slovo " odchod" [quot/type
] lidé zprofanovali. (=People have corrupted the declaration "I love you" and the word "departure".)
s významem "tleskat" [quot/type
] (=meaning "to clap".)
Výrobky obsahující freony budou podle zákona zřetelně opatřeny textem "Výrobek obsahuje látky ničící ozónovou vrstvu Země." [quot/type
] (=Products containing CFC gases will by law carry a clear warning "Product contains matter damaging to the Earth's ozone layer.")
V přídavném jménu "český" [quot/type
] se vyskytují dvě písmena mající dominantní význam, a to " č" [quot/type
] a " s". [quot/type
] (=In the adjective "český" there are two dominant letters, i.e. "č" and "s".)
"Hvězdné nebe nade mnou a mravní zákon ve mně" stojí rusky a německy na desce. [quot/type
] (="The starry sky above me and the moral law within me" it says in Russian and German on the record.")
For the annotation rules applying to the structure of the meta-usage of a word or an entire expresssion (not only graphically marked) see Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions".
Borderline cases between meta-usage and title. Meta-usage and titles (the values title
and meta
) are very similar to one another and in some cases, in the meaning of identification, they overlap. Speaking of words, inscriptions, slogans etc. as such, the actual utterance of a word or inscription can be understood as a title.
heslo "stůj" (=the keyword "stop")
stůj (=stop) = keyword. In this case we select in the attribute quot/type
the value title
Slovo "stůj" se píše s kroužkem. (=The word "stůj" is written with a little circle.)
stůj = word. In this case, however, we select in the attribute quot/type
the value meta
. This is not a use of the word in its common meaning but a reference to its graphic form.
The value meta
is entered in the attribute quot/type
only in clear-cut cases where the meta-usage is clearly indicated by an introductory noun or verb. If the introductory word does not signal meta-usage, a different value is entered in the attribute quot/type
. Cf.:
Nástup obou celků byl avizován transparentem "Vítejte v pekle". (=The approach of both units was announced by the banner "Welcome to hell".)
The noun transparent (=banner) does not signal meta-usage. In the attribute quot/type
the value title
will be entered at all nodes representing individual expressions which are within the range of the quotation marks.
transparent s nápisem "Hnusný Slovan" (=a banner with the inscription "Loathsome Slav")
The noun nápis (=inscription) is considered a noun introducing meta-usage. In the attribute quot/type
the value meta
will be entered at all nodes representing individual expressions which are within the range of the quotation marks.
The difference between meta-usage and title is not evident in the annotation of the structure of the tectogrammatical tree. The same rules apply to the annotation of both titles and meta-usage, as shown in Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions".
Borderline cases between meta-usage and direct speech. On borderline cases (not only graphically marked) between direct speech and meta-usage see Section 3.3, "Borderline cases between direct speech and meta-usage".
NB! The difference between direct speech and meta-usage is also evident in the annotation of the structure of the tectogrammatical tree. For the annotation of direct speech the rules shown in Section 3, "Direct speech" apply; for the annotation of meta-usage the rules shown in Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions" apply.
If the quotation marks mark a proper name or title (on demarcation, see Section 8.2, "Proper nouns and titles") the value title
is entered in the attribute quot/type
at the nodes representing the individual expressions in this text within quotation marks. Cf.:
"Husova cesta do Kostnice" je název akce, kterou pořádá Praha1. (="Hus's journey to Constance" is the title of an event arranged by Prague 1.)
Quotation marks mark a title. All nodes representing expressions from this text within quotation marks will have the same identifier in the attribute quot/set_id
and in the attribute quot/type
they will have the value title
Further examples:
Lépe než "Otvíráme" [quot/type
] měl pan ředitel svůj text nazvat " otevřená dlaň". [quot/type
] (=Rather than "We are opening" the director ought to have entitled his text "With open Arms".)
Vytvořit určitý prostor, později nazvaný "transformační polštář" [quot/type
] (=To create an open space, later known as a "transformation cushion")
Říkali tomu "dialog". [ quot/type
] (=They called it a "dialogue")
...dokud se nenaplní úsloví "Na každého jednou dojde". [quot/type
] (=… until the saying "everyone's turn will come sometime" is fulfilled.)
Do lázeňského města přijeli vyzváni motem turnaje "Kdo nebyl v Poděbradech, nemá rád tenis". [quot/type
] (=People arrived in the spa town in response to the tournament's motto "If you weren't in Poděbrady you don't like tennis".)
Hosty uvítá znělka "volá Londýn". [quot/type
] (=Guests will be welcomed by the callsign "London calling".)
Staří čeští intelektuálové tehdy dostali nálepku "zrádné intelektuální reakce".[quot/type
] (=In those days, old Czech intellectuals were dubbed "traitorous intellectual reactionaries".)
Pozdravujte všechny výletníky typu "ven z auta, šup na hrad a šup do auta". [quot/type
] (=Greet all visitors on excursions of the "out of the car, quickly into the Castle and quickly back into the car" type.)
For texts within quotation marks with the value title
in the attribute quot/type
the rules apply as in Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions".
Borderline cases between title and meta-usage. On borderline cases between title and meta-usage (between values meta
and title
) see Section 19.1.2, "Quotation marks marking meta-usage".