There is also a specific attribute sentmod
. It captures similar meanings as the grammatemes do but it is assigned to a node on the basis of its position in the tree, not on the basis of its values of the nodetype
and sempos
The sentmod
attribute contains the information regarding the sentential modality.
The sentmod
attribute is relevant for the following nodes:
root of a sentence (represented by a tectogrammatical tree),
root of a subtree representing direct speech (see Section 3, "Direct speech"),
root of a subtree representing a (syntactically independent) parenthesis, the effective roots of which are assigned the PAR
functor (see Section 7, "Parenthesis").
!!! The sentmod
attribute is assigned a value if the node is the root of a subtree; in the future, it will be necessary to do so for each effective root of a subtree.
The basic values of the sentmod
attribute are to be found in Table 5.25, "Values of the sentmod
Table 5.25. Values of the sentmod
enunc |
indicative mood |
excl |
exclamation |
desid |
optative (desiderative) mood |
imper |
imperative mood |
inter |
interrogative mood |
The sentmod
attribute has the enunc
value in indicative clauses, e.g.:
Petr nepřišel. [sentmod
] (=Petr didn't come)
Škola. [sentmod
] (=School)
Petr pracuje na zahradě a Hanka se učí doma. [sentmod
] (=Petr is working in the garden and Hanka is learning at home)
The sentmod
has the excl
value in exclamatory clauses, e.g.:
Vyhráli jsme! [sentmod
] (=We won!)
Ó veliký dni her! [sentmod
] (=Oh, you big day of games!)
The sentmod
attribute has the desid
value in optative clauses, e.g.:
Ať se vám daří! [sentmod
] (=I wish you all the best; lit. OPT REFL you.DAT do_well)
Kéž by nepřišli! [sentmod
] (=I wish they didn't come; lit. OPT COND didn't_come.3pl)
Hodně štěstí! [sentmod
] (=Good luck)
Ať Petr pracuje na zahradě a Hanka ať se učí doma. [sentmod
] (=Let Petr work in the garden and Hanka learn at home)
The sentmod
attribute has the imper
value in imperative clauses, e.g.:
Přijďte včas! [sentmod
] (=Come in time!)
Pozor! [sentmod
] (=Watch out!)
The sentmod
attribute has the inter
value in interrogative clauses, e.g.:
Zavolali jste už lékaře? [sentmod
] (=Have you called the doctor?)
Škola? [sentmod
] (=School?)
Půjdete ven nebo zůstanete tady? [sentmod
] (=Are you going out or are you staying here?)