13.1. Subfunctors

Subfunctors describe semantic variation within a particular functor, they provide further specification of its meaning and the semantic relation between the modification and its governing word.

These differences within one functor are expressed by various prepositional phrases, by using different cases or conjuctions.

Subfunctors are not assigned to all PDT functors that would need a more detailed specification of their meaning but only to a limited group of functors. Subfunctors are assigned to the following functors in PDT:

The information on the subfunctor is carried by the attribute subfunctor.

Subfunctors were assigned on the basis of the surface form of the modification with the particular functor.

Each functor has its own set of forms which express the basic meaning of the functor. A modification realized by one of these forms has the value basic in the attribute subfunctor. The set of forms of the subfunctor basic includes also adverbial modifications. Adverbs can also carry meanings of other functors but the meaning of an adverb can be unambiguously arrived at from its lexical content, therefore, adverbial modifications are not further specified and they are always assigned the basic subfunctor basic.

Each (selected) functor has a set of subfunctors describing further semantic differences within the functor. These subfunctors were assigned the surface forms (of the particular modification) that clearly express the relevant meanings.

Modifications in the surface form that has not been assigned to any subfunctor have the subfunctor attribute filled with the value nr (not recognised).

Therefore, for each functor in the selected group, there are the subfunctor values basic and nr.

For the values of the subfunctor attribute see Table 7.3, "Values of the subfunctor attribute".

Table 7.3. Values of the subfunctor attribute

above subfunctor with the meaning "above" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
abstr subfunctor with the abstract meaning "in the field/area" This subfunctor is assigned to the LOC functor (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
across subfunctor with the meaning "across" This subfunctor is assigned to the DIR2 functor (see Section 13.1.5, "Subfunctors with the DIR2 functor").
after subfunctor with the meaning "after" This subfunctor is assigned to the functor TWHEN (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
agst subfunctor with the meaning of sb's detriment This subfunctor is assigned to the BEN functor (see Section 13.1.2, "Subfunctors with the BEN functor").
along subfunctor with the meaning "along" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR2 (see Section 13.1.5, "Subfunctors with the DIR2 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
approx subfunctor with the meaning "approximately" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors EXT (see Section 13.1.7, "Subfunctory with the EXT functor") and TWHEN (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
around subfunctor with the meaning "around" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR2 (see Section 13.1.5, "Subfunctors with the DIR2 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
basic subfunctor that expresses the basic meaning of a functor This subfunctor is assigned to all functors.
before subfunctor for the temporal meaning "before" This subfunctor is assigned to the TWHEN functor (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
begin subfunctor with the meaning "at the beginning" This subfunctor is assigned to the TWHEN functor (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
behind subfunctor with the meaning "behind" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
below subfunctor with the meaning "below" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
betw subfunctor with the meaning "between" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR2 (see Section 13.1.5, "Subfunctors with the DIR2 functor"), DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") , LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor") and TWHEN (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
circ subfunctor with the meaning "circumstance" This subfunctor is assigned to the ACMP functor (see Section 13.1.1, "Subfunctors with the ACMP functor").
elsew subfunctor with the meaning "elsewhere" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
end subfunctor with the meaning "at the end" This subfunctor is assigned to the TWHEN functor (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
ext subfunctor with the meaning "to what extent" This subfunctor is assigned to the DIR3 functor (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor").
flow subfunctor with the meaning "during" This subfunctor is assigned to the TWHEN functor (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
front subfunctor with the spacial meaning "in front of" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
incl subfunctor with the meaning of inclusion This subfunctor is assigned to functor ACMP (see Section 13.1.1, "Subfunctors with the ACMP functor").
in subfunctor with the meaning "inside" This subfunctor is assigned to the functor LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
less subfunctor with the meaning "less than" This subfunctor is assigned to the EXT functor (see Section 13.1.7, "Subfunctory with the EXT functor").
mid subfunctor with the meaning "in the middle" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor") and TWHEN (see Section 13.1.9, "Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor").
more subfunctor with the meaning "more than" This subfunctor is assigned to the EXT functor (see Section 13.1.7, "Subfunctory with the EXT functor").
near subfunctor with the meaning "near" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR2 (see Section 13.1.5, "Subfunctors with the DIR2 functor"), DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
nr this value indicates that no subfunctor has been determined for the surface form of the modification This value is assigned to all functors.
opp subfunctor with the meaning "opposite" This subfunctor is assigned to the functors DIR3 (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor") and LOC (see Section 13.1.8, "Subfunctors with the LOC functor").
target subfunctor with the meaning "target" This subfunctor is assigned to the DIR3 functor (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor").
than subfunctor with the meaning of comparison based on a difference This subfunctor is assigned to the CPR functor (see Section 13.1.3, "Subfunctors with the CPR functor").
to subfunctor with the meaning "to" This subfunctor is assigned to the DIR3 functor (see Section 13.1.6, "The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor").
wout subfunctor with the meaning "no accompaniment" This subfunctor is assigned to the ACMP functor (see Section 13.1.1, "Subfunctors with the ACMP functor").
wrt subfunctor with the meaning "the entity sth is compared to" This subfunctor is assigned to the functor CPR (see Section 13.1.3, "Subfunctors with the CPR functor").

The definitions of the individual subfunctors including the assigned surface forms are to be found in the following subsections.

!!! In certain cases the borders between the individual subfunctors are not very clear. Many surface forms express more meanings, however, in the automatic annotation homonymous surface forms were assigned only to one subfunctor. Many subfunctors (esp. the subfunctor basic) need further division in the future. The modifications that have been assigned the nr subfunctor will need an appropriate subfunctor instead. It will be necessary to check the subfunctor assignment manually.

13.1.1. Subfunctors with the ACMP functor

The ACMP functor (see Section 6.1, "ACMP") has been assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic (with the functor ACMP) expresses the meaning of the "positive accompaniment" (companion or association with sb/sth).

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the ACMP functor that have one of the following surface forms:

s+7 tatínek s maminkou (=father with mother)
spolu s+7 Obsahoval potěšující sdělení spolu se srdečnou gratulací (=It contained a pleasing message together with a hearty congratulation.)
společně s+7 Host společně s vrchním majitelem sestavuje menu. (=The guest together with the proprietor prepare a menu.)
v čele s+7 celá rodina v čele s otcem (=the whole family with father in the lead)
ve spojení s+7 Nejméně příznivou prognózu má právě ekzém ve spojení s alergickým postižením horních cest dýchacích. (=The least favourable prognosis relates to eczema in connection with allergic affliction of the respiratory system.)
zároveň s+7 Zároveň s hovorem dostane referent na svůj monitor potřebné informace o volajícím zákazníkovi. (=Simultaneously with the call the speaker can see the necessary information about the calling customer on his monitor.)
ruku v ruce s+7 Považoval bych za velmi nešťastné, aby ODS řešila tento problém ruku v ruce s opozicí. (=I would consider it very unhappy if ODS solved this problem hand in hand with the opposition.)

The subfunctor circ (circumstance) expresses the meaning of a "vague circumstance", something that accompanies the event.

The subfunctor circ is assigned to those modifications with the ACMP functor that have one of the following surface forms:

bez toho, aby+vfin Tenis může být podívanou i bez toho, aby po kurtě chodily polonahé děvy s tabulemi oznamujícími skóre. (=Tennis can be a spectacle without half-naked sluts pacing the court with the score charts.)
s tím+vfin Jenže s tím, jak se zvětšovala moje smečka, ubýval čas na lezení. (=However, the bigger my loop was the less time for climbling I had.)
s tím, že+vfin Nepředurčují tyto zdroje jisté geniální a vnímavé jedince k přenesení těchto jemných signálů do reality s tím, že pak způsobí skutečnou bouři? (=Do not these sources predestine some brilliant and perceptive individuals to transmit these gentle signals into reality, which will cause there a real storm then?)
v souvislosti s+7 Vyšetřovatelé si v souvislosti s korupčním skandálem přišli vyslechnout i dalšího z vysoce postavených belgických socialistů. (=In connection with the venal affair the investigators came to hear the evidence of another of the high-ranking Belgian socialists.)
v souvislosti s tím, že+vfin V souvislosti s tím, že Portugalsko Českou republiku oficiálně ve snaze o vstup do aliance podporuje LN tohoto diplomata požádaly o rozhovor. (=In connection with the fact that Portugal officially supports the effort of the Czech Republic to join the EU LN asked this diplomat for an interview.)

The subfunctor incl (include) expresses the meaning of inclusion.

The subfuctor incl is assigned to the modifications with the ACMP functor that have the following surface form:

včetně+2 Ročně by tedy zaplatila na pojistném včetně úrazového připojištění 4104 korun. (=Thus she would pay 4104 CZK annualy for the insurance, including the accident insurance)

The subfunctor wout (without) expresses the negative variant of the basic meaning of the ACMP functor, i.e. the meaning of the "negative accompaniment ".

The subfunctor wout is assigned to the modifications with the ACMP functor that have the surface form the surface form:

bez+2 pokoj bez vlastního příslušenství (=a room without facilities)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the ACMP functor that do not have any of the forms listed above.

13.1.2. Subfunctors with the BEN functor

The BEN functor (see Section 9.1, "BEN") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the meaning of "benefit ".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with functor BEN that are realized by one of the following surface forms:

ku prospěchu+2 Bylo by to ku prospěchu věci, kdybychom se na prioritách dohodli v rámci celého parlamentu. (=It would be to the benefit of the matter if we could agree on priorities within the whole parliament.)
pro+4 Profit připravuje pro své čtenáře poradnu. (=Profit is preparing an advisory column for its readers.)
ve prospěch+2 Zříkají se osobní kariéry ve prospěch dětí. (=They give up their career in favour of their children.)
v zájmu+2 Zříkají se osobní kariéry v zájmu svých dětí.(=They give up their career in favour of their children.)

The subfunctor agst (against) represents the negative counterpart of the basic meaning of the BEN functor, i.e. the meaning of "detriment".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the BEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

na úkor+2 Hlavní překážkou státu fungovat na úkor jednotlivce je demokratický politický systém. (=A democratic system is the main obstacte to the state's functioning to the detriment of an individual.)
proti+3 správní řízení proti České lékárnické komoře (=executive proceedings against the Czech pharmaceutical association)
proti tomu, aby+vfin V televizní diskusi o pravopise zástupce ministerstva školství doporučoval více pravopisných dublet, naproti tomu spisovatel Karel Pecka byl proti tomu, aby pravopis byl tolik neustálený. (=In a TV debate on orthography the representative of the secretary of education recommended more orthographic variants while Karel Pecka, a writer, on the contrary was against orthography being so variable.)
v neprospěch+2 válečný vývoj v neprospěch Německa (=the development of the war to the disadvantage of Germany)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the BEN functor that do not have any of the forms stated above.

13.1.3. Subfunctors with the CPR functor

The CPR functor (see Section 6.2, "CPR") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the meaning of "similarity" (comparison on the basis of similarity).

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the CPR functor that have the following surface form:

jako Sloni jsou jako Angličani. (=Elephants are like the English); Kdybych chtěl prodávat stejné pohovky jako prodává nábytkář v nedaleké ulici, musel bych je nabídnout o dvě, tři stovky levněji. (=If I wanted to sell the same sofas as the furniture seller in the street not far from here I would have to offer them two or three hundred cheaper.)
jak Jenže stejně rychle, jak naděje svitla, tak rychle pohasla. (=But that fast as hope appeared that fast it vanished.)

The subfunctor than expresses the negative counterpart of the basic meaning of the CPR functor, i.e the meaning of "difference " (comparison based on difference).

The subfunctor than is assigned to the modifications with the CPR functor that have one of the following surface forms:

genitive To byla otázka pro 982 respondentů starších 14 let. (=That was a question for 982 people older than 14 years.)
než V naší firmě je několikanásobně více zaměstnanců, než je služebních vozidel. (=In our company there are several times more employees than there are company cars); Vyrobili více než 495 milionů metrů krychlových pitné vody. (=They produced more than 495 million cubic metres of potable water.)
nežli I přes tato fakta stojí mořský důl mnohem méně nežli 500 milionů USD. (=In spite of these facts a sea mine costs far less than 500 mil. USD.)

The subfunctor wrt (with respect to) is used for representing the entity "sth is compared to".

The subfunctor wrt is assigned to the modifications with the CPR functor that have one of the following surface forms:

naproti+3 Naproti tomu Letenští mají po pohárovém nezdaru problémy se sestavou. (=The team of Letná has, on the other hand, problems with their line-up after the failure at the championship.)
na rozdíl od+2 Na rozdíl od hotelů nemohly lázně využívat značného zisku vytvořeného v předchozích dvou letech. (=Unlike the hotels, the spas could not use the considerable profits made in the last two years.)
proti+3 Proti dřívějšku se však zase objevili noví zájemci. (=However, unlike the past new prospective buyers appeared again.)
oproti+3 Oproti očekávanému celkovému odbytu 460 000 aut všech značek se prodala sotva polovina. (=In spite of the expected total sales of 460 000 cars of all makes a mere half has been sold.)
ve srovnání s+7 ČR je podle něho v tomto ohledu výjimečná ve srovnání s okolními zeměmi střední Evropy. (=According to him, the Czech Republic is exceptional in this respect when compared to other countries in Central Europe.)
ve srovnání s tím+vfin Komu se poštěstilo získat v některé grantové agentuře úspěšně grant, zná výhody, které to přináší ve srovnání s tím, co jsme znali v minulosti. (=Who had the luck to get a grant from a grant agency knows the advantages compared to what we knew in the past.)
v porovnání k+3 Obchodní vztahy mezi Českou republikou a Kanadou patřily v minulosti v porovnání k ostatním průmyslově vyspělým zemím k okrajovým. (=Business relations between the Czech Republic and Canada used to be marginal in comparison to other developed industrial countries.)
v porovnání s+7 Od roku 2000 v porovnání s rokem 1990 vzroste intenzita nejméně o 25 procent. (=From the year 2000 onwards intensity will grow by 25 per cent at least, compared to 1990.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the CPR functor that do not have any of the forms listed above.

13.1.4. Subfunctors with the DIR1 functor

The DIR1 functor (see Section 4.1, "DIR1") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the basic meaning of the DIR1 functor, i.e. the meaning "where from".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the DIR1 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

adverb Zezadu se prodral ke stříbru domácí miláček. (=From behind the national favourite made his way to the silver medal.)
od+2 Manažeři zřejmě budou muset stále více za svým uplatněním cestovat i několik desítek kilometrů od svého bydliště. (=Managers will apparently have to travel up to several kilometres to find their professional fulfilment.)
z+2 Poměrně velká část poptávky odpadla, když k nám ze zahraničí začali jezdit chudší turisté. (=A relatively large proportion of demand was dropped when poorer tourists started to come from foreign countries.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the DIR1 functor that do not have any of the forms listed above.

13.1.5. Subfunctors with the DIR2 functor

The DIR2 functor (see Section 4.2, "DIR2") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the basic meaning of the DIR2 functor, i.e. the meaning "which way".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the DIR2 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

adverb Musí ovládat umění nabízet své výrobky přímo ze dvora třeba turistovi, který projde okolo. (=He must master the art of offering his products directly from the yard perhaps to a tourist who is passing by.)
instrumental Jejich přenos vzduchem, ať jde o televizní, rozhlasový signál nebo digitální data, zajišťují České radiokomunikace. (=Their transmittion via air either for TV, radio or digital signal is supplied by the Czech Radiocommunications.)

The subfunctor across expresses the meaning "across".

The subfunctor across is assigned to the modifications with the DIR2 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

napříč+7 Přibližování někdejších satelitů k Atlantické alianci spouští novou železnou oponu napříč kontinentem (=As the former satellites are trying to approach NATO, a new iron curtain is falling across the continent.)
přes+4 přeprava transportů ruské armády z bývalé Německé demokratické republiky přes Českou republiky (=the transport of the Russian army from the former DDR over the Czech Republic)

The subfunctor along expresses the meaning "along".

The subfunctor along is assigned to the modifications with the DIR2 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

po+6 V roce 1997 pravděpodobně projedou první vozidla po dálnici Praha -Plzeň. (=In 1997, first cars will probably go on the motorway Prague-Pilsen.)
podél+2 Jel jsem podél něj. (=I went along it.)

The subfunctor around expresses the meaning "around".

The subfunctor around is assigned to the modifications with the DIR2 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

kolem+2 Kolem právní ochrany software se u nás chodí v širokých kruzích. (=In our country one beats around the bush as far as the legal protection of software is concerned.)
okolo+2 Chodí okolo domu. (=He is walking around the house.)

The subfunctor betw (between) expresses the meaning "between".

The subfunctor betw is assigned to the modifications with the DIR2 functor that have the following surface form:

mezi+7 Plechové krabičky aut se plazí po výmolech hliněných cest mezi nevzrušenou zvěří. (=Little tin boxes of cars are crawling among the potholes of dirt roads among the unexcited animals.)

The subfunctor near expresses the meaning "near".

The subfunctor near is assigned to the modifications with the DIR2 functor that have the following surface form:

vedle+2 A tak se i v tomto oboru stala naše věda popelkou, jen nesměle a spíše zásluhou několika jedinců kráčející vedle civilizovaného světa. (=So our science became a Cinderella even in this field, walking shyly thanks to only a few individuals along the civilized world.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the DIR2 functor that do not have any of the forms listed above.

13.1.6. The subfunctors with the DIR3 functor

The DIR3 functor (see Section 4.3, "DIR3") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the basic meaning of the DIR3 functor, i.e. the meaning "where to".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

adverb Horní soused v tichosti vyčkal mezi větvemi a opatrně se pak odplížil domů. (=The upper neighbour waited in silence among the branches and then he sneaked away.)
do+2 Vypravuje do zahraničí malé skupinky. (=He dispatches small groups abroad.)
do čela+2 Městská konference ČSSD v Českých Budějovicích zvolila do čela své kandidátky advokáta. (=The municipal conference of ČSSD in České Budějovice elected a solicitor to the lead of its ballot.)
na+4 Máme zaměstnance, které občas vysíláme na služební cestu. (=We have employees whom we sometimes send on a business trip.)
směrem na+4 Další mimořádný rychlík odjede v 1.23 hod. z pražského hlavního nádraží směrem na Břeclav. (=Another special express train leaves at 1.23 from the Prague Central Station in the direction Břeclav.)
směrem do+2 Včera odpoledne byl na Nuselském mostě pruh směrem do centra normálně průjezdný. (=Yesterday afternoon the downtown lane at the Nuselský bridge was clear.)
směrem k+3 Od února se toho mnoho změnilo, říká novinář Igor a máchá rukou směrem ke křižovatce nedaleko vládní budovy. (=Since February many things have changed, says Igor, a journalist, and he is waving his hand somewhere towards the crossroads not far from the building of the government.)

The subfunctor above expresses the meaning "above".

The subfunctor above is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

nad+4 Už odpoledne se vrátila zpět nad hranici 1100 lir za marku. (=Already in the afternoon it returned back above the limit of 1100 lira for a mark.)

The subfunctor behind expresses the meaning "behind".

The subfunctor behind is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

za+4 Že se za tento plášť schová leccos dalšího, netřeba připomínat. (=It is not necessary to remind that many other things can be hidden behind this coat.)

The subfunctor below expresses the meaning "below".

The subfunctor below is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

pod+4 Dostal se pod auto. (=He got below the car.)

The subfunctor betw (between) expresses the meaning "between".

The subfunctor betw is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

mezi+4 Dal to mezi ty drobnosti. (=He put it among the trinkets.)

The subfunctor elsew (elsewhere) expresses the meaning "elsewhere".

The subfunctor elsew is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

mimo+4 Postavil se mimo hrací plochu. (=He stood outside the playing field.)

The subfunctor ext (extent) expresses the meaning "to what extent sth is oriented to sth else".

The subfunctor ext is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

po+4 Čs. vojsko také nikdy neobsadilo celé Těšínsko až po Bílsko, fronta se zastavila na horní Visle u Skočova. (=The Czechoslovak army never occupied the whole Těšín area up to Bílsko, the front stopped at the upper Visla by Skočov.)

The subfunctor front expresses the meaning "in front of".

The subfunctor front is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

před+4 Tím mi ulehčili práci a já mohl předstoupit před lidi. (=They made my work easier this way and I could appear in front of the people.)

The subfunctor near expresses the meaning "near".

The subfunctor near is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

vedle+2 Řadí tradiční vedle banálního, kříží vysoký i nízký styl. (=He puts the traditional next to the trivial, he mixes the high and the low style.)

The subfunctor opp (opposite) expresses the meaning "opposite".

The subfunctor opp is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 that have the following surface form:

proti+3 Útok nebyl namířen proti lidem. (=The attack was not aimed at people.)

The subfunctor target expresses the meaning "target".

The subfunctor target is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have the following surface form:

po+6 Házel po něm kamením. (=He was throwing stones at him.)

The subfunctor to expresses the meaning "to".

The subfunctor to is assigned to the modifications with the DIR3 functor that have one of the following surface forms:

k+3 Dotyčný půjde jinam, ke konkurenci. (=The one in question will go elsewhere, to the competitor.)
za+4 Zašli jsme do galerie za Petrem. (=We popped in the gallery for Peter.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the DIR3 functor that do not have any of the surface forms listed above.

13.1.7. Subfunctory with the EXT functor

The EXT functor (see Section 6.5, "EXT") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the basic meaning of the EXT functor, i.e. the meaning of "extent".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the EXT functor that have one of the following surface forms:

adverb Kapitálový trh je pak vyústěním přítomnosti soukromého vlastnictví - bez něj dokonce pozbývá částečně smyslu. (=The capital market is the result of the presence of private ownership, it even partially loses its sense without it.)
do+2 Co se může dospělému zdát zanedbatelnou záležitostí, naroste v dětské mysli třeba i do tragických rozměrů. (=What an adult can consider a negligible matter, can grow to tragic extents in a child's mind.)
na+4 Markest si svoji (ne)solidnost cení na 1209 korun. (=Markest evaluates its (ir)respectability to 1209 CZK)
po+6 Z oblastí, vyčištěných od povstalců, proudí nyní obyvatelstvo po tisících. (=From the areas that have been cleared of insurgents, civil population is flowing in thousands.)
v+6 České banky totiž nejsou schopny poskytnout dlouhodobý úvěr (na 15 let) ve výši čtyř miliard korun. (=Czech banks are not able to provide a long-term credit (for 15 years) of four hundred million CZK.)
za+4 Ale jsou výrobci tepla, kteří je vyrobí za 100 . (=But there are producers of heat energy that are able to produce it for 100 CZK.)

The subfunctor approx (approximately) expresses the meaning "approximately".

The subfunctor approx is assigned to the modifications with the EXT functor that have one of the following surface forms:

kolem+2 Náklady se v současnosti pohybují kolem 100 milionů korun. (=Costs are nowadays around 100 mil.CZK.)
okolo+2 Letos by se měl obrat pohybovat okolo 1,2 miliardy korun. (=This year sales should be around 1,2 milliard CZK.)

The subfunctor less expresses the meaning "less than".

The subfunctor less is assigned to the modifications with the EXT functor that have the following surface form:

pod+4 Lidí s IQ pod 50 jsou již jen desetiny procenta. (=People with the IQ lower than 50 rank now only up to several tenths of a per cent.)

The subfunctor more expresses the meaning "more than".

The subfunctor more is assigned to the modifications with the EXT functor that have one of the following surface forms:

přes+4 Výnosy činily přes 16 miliard korun. (=The sales were more than 16 milliard CZK.)
nad+4 Lidí s inteligencí nad 130 se vyskytuje okolo dvou procent. (=There are approximately 2 per cent of people with the IQ above 130.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the EXT functor that do not have any of the surface forms listed above.

13.1.8. Subfunctors with the LOC functor

The LOC functor (see Section 4.4, "LOC") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the basic meaning of the LOC functor, i.e. the meaning "where".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

adverb Zde už můžeme váhat, ale ve většině případů dojdeme k závěru, že i tyto předměty mohou být pozorností. (=Here we can already hesitate but in most cases we come to the conclusion that even these subjects can attract attention.)
adjective První pražské jednání nepřineslo kromě dalšího zvýšení napětí žádný výrazný výsledek. (=The first Prague negotiation did not bring any significant result apart from another increase in tension.)
na+6 obraz na zdi (=a picture on the wall)
v+6 ubytování v hotelu (=accommodation in a hotel)

The subfunctor above expresses the meaning "above".

The subfunctor above is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have the following surface form:

nad+7 V neprofesionálním prostředí si lidé opálí jehlu nad plaménkem v karmě a to jim stačí k pocitu, že je sterilní. (=In an unprofessional situation people burn a needle above the flame of a water heater and that is enough to make them feel that it is sterile.)

The subfunctor abstr (abstract) expresses the abstract meaning "in the field/area".

The subfunctor abstr is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

v oblasti+2 Podle Redla je Hradišťan v oblasti folkloru kapelou ostře sledovanou. (=According to Redl Hradišťan is a closely watched band in the field of folklore.)
v oboru+2 Na český trh vstoupila společnost Sodexho v roce 1992 po Eurestu, který zde začal v oboru veřejného stravování působit jako vůbec první. (=Sodexho entered the Czech market in 1992 after Eurest, which was the first one to start a business in the field of public boarding.)

The subfunctor along expresses the meaning "along".

The subfunctor along is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

podél+2 Podle prvních zpráv bylo epicentrum otřesů lokalizováno podél západního pobřeží ostrova asi 800 kilometrů severně od Tokia. (=According to the first news the epicentre of the earthquake was located about 800 kilometres north of Tokio along the west coast)
podle+2 Podle potoka leží vesnice. (=Along the brook there is a village)

The subfunctor around expresses the meaning "around".

The subfunctor around is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

kolem+2 Z pálení ukradených peněženek se kolem jejich chalupy linul čmoud. (=There was smoke around their cottage from their burning the stolen wallets.)
okolo+2 Mohli jsme si sice na splacení dluhu půjčit, to by ale celou situaci okolo pražského závodiště neřešilo. (=We could have borrowed some money to pay off the debt, however, that would not have solved the whole situation around the Prague athletic field.)

The subfunctor behind expresses the meaning "behind".

The subfunctor behind is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have the following surface form:

za+7 Podle mechanika neměl Senna optimálně zahřáté pneumatiky, neboť po kolizi hned na startu jezdili závodníci pět okruhů za vodícím vozem. (=According to the mechanic, Senna did not have his tyres warmed up optimally as straight after the collision at the start the racers were five runs behind the leading car.)

The subfunctor below expresses the meaning "below".

The subfunctor below is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have the following surface form:

pod+7 Moc často jsem tu dírku - v umyvadle, pod vodou podle vzduchového gejzírku - hledal a pak lepil... (=Very often I looked for the tiny hole in a washbasin under water by a small geyser of air and then glued it.)

The subfunctor betw (between) expresses the meaning "between".

The subfunctor betw is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have the following surface form:

mezi+7 Byl mezi dvěma ohni. (=He was between two fires.)

The subfunctor elsew (elsewhere) expresses the meaning "outside of sth".

The subfunctor elsew is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

mimo+4 Působí mimo Prahu. (=He works outside Prague.)
stranou+2 Stranou strkanice nezůstává ani tisk. (=Nor the press keeps aside the hustle.)
vně+2 vně složitých diskuzí (=outside complicated discussions)

The subfunctor front expresses the meaning "in front of sth".

The subfunctor front is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

před+7 Tykal mu před lidmi. (=He was on the first name terms with him in front of people.)
tváří v tvář+7 Stojí tváří v tvář problému. (=He is facing a problem.)

The subfunctor in expresses the meaning "inside".

The subfunctor in is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have the following surface form:

uvnitř+2 Právě vedoucí týmu Motorsport Škoda jen pokrčil rameny na otázku, jak dopadlo jednání uvnitř koncernu. (=It was the leader of the Motosport Skoda team who shrugged his shoulders when asked how the negotiation came out.)

The subfunctor mid (middle) expresses the meaning "in the middle".

The subfunctor mid is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

prostřed+2 Prostřed náměstí stála kašna. (=There was a fountain in the middle of the square.)
uprostřed+2 Biskup zde sloužil pontifikální mši v esperantu - v táborové kapli, kterou se stal indiánský stan teepee uprostřed tábora. (=The bishop served a pontifical mass in Esperanto - in a camp chapel that was an Indian teepee.)
vprostřed+2 Vprosřed náměstí stála kašna. (=In the middle of the square there was a fountain.)

The subfunctor near expresses the meaning "near".

The subfunctor near is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have the following surface form:

blízko+2 Hrát se má na budínské straně u Alžbětina mostu, blízko zastávky autobusu č 78. (=It should be played at the Budin side by the Elizabeth bridge, near the bus 78 stop.)
blízko+3 Zapínáme generátor pouze v těch případech, kdy jsou naši pacienti již blízko smrti. (=We switch on a generator only if our patients are near death.)
k+3 Příklad ke konci statě je správný pouze v případě, že poplatníkovi nebyly stanoveny zálohy na daň z příjmů. (=An example towards the end of the essay is correct only if no income tax deposits have been assigned to the taxpayer.)
nedaleko+2 Procházíme po odkrytém prostranství nedaleko hotelu Holiday Inn. (=We are walking across open air grounds not far from the Holiday Inn hotel.)
poblíž+2 spor o oboru poblíž Hrádečku(=a dispute over a park near Hrádeček)
po boku+2 V poslední době vystupujete často po boku ministrů. (=Recently you have been seen by ministers' side.)
při+6 Dva mladí Indiáni z kmene Tlingit byli rodovou radou starších odsouzeni za loupež k 18 měsícům života v absolutním odloučení od lidí, na jednom z ostrovů při jižním pobřeží Aljašky. (=Two young Indians from the Tlingit tribe were sentenced by the tribal senior counsel for a robbery to 18 months in a complete seclusion on an island by the south coast of Alaska.)
u+2 Největší z nich byl u obce Dubá, kdy vinou zavřeného ložiska kombajnu vznikl požár, který osmnáct požárních sborů likvidovalo čtyřiadvacet hodin. (=The biggest one was near Dubá where a closed bearing of a combine harvester caused fire, which was being extinguished by 18 fire brigades for 24 hours.)
v blízkosti+2 Stačí, když si vyvoláme fotografie pořízené v blízkosti skládek. (=It will suffice to develop the photos taken near the dumps.)
vedle+2 tisková konference po zápase, která se konala v kuželně vedle libereckého zimního stadionu (=the press conference after the match that took place in a skittle ground next to the stadium in Liberec)

The subfunctor opp (opposite) expresses the meaning "opposite".

The subfunctor opp is assigned to the modifications with the LOC functor that have one of the following surface forms:

naproti+3 Stojí naproti nádraží. (=He is standing opposite the station.)
proti+3 Leží proti oknu. (=He is lying opposite the window.)
přes+4 Bydlí přes dvůr. (=He lives across the yard.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the LOC functor that do not have any of the surface forms listed above.

13.1.9. Subfunctors with the TWHEN functor

The TWHEN functor (see Section 3.1, "TWHEN") is assigned the following subfunctors:


The subfunctor basic expresses the basic meaning of functor TWHEN, i.e. the meaning "when".

The subfunctor basic is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

adverb Materiálům, které dnes máte k dispozici, předcházel dlouholetý výzkum. (=The materials you are holding in your hand today were preceded by a long-lasting research.)
genitive Uvedená cena bude předána laureátům dne 19. září 1994 v Hotelu Hilton. (=The laureates will be awarded on September 19, 1994 in the Hilton hotel.)
accusative Mezinárodní golfový profesionální turnaj Czech Golf Open začne na hřišti tento čtvrtek. (=The international golf professional tournament Czech Golf Open starts on the course this Thursday.)
temporal modifications without a case Autor (nar. 1943) je hispanista, překladatel, působí v Českém rozhlase. (=The author (born 1943) is a Hispanist, translator, he works in the Czech Radio.)
k+3 Přijdu k ránu. (=I will come towards morning.)
když+vfin Říkali mi tak i v Anglii, a když jsem se octla potom ve škole ve Švýcarsku, dozvěděla jsem se, jak to jméno taky psát. (=In England they also called me this way and later when I found myself in Switzerland I got to know how to write the name too.)
na+4 Takže konečný výsledek a závěry budou hotovy spíše na podzim. (=Thus the final result and conclusions will be ready rather in autumn.)
na+6 Na jaře skončí perestrojka. (=In spring the perestroika will end.)
o+6 Každý rok jsme o Velikonocích prodávali v Praze nebo jiných velkých městech kraslice. (=Every year at Easter we used to sell Easter eggs in Prague or other big cities.)
při+6 Tyto obavy cítím i při projednávání psychologických vyšetření. (=I feel these fears even when discussing psychological examinations.)
při příležitosti+2 Rota majorů-nováčků při příležitosti sjezdu vyčistila vojenský prostor. (=A company of major-recruits cleared the military area on the occasion of the congress.)
u příležitosti+2 Tiskovinu v nákladu 5 000 kusů vydalo město u příležitosti svého 850. výročí. (=The town released the publication in the printing of 5000 on the occasion of its 850 anniversary.)
v+4 V pátek jste absolvovali lékařský zákrok u svého stomatologa. (=On Friday you underwent a surgery at your dentist.)
v+6 V lednu tohoto roku jsme dostali dopis. (=In January this year we received a letter.)
v době+2 Jejich genocida v době druhé světové války uzavřela naše pokusy o společné soužití. (=Their genocide during World War II finished our attempts of mutual coexistence.)
v období+2 V období vrcholícího léta roku 1939 již málokdo v Evropě mohl věřit nadějeplným slovům britského ministerského předsedy. (=In the time when summer reached its peak in 1939 hardly anybody could trust the promissing words of the British Prime Minister)
za+2 Pracoval za války ve zbrojním podniku. (=He worked in an armament enterprise during the war.)

The subfunctor after expresses the meaning "after".

The subfunctor after is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

po+6 Po 14 dnech nepřetržitého dolaďování byl již stroj k použití. (=After 14 days of incessant fine-tuning the machine was finally ready to use.)
poté, co+vfin Stát ceny schválí poté, co je prověří. (=The state will adopt the prices after they are checked.)
za+4 Za chvíli přišel pan Mitrofanov. (=In a while came Mr. Mitrofanov.)

The subfunctor approx (approximately) expresses the meaning "approximately ".

The subfunctor approx is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

kolem+2 Průvod husitských bojovníků vyráží z Prahy směrem do Německa někdy kolem 20.května. (=The procession of Hussite battlers sets off from Prague for Germany around May 20.)
okolo+2 Okolo přelomu roku je relativní klid. (=Around the turn of the year it is relatively calm.)

The subfunctor before expresses the meaning " before "of functorTWHEN.

The subfunctor before is assigned to the modifications with functor TWHEN that have one of the following surface forms:

než+vfin Jakou povahu jsi měl, než jsi přišel o nohu?(=What were you like before you lost your leg?)
před+7 Před revolucí bývaly součástí studia praxe.(=Before the revolution practical training in the field was part of the studies.)

The subfunctor begin expresses the meaning "at the beginning" .

The subfunctor begin is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

počátkem+2 Zatím se firma od svého vzniku počátkem roku 1992 stále rozrůstá. (=The company has been expanding since its foundation at the beginning of 1992.)
začátkem+2 Olejomalbu jste mohli začátkem února koupit za 34 600 korun. (=An oilpainting could be bought for 34600 CZK at the beginning of February.)

The subfunctor betw (between) expresses the meaning "between".

The subfunctor betw is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have the following surface form:

mezi+7 hudba v přestávkách mezi gamy (=music in the breaks between the games)

The subfunctor end expresses the meaning "at the end".

The subfunctor end is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

koncem+2 Koncem roku bylo bez práce 185 000 osob. (=At the end of year 185 000 people were unemployed.)
na závěr+2 Na závěr každé půlnoční šťáry se totiž měl dostavit primátor a nechat se s úlovkem fotografovat. (=At the end of each midnight sweep the city mayor was to come and have himself photographed with the catch)
v závěru+2 V závěru poločasu dala Sparta branku, ale pro postavení mimo hru nebyla uznána. (=At the end end of the half Sparta scored but the goal was cancelled because of offside.)
závěrem+2 Závěrem srpna získal závod Pacovských strojíren certifikát německé zkušebny Tüf Bayern. (=At the end of August the enterprise of Pacov machine works gained a certificate of the German testing plant Tüf Bayern)

The subfunctor flow expresses the meaning "in the course of".

The subfunctor flow is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have one of the following surface forms:

postupem+2 Jejich návrh měl být harmonizován s obdobným předpisem, který se však postupem času velmi mění. (=Their suggestion was to be harmonized with a similar regulation which, however, has changed substantially in the course of time.)
v průběhu+2 Omezování centrální cenové regulace bude v průběhu roku zřejmě pokračovat. (=The restriction on central regulation of prices will apparently go on in the course of the year.)

The subfunctor mid (middle) expresses the meaning "in the middle".

The subfunctor mid is assigned to the modifications with the TWHEN functor that have the following surface form:

uprostřed+2 Ještě uprostřed minulého týdne jsem si nebyla jistá, zda budu vůbec startovat. (=Still in the middle of the last week I was not sure whether I would start at all.)

The subfunctor nr is assigned to all the other modifications with the TWHEN functor that do not have any of the surface forms listed above.