Download the entire volume. Contents:
Editorial |
5 |
Articles |
Drahomíra "johanka" Spoustová, Miroslav Spousta Dependency Parsing as a Sequence Labeling Task |
7 |
Bruno Galmar, Jenn-Yeu Chen Identifying Different Meanings of a Chinese Morpheme through Semantic Pattern Matching in Augmented Minimum Spanning Trees |
15 |
Vladimir Popescu, Jean Caelen, Corneliu Burileanu Pragmatically-Motivated Utterance Fine-Tuning in Human-Computer Dialogue |
35 |
Christian Federmann, Andreas Eisele MT Server Land: An Open-Source MT Architecure |
57 |
Mark Fishel, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep CorporAl: a Method and Tool for Handling Overlapping Parallel Corpora |
67 |
Jesús Giménez, Lluís Màrquez Asiya: An Open Toolkit for Automatic Machine Translation (Meta-)Evaluation |
77 |
Philipp Koehn An Experimental Management System |
87 |
Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Maxim Khalilov, Khalil Sima'an A Toolkit for Visualizing the Coherence of Tree-based Reordering with Word-Alignments |
97 |
Instructions for Authors |
107 |