Rudolf Rosa

N 235
office hours
My office is N 235 "octopus" in Troja, building N "Impakt".
Please contact me per email to arrange a meeting.
Also see my calendar in the other tab for my (un)availability.
(On Tuesdays I am at Malá Strana.)
V Holešovičkách 747/2
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Main Research Interests

  • Natural language generation, generative art
    • Automatically or semi-atuomatically generating literary texts, such as theatre scripts, short stories, poems...
    • česky Plně či částečně automatické generování literárních textů, jako jsou divadelní scénáře, povídky, básně...
  • Robopsychologist
    • Looking for linguistic structures in Deep Neural Networks
    • česky Hledání jazykových struktur v hlubokých neuronových sítích
  • Popularization of science
    • Computational linguistics, text generation, language models, theatre script generation, life with artificial intelligence...
    • Lectures, interative seminars, workshops, live system demonstrations, consultations...
    • For schools, for the public, for seniors, for businesses, for specialists...
  • česky Popularizace vědy
    • Počítačová lingvistika, generování textu, jazykové modely, generování scénářů divadelních her, život s umělou inteligencí...
    • Přednášky, interaktivní semináře, workshopy, živé ukázky systémů, konzultace...
    • Pro školy, pro veřejnost, pro seniory, pro firmy, pro specilisty...
  • In the past:
    • Automatic post-editing of Machine translation
    • Morphology, derivations
    • Dependency parsing
    • Unsupervised and semi-supervised methods, especially cross-lingual and multilingual


THEaiTRE: automatic generation of theatre play scripts

In cooperation with Švandovo theatre, DAMU, and Tomáš Studeník, we created THEaiTRobot, a system for automatic generation of theatre play scripts. Within the project, we managed to create and put on stage the first full-length (60 minutes) theatre play which has 90% of the script generated automatically. See:

  • The project website
  • The first play "AI: Když robot píše hru" ("AI: When a Robot Writes a Play"):
  • The script of the second play, "Permeation / Prostoupení"
  • The website of a spinoff project, PLai Prague, which put on stage a third performance called "Prague Clockwork Cabaret"
  • A book about the project
  • With Victor Schetinger from TU Wien, we are now trying to enrich the script generation with storyboard generation (i.e. generatting the text and also accompanying images)

česky Ve spolupráci se Švandovým divadlem jsme uvedli první celovečerní divadelní hru na světě, jejíž scénář z 90% napsala umělá inteligence. Viz web projektu

AI v kontextu (AI in Context)

We are a multidisciplinary working group of experts studying and using AI in various contexts. We also organize various lectures and discussions. Most of what we do is presented in Czech language only.

česky Jsme multidisciplinární pracovní skupina odborníků zabývajících se umělou inteligencí v kontextu různých oborů. Mezi naše aktivity patří:

Automatic generation of Czech poetry

If we get funding for that, we will be working with ÚČL AV ČR on neural modelling of Czech poetry and automated generation of new poems.


  • Linguistic Structure Representation in Neural Networks (LSD). I worked on a GAČR grant of David Mareček, called LSD, where we were trying to look at what linguistic structures can be found hidden inside of neural networks. We published a book at the end of the grant. David Mareček's group still continues with research in this direction, especially Tomasz Limisiewicz.
  • Unsupervised morphology induction. Together with Zdeněk Žabokrtský, we were trying to handle morphology in an unsupervised way, e.g. to find lemmas for word forms, to separate derivation from inflection, etc. I am no longer active there, but Zdeněk eventually built the DeriNet team that focuses on derivational morphology.
  • Cross-lingual Syntactic Parsing, i.e. training a parser on one language and applying it to another language. This was my dissertation, and I also had a GAUK grant for that.
  • Pohádkové dítě / Fairytale Child chatbot. A simple console chatbot that wants to hear a fairly tale from you! / Jednoduchý konzolový chatbot, který si od vás chce nechat vyprávět pohádku!
  • HimL focused on semantically sane translation of medical texts from English to Czech, German, Romanian and Polish.
  • QTLeap was a project aimed at significantly improving the quality of machine translation using deep language processing approaches (also see TectoMT).
  • I was a member of the HamleDT group, which was a project of harmonizing dependency treebanks for various languages, later evolving and merging into the Universal Dependencies project (which I am also an official memebr of).
  • Depfix is a system for automatic post-editing of machine translation outputs. It was developed as a part of the Faust project. It was later succeeded by MLFix, by Dušan Variš.
  • MSTperl is a reimplementation of the Maximum spanning tree dependency parser (McDonald et al., 2005) in Perl. It is tuned for Czech and has several advanced features that are useful for parsing the machine-translated sentences by Depfix. It also has some features for delexicalized parser transfer. I do not use it anymore -- I switched to Parsito and UDPipe.

Curriculum Vitae

You can download my CV in English.

česky Můžete si stáhnout můj životopis v češtině.


List of classes

Selected Bibliography

You can use Google Scholar or Semantic Scholar, and I also have here an automated static listing of my publications.


I am happy to supervise NLP projects (bachelor theses, master theses, etc.), have a look at Project Ideas.
Warning: Reading scientific literature is my weak point, so it will be mostly your responsibility to review existing literature relevant to the topic!

česky Rád povedu projekty v oblasti zpracování přirozeného jazyka (Bc. a Mgr. práce apod.), mrkněte na Náměty na projekty.
Varování: Čtení odborné literatury není mou silnou stránkou, takže rešerše relevantních článků budou především Vaší zodpovědností!

Bachelor students

Master students


List of all defended theses supervised by me


I was one of the main organizers of the Slovakoczech NLP workshop for students and early-stage researchers -- see SloNLP 2015, SloNLP 2016SloNLP 2017SloNLP 2018SloNLP 2019.

My Erdös number is 4 (me - Jaroslava Hlaváčová - Petr Savický - Zsolt Tuza - Paul Erdös)

česky Můj herní index je 73 (aktuální po Navíc 2021), náš šifrovací tým se jmenuje Divize nulou.