
Title Type
Bengali Visual Genome Project
Centrum vizuální historie Malach Project
EVALD 3.0 (Evaluator of Discourse) Project
Eyetracked Multi-Modal Translation Project
Hausa Visual Genome Project
Hausa Visual Question Answering Dataset Project
Hindi Visual Genome Project
Malach Centre for Visual History Project
Malayalam Visual Genome Project
Neural Monkey Project
PDTSC 2.0 Project
Prague Database of Spoken Language 1.0 Project
Prague Music Computing Group Project
Prague Music Computing Group Project
SHAMUS Project
Slovakoczech NLP workshop Project
CEDMO 2.0 NPO Grant
Center for large-scale multi-modal data interpretation Grant
Center for the Transdisciplinary Research of Violence, Trauma and Justice Grant
Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic Grant
Contextual Machine Learning of Language Translations Grant
Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission Grant
Establishing and operating the Czech node of pan-European infrastructure for research (Vybudování a provoz českého uzlu pan-evropské infrastruktury pro výzkum) Grant
Language Neutral and Culturally Aware Multilingual Neural Sentence Representations Grant
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure Grant
Machine Translation of Interpreted Speech Grant
Multimodal Optical Music Recognition using Deep Learning Grant
Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals. Grant
Neuronové reprezentace v multimodálním a mnohojazyčném modelování (Neural Representations in Multi-modal and Multi-lingual Modelling) Grant
Promoting digital education of foreign-language children through machine translation Grant
Using Language Knowledge in Scene Text Recognition Grant