Fred Jelinek Seminar Series

The history of Linguistic Mondays dates back to the 1980s and their original aim was to make both the students and the faculty members as well as the wider research community aware of the field of computational linguistics in general and of the results achieved by the members of our team in particular. During the years, with the growing awareness of the domain and with new trends appearing on the scene and with more master and doctoral students coming in, the scope of the topics introduced has broadened correspondingly, covering all aspects of the field from the basics of computational linguistics, its linguistic and formal background through corpora case studies and natural language processing applications such as machine translation and information retrieval up to the most modern trends including machine learning. It is also offers an excellent opportunity for PhD students to present their results and to receive a relevant response from leading experts in the field.

Within the regular Linguistic Mondays, special space is reserved approx. 4 times per academic year for talks given by leading specialists in the field of computational and formal linguistics and natural language processing. The invited speakers come from the most prominent research centers in Europe or outside this geographic region, and their involvemenet in the Series is also an opportunity for all interested participants for establishing contacts with the visiting professors and their teams. The Series is named after Professor Frederick Jelinek (18.11.1932 in former Czechoslovakia - 14.9.2010 in the USA), a honorary doctor of Charles University and a former prominent researcher at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and Johns Hopkins University, who was a pioneering figure in the field of speech recognition and statistical methods in natural language processing, After the political changes in Czechoslovakia in 1989, professor F. Jelinek was regularly invited by our Institute to give courses and to supervise our students and his contribution to the development of the field of computational linguistics at Charles University is immense.

Title Speaker Date Room
LLMs and Factuality Anna Rogers (University of Copenhagen) Mon 14.04.2025 14:00 S1


Video archive is available on our dedicated ÚFAL video lectures site.

Title Speaker Date Room
Towards Natural Behaviour of Dialogue Systems with Explicit Dialogue Control Stefan Ultes (Universität Bamberg) Mon 24.03.2025 14:00 S1
MSDRT: A formal framework for a communication-theoretic semantics and pragmatics of natural language Hans Kamp (Universität Stuttgart) Mon 25.11.2024 14:00 S1
Ten Years of Universal Dependencies Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University and RISE) Mon 22.04.2024 14:00 S1
The ParlaMint project: developing comparable corpora of parliamentary debates in Europe Tomaž Erjavec (Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Mon 25.03.2024 14:00 Zoom
Toward Natural Metalanguage Processing Prof. Dr. Nathan Schneider (Linguistics & Computer Science, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA) Tue 12.09.2023 15:00 S1
Signalling discourse relations Markus Egg (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Mon 22.05.2023 14:00 S1
Empirical evidence for paradigmatic organization across morphology Olivier Bonami (Université de Paris & CNRS) Mon 27.02.2023 14:00 S1
Multilingual Zero-Shot Transfer in Low-Resource Settings Gabriel Stanovsky (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Mon 10.10.2022 14:00 S1
Lexical Semantics in Formal Semantics: History and Challenges Barbara H. Partee (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Mon 23.05.2022 14:00 S1
Universal Dependencies in Mesoamerica Francis Morton Tyers (Indiana University Bloomington) Mon 16.05.2022 15:30 S1
Understanding symmetrical predicates Lila R. Gleitman† (University of Pennsylvania), Barbara H. Partee (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Mon 16.05.2022 14:00 S1
Responsible Conversational AI: Trusted, Safe and Bias-free Verena Rieser (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) Mon 09.05.2022 14:00 Zoom
The L2 corpus COREFL and referring expression selection in L1 Spanish-L2 English Ana Díaz-Negrillo (University of Granada) Mon 02.05.2022 14:00 Zoom
Using computer-based text analysis to understand individuals, groups, and cultures James W. Pennebaker (University of Texas at Austin, USA) Mon 25.04.2022 14:00 S1
CANCELLED -- Neural dialogue models: growing up confident and independent Milica Gašić (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf) Mon 11.04.2022 14:00 Zoom
CANCELLED -- Challenges in Trustworthy NLP Anders Søgaard (University of Copenhagen) Mon 06.12.2021 14:00 S1
Framing climate change: A computational perspective Manfred Stede (University of Potsdam) Mon 31.05.2021 14:00 Zoom
Words and Classes. Branches and Links. Interlinking (Latin) Resources in the Linguistic Linked Open Data World through the LiLa Knowledge Base Marco Passarotti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy) Mon 26.04.2021 14:00 Zoom
A treebank of Buddhist Chinese texts and its applications John Lee (City University of Hong Kong) Mon 12.04.2021 14:00 Zoom
Understanding Language Modeling Tomáš Mikolov (CIIRC ČVUT) Mon 22.03.2021 14:00 Zoom
Scaling Semantic Role Labeling and Semantic Parsing Across Languages Roberto Navigli (Sapienza University of Rome) Mon 14.12.2020 14:00 Zoom
No surprise here: On discourse expectations, underspecified coherence relations, and reduced referring expressions Jet Hoek (University of Cologne) Mon 16.12.2019 14:00 S1
Granularity in coherence relations and in connective description: Empirical and practical considerations Manfred Stede (University of Potsdam) Mon 09.12.2019 14:00 S1
Descriptive tradition, experimental research, and the semantics of conversion Salvador Valera (University of Granada) Mon 13.05.2019 13:30 S1
Enhancing Universal Dependency Annotation Gosse Bouma (University of Groningen) Mon 15.04.2019 13:30 S1
Actionability in Cognitive Robotics Sergei Nirenburg and Marjorie McShane (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA) Mon 01.04.2019 13:30 S1
Pattern Grammar meets construction grammar Amanda Patten Mon 03.12.2018 13:30 S1
When reference is subjected to evolution: how do we construct and interpret the "chains" between textuality and ontology? Guy Achard-Bayle (Université de Lorraine, Metz) Mon 12.11.2018 14:15 S1
Referring expressions and coreference chains in French: annotation strategies, annotating tools, and annotated resources Frederic Landragin (CNRS, Laboratoire LATTICE – École normale supérieure, Paris) Mon 12.11.2018 13:30 S1
Towards Knowledge-Based Neural Machine Translation Deyi Xiong (Tianjin University) Mon 05.11.2018 13:30 S1
Found in Translation - Learning to understand languages with cross-lingual grounding Jörg Tiedemann Mon 18.06.2018 13:30 S1
“How I got here”: a personal journey from particle physics through literary studies to data engineering. Robert V. McNamee (University of Oxford) Mon 23.04.2018 13:30 S1
Challenges in teaching Robots to Perform Tasks Candy Sidner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Mon 16.04.2018 14:30 S1
Smart Enough to Talk with Us? Foundations and Challenges for Dialogue Capable AI Systems Barbara J. Grosz (Harvard University) Mon 16.04.2018 13:00 S1
Enhancing Universal Dependencies Joakim Nivre (Uppsala University) Mon 09.04.2018 13:30 S1
Word-formation systems in European languages Pavol Štekauer (P. J. Šafárik University, Košice) Mon 26.03.2018 13:30 S1
Towards Effective Retrieval of Spontaneous Conversational Spoken Content Gareth J.F. Jones Mon 08.01.2018 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Using Typology to Develop Guidelines for Universal Dependencies: Issues with Modification Constructions William Croft Mon 23.10.2017 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Multilingual parallel corpora and linguistic theory: How to compare constraints cross-linguistically Natalia Levshina Mon 31.10.2016 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Coherence relations and connectives: on cognitive categories, cross-linguistic comparison and discourse annotation Ted J. M. Sanders Mon 17.10.2016 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Multimodal Representations for Natural Language Meaning James Pustejovsky Fri 07.10.2016 10:45 to 12:15 S4
The Blocks World Redux Martha Palmer Mon 09.05.2016 13:30 S1
What Happens when Thomas Aquinas Goes to Prague Marco Passarotti Mon 18.04.2016 13:30 S1
The digital humanities—the “computational linguistics” for the rest of the humanities? Michael Piotrowski Mon 04.04.2016 15:15 S1
Growing Trees: Non-Linear Incremental Parsing during Writing Cerstin Mahlow Mon 04.04.2016 13:30 S1
Annotation and automatic classification of situation entity types Annemarie Friedrich Mon 30.11.2015 13:30 S1
Strategies for cohesive dialogues in Scandinavian Elisabet Engdahl Mon 23.11.2015 13:30 S1
Automatic Transformational Analysis and Generation with NooJ Max Silberztein Mon 12.10.2015 13:30 S1
Learning and Inference for Natural Language Understanding Dan Roth Mon 14.09.2015 14:30 S3
CLARIN: Requirements, Examples & Experiences Gerhard Heyer, Dirk Goldhahn Mon 20.04.2015 13:30 S1
Discourse structure in text and dialogue: theoretical and empirical perspectives Nicholas Asher Mon 30.03.2015 13:30 S1
Towards large coverage deep-syntactic parsing Leo Wanner Mon 01.12.2014 13:30 S1
Machine learning for social multi-user human robot interaction Simon Keizer Mon 10.11.2014 14:30 S1
How to evaluate a corpus Adam Kilgarriff
(Lexical Computing Ltd, University of Leeds)
Mon 17.03.2014 13:30 S1
Engagement Recognition And Generation For Human-Robot Interaction; Disco: An Open Source Tool for Dialog Management Candy Sidner Mon 02.12.2013 13:30 S1
Towards a multilayer and multidimensional corpus annotation: Following the footprints of the Meaning-Text Theory Leo Wanner Mon 20.05.2013 13:30 S1
Expert Performance and the Multilingual Brain Barbara Moser-Mercer, Alexis Hervais-Adelman Mon 29.04.2013 13:30 S1
Putting Linguistics back into Computational Linguistics Martin Kay Fri 26.04.2013 10:00 S1
Beyond Shallow Semantics Martha Palmer Mon 26.11.2012 13:30 S1
The New Machine Translation—Getting Blood from a Stone Martin Kay Mon 22.10.2012 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Representing Spatial Information in Language James Pustejovsky Mon 08.10.2012 13:30 S1
Learning under Bias in NLP Anders Søgaard Tue 25.09.2012 15:00 S1
Decline and disappearance: on the negative side of recent change in English Geoffrey Leech Mon 14.05.2012 13:30 S1
The Statistical Problem of Language Acquisition Mark Steedman Mon 26.03.2012 13:30 S1
Sluicing and Dialogue Ivan A. Sag Fri 23.03.2012 13:30 S4
From opinion mining to text parsing: Toward the automatic analysis of editorials Manfred Stede Mon 12.12.2011 13:30 S1
Combining symbolic and statistical methods in corpus-based NLP Dan Flickinger Mon 14.11.2011 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Human language as an exercise in creative recycling: welcome to the world of grammatical constructions Mirjam Fried Mon 07.11.2011 13:30 to 15:00 S1
Lost in the Woods? Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Non-Projective Trees Joakim Nivre Mon 10.10.2011 13:30 S1