AI v kontextu |
Project |
CoNLL 2017 Shared Task |
Project |
CoNLL 2018 Shared Task |
Project |
Deltacorpus |
Project |
Modern Bayesian methods in machine learning - Summer 2013 |
Project |
Neural Monkey |
Project |
Project |
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 |
Project |
Prague Music Computing Group |
Project |
Project |
QT21 |
Project |
Slovakoczech NLP workshop |
Project |
Project |
ÚFAL Reading Group |
Project |
UniDive |
Project |
VPS-GradeUp |
Project |
WordSim353-cs: Evaluation Dataset for Lexical Similarity and Relatedness, based on WordSim353 |
Project |
Arithmetic Properties in the space of Language Model Prompts |
Grant |
Asistent přístupné úřední komunikace |
Grant |
Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic |
Grant |
Compound Identification and Splitting in Four Languages: A Deep Learning Approach |
Grant |
Contextual Machine Learning of Language Translations |
Grant |
Cross-lingual approaches to coreference resolution |
Grant |
Dialogue systems focused on combining tasks and chit-chat |
Grant |
Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission |
Grant |
Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Generation |
Grant |
Establishing and operating the Czech node of pan-European infrastructure for research (Vybudování a provoz českého uzlu pan-evropské infrastruktury pro výzkum) |
Grant |
Evaluation of conversational speech synthesis |
Grant |
Exploring Multilingual Representations of Language Units in Neural Networks |
Grant |
High Performance Language Technologies |
Grant |
Independent component analysis of continuous word representations |
Grant |
Information mining from spoken dialogue |
Grant |
Language Neutral and Culturally Aware Multilingual Neural Sentence Representations |
Grant |
Language Understanding: from Syntax to Discourse |
Grant |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure |
Grant |
Linguistic Structure Representation in Neural Networks |
Grant |
Low resource methods for dialogue systems applications |
Grant |
Mnohojazyčný strojový překlad |
Grant |
Modern Spoken Dialog Systems |
Grant |
Modernizace oboru Matematická lingvistika |
Grant |
Multilingual assistant for searching, analysing and processing information and decision support |
Grant |
Multimodal Optical Music Recognition using Deep Learning |
Grant |
Named Entity Linking |
Grant |
Neuronové reprezentace v multimodálním a mnohojazyčném modelování (Neural Representations in Multi-modal and Multi-lingual Modelling) |
Grant |
Next-Generation Natural Language Generation |
Grant |
OmniOMR - optical music recognition using machine learning for digital libraries |
Grant |
Open domain dialog management with knowledge graphs |
Grant |
PoliSys: Systém pro analýzu policejních dat pro potřeby Policie ČR |
Grant |
Prospěšný multiagentní AI avatar v malé demokratické společnosti |
Grant |
Quality Translation 21 |
Grant |
Sentence structure induction without annotated corpora |
Grant |
Spoken Language Understanding in open-domain environment |
Grant |
Synthetic training data generation and other methods for handwritten music recognition |
Grant |
THEAITRE: Umělá inteligence autorem divadelní hry? |
Grant |
Universal morphosyntactic annotation of language data |
Grant |
Using Auxiliary Subtasks for Learning Constraints in NLP |
Grant |
Vektorová reprezentace textu založená na neuronových sítích |
Grant |
LinPipe |
Tool |
Tool |