Pavel Pecina
I am an associate professor working in the area of Natural Language Processing, Artificial Inteligence, and related areas at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. My research interests include information extraction, information retrieval, machine translation, multimodal data interpretation, and optical music recognition.
- We co-organized IWSLT Dialectal and Low-resource track in 2024 and plan to continue in 2025 too!
- I am seeking prospective students to pursue PhD in Natural Language Processing and related areas.
Research Profiles
- Google Scholar
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1855-5931
- Scopus ID: 23393602100
- Researcher ID: K-3770-2017
- NPFL124 - Natural Language Processing (sice 2019)
- NPFL103 - Information Retrieval (since 2012)
- NPFL067 - Statistical Methods in Natural Language Processing I (2012-2022)
- NPFL068 - Statistical Methods in Natural Language Processing II (2012-2022)
- Christopher Brückner, Pavel Pecina (2025). Semantic Tagging of Segmented Holocaust Narratives. In proceedings of the Prague Visual History and Digital Humanities Conference 2025, pp. 177--192, ISBN 978-80-7378-523-9, Prague, Czechia (bib).
- GI-Insight: New methods for stomach examination using artificial intelligence: Utilization of deep learning for assisted gastroscopy, LUABA24136.
- RES-Q+: Comprehensive solutions of healthcare improvement based on the global Registry of Stroke Care Quality, HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06/101057603.
- MEMORISE: Virtualisation and Multimodal Exploration of Heritage on Nazi Persecution, HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01/101061016.
- G.M. Arafat Rahman - New Interactions for Users of Machine Translation (MSc)
- Filip Makara - Semantic search in spoken narratives (Bc)
- Adam Turčan - Data curation tool for NLP tasks (Bc)
- Maria Filtsova - Comparative Document Reader (Bc)
- Klára Tauchmanová - Named entity recognition in historical texts (MSc)
- Igbal Huseynov - Topical segmentation of spoken narratives (MSc)
- Vojtěch Lanz - Information extraction from clinical documents (PhD)
- Christopher Brückner - Information extraction from historical documents (PhD)
- Jiří Mayer - Optical music recognition (PhD)
- Michal Auersperger - Neural representations (PhD)