Principal investigator (ÚFAL): 
Grant id: 

RES-Q Plus

Comprehensive solutions of healthcare improvement based on the global Registry of Stroke Care Quality

RES-Q+ is a collaborative project connecting 21 partners from 13 European countries. The goal of the RES-Q+ project is to improve the quality of care for stroke patients, save patients' lives and reduce healthcare costs.

RES-Q+ will build on the success of RES-Q (REgistry of Stroke Care Quality) - currently, used by many EU countries and 95 worldwide - to improve stroke care quality by collecting and analyzing hospital discharge reports. RES-Q+ will revolutionize these improvements by capturing the whole patient pathway.

This will be achieved by:

  1. Creating a fully automated tool for obtaining and processing data on the provided health care;
  2. evaluating data and providing feedback to care providers through artificial intelligence-based virtual assistants that precisely target problem areas;
  3. creating virtual assistants for stroke patients that will monitor their condition.

The Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics will help the project by developing NLP to automate ingestion of hospital discharge reports in different languages and assist with audit and feedback. This will include creating a standard model for such reports and using AI to impute missing data.

Along with the NLP, clinically-validated model and two novel AI voice assistants, one to help patients provide feedback on their health and the other to help physicians provide high quality care will be integrated into RES-Q+.

This will be the basis for a European Open Stroke Data Platform, an open research platform for data aggregation, semantic harmonization and interoperability across European countries to promote the use and re-use of health data. This will facilitate efforts to define a standard European Stroke Hospital Discharge Report Exchange Format as a tool for better secondary use of data and healthcare in general. Consortium legal partners will develop a comprehensive legal and ethical toolbox as guidance towards legal compliance. This will boost wider adoption of such novel AI-based solutions by integrating all current and proposed Union legislation. The clinical partners will provide medical records and steer the development to maximize clinical utility and validate final solutions.

RES-Q+ will be deployed globally to solidify our position as European and global leader in quality improvement. Eventually, citizens will be guaranteed a similar level of quality control during hospitalizations as when flying in a commercial plane.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.