PI -- Barbora Vidová Hladká (Charles University, CU)
Funded by 4EU+ Charles University minigrant
Other core members
Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz (University of Warsaw, UW)
Sylvie Archaimbault (Sorbonne University, SU)
Hubert Mara (Heidelberg University, HU)
We propose a pilot project (i) to explore three running research projects, (ii) to review their potential to be included in learning programmes, and (iii) to provide a very first specification of a new educational model. To meet the goals, SU offers NUMERISLAV that is a collection of texts and images related to Slavic studies (http://eurorbem.paris-sorbonne.fr); HU offers GigaMesh that is a framework for displaying, processing and visualizing data (https://gigamesh.eu); CU offers RExtractor that is an information extraction framework for legal documents; UW offers experience in teaching graduate courses in social science and humanities.
In the pilot study, we explored three running research projects and we reviewed their potential to be included in learning programmes. HU offers GigaMesh that is a framework for displaying, processing and visualizing 3D data. SU offers Numerislav that is a collection of texts and images related to Slavic studies. Based on our review of these two systems, we do not see the potential for using GigaMesh in processing of the Numerislav collections. In addition, Numerislav focuses on digitization of its archive. Therefore it is too early to design a learning programme covering this archive since the amount of digitized documents is very low. On the other hand, the review of RExtractor by Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz shows the direction that we want to focus on further.
Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz gave a lecture on "Proč je tanec lepší než právo" (Why dance is better than law) at Noc fakulty 13 November 2019.
This project was funded by the 4EU+ Alliance.