The objective of the @SWitCH proposal is (i) to create a new educational model based on teaching partnership of four leading European universities and (ii) to introduce new cross-disciplinary high-profile learning programme that shall be adjusted to the possibilities and needs of Social Science and Humanities students.

The main task is to develop digital skills of those students in order to allow them, at a later stage of their professional career, to make policy decision or carry on research on the basis of data analysis. Until recently, possibilities and impact of data analysis on policy-making as well as the need to develop adequate skills has been very much underestimated. It was generally believed, that knowledge of data analysis is reserved to IT specialists, statistical, mathematical or data-intensive scientific fields experts. Now, it is understood that, to make the best use of data, diverse skills are needed. Also for future decision-makers it is crucial combine quantitative training with an understanding of human behaviour and social systems in order to apply insights that data analytics can provide. Formulated by Jana Plaňavová-Latanowicz, Center for Europe, University of Warsaw.


This project was funded by the 4EU+ Alliance.