Teaching Activities
International Programs
- ERASMUS+, Lifelong Learning Programme (for Czech students) - exchange with the Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, University of Trento, University of Groningen, University of Bilbao.
- LCT, European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies: LCT webpage, LCT at the Charles University
- CLARA, Common Language Resources and their Applications (Marie Curie ITN)
Courses at MFF UK
- Dependency Grammars and Treebanks (NPFL075)
- Matematická analýza I., II., III. (Mathematical Analysis, in Czech) (cvičení k předmětům NMAI054, NMAI055 a NMAI056)
- Matematické metody v lingvistice (Mathematical Methods in Linguistics I., II., in Czech) (NPFL073)
- Vybrané problémy z lingvistiky I., II. (Selected Linguistic Problems I.,II.) (NPFL071, NPFL072) - not taught
- Praktikum z informatiky (PRG022) - not taught
Master program in Computational Linguistics in Czech and in English
Computer Science Program in English at the Charles University
PhD graduates and PhD students:
- Václava Kettnerová: Lexical-semantic Conversions in a Valency Lexicon (graduated 2012)
- Eduard Bejček: Automatic Linking of Lexicographic Sources and Corpus Data (graduated 2015)
- Jana Šindlerová: Verb valency in a Cross-linguistic Perspective (graduated 2018)
- Mgr. Anna Vernerová: Lexicographic treatment of the valency aspects of verbal diatheses (graduated 2019)
- Mgr. Petra Barančíková: Paraphrasing Czech sentences for MT evaluation
Master graduates and master students:
- Adéla Limburská (graduated 2016)
- Benno Weck (graduated 2016)
- Mara Ximena Gutierrez Vasques (graduated 2013)
- Karel Vandas (graduated 2012)
- Max Jakob (graduated 2010)
- Le Thanh Dinh (graduated 2009)
- Eduard Bejcek (graduated 2006)