
A..Z   ∞..1
a [and]
ale [but]
ani [nor, not (even)]
aniž [without (doing sth)]
ba [even]
či [or]
dokonce [even]
dovršení [completion]
i [also]
jednak ~ jednak [for one thing ~ for another]
jen [only, just]
ještě [still, even]
k [to]
kromě [besides]
nadto [moreover]
naopak [on the contrary]
natož [let alone]
navíc [moreover]
#neg [{negation}]
nebo [or]
nedosti na tom [that is not enough]
nehledě na [regardless of]
nejen [not only]
nejenže [not only that]
nemluvě o [not to mention]
ovšem [but, of course]
pokud [if]
pouze [only, just]
přičemž [while]
přitom [at the same time]
rovněž [also]
současně [at the same time]
však [however]
: [{colon}]