i [also] (primary, single; count: 3989)
connective usages (5%; intra 60%)
conjunction (a také [also], 64%; intra 48%; particle)
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 2; integration: any]
complex_forms (37%): a i [and also] (disc) / podobně i [in the similar way also] (disc) / stejně tak i [in the same way also] (disc) / a dokonce i [and even also] (disc) / vedle toho , že ~ i [besides ~ also] (corr; Connective "besides that, that" is a continuous secondary connective used at the beginning of a dependent clause.) / však i [however also] (disc) / ostatně i [after all also] (disc) / i ale [also but] (disc) / nejen ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / přičemž i [at the same time also] (disc) / a případně i [and alternatively also] (disc)
examples: Dobře jsme se znali a často i shodovali v názorech. [We knew each other well and often also agreed on opinions.] Zjednodušila by se tak administrativa s tím spojená. Ubylo by i běhání po úřadech, což nejvíce zdržuje v práci. [It would simplify the administration associated with it. There would also be less running to offices, which keeps people the most from working.]
gradation (dokonce [moreover], 32%; intra 82%; particle)
[arg_semantics: gradation:higher degree; ordering: 2; integration: any]
complex_forms (93%): nejen ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / #neg jen ~ i [not only ~ also] (corr) / a dokonce i [and even also] (disc) / však i [however also] (disc) / #neg ~ ale i [not ~ but also] (corr) / nejenom ~ i [not only ~ also] (corr) / kromě toho ovšem i [apart from that however also] (disc) / nejen ~ navíc i [not only ~ moreover also] (corr) / nejen ~ nýbrž i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / nejenom ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / a i [and also] (disc) / ale i [but also] (disc) / dokonce i [moreover also] (disc) / ale třeba i [but for example also] (disc) / nejenže ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / #neg jen ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / a to i [and that is also] (disc) / ba i [even also] (cont) / #neg jenom ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr) / - dokonce i [- moreover also] (disc) / ale například i [but for example also] (disc) / #neg pouze ~ i [not only ~ also] (corr) / #neg ~ i [not ~ also] (corr) / #neg pouze ~ ale i [not only ~ but also] (corr)
examples: Pokoušíme se nejen vytvářet vztahy na scéně, ale pracujeme i s divákem. [We try not only to create relationships on the scene, but we also work with the audience.] To vědí všude na světě a dorostu si hledí, někde i hýčkají. [Everywhere in the world they know it and they focus on youngsters, somewhere they even pamper them.] Mohla by to být také obrana proti cizincům, kteří svými cenami ničí domácí výrobce, protože je jejich stát daňově zvýhodňuje. Ale je tu i morální aspekt. [It could also be a defense against foreigners who are destroying the domestic producers with their prices because they have tax privileges from their state. But there is also a moral aspect.]
reason-result (inu, nuže [so], 3%; intra 83%; coordinating conjunction)
[arg_semantics: reason-result:result; ordering: 2; integration: first]
complex_forms (83%): a tím i [and as a result also] (disc; When used in complex forms, expression "i" is a particle with integration value any.) / i vzhledem k tomu , že [also with regard to that, that] (cont; Expression "i" is a particle, it intensifies the secondary connective "vzhledem k tomu, že".) / a i proto [and also therefore] (disc; Expression "i" is a particle, it intensifies the expression "proto".) / i z toho důvodu , že [also for that reason, that] (cont; Expression "i" is a particle, it intesifies the secondary connective "z toho důvodu, že".)
examples: Vzpomněl jsem si na tyto fórky ve chvíli, kdy naše vláda oznámila, že církve nebudou financovány pomocí daňových asignací, ale pomocí jakýchsi bonů. I představil jsem si nás, faráře, jak podupáváme před farami a mezi zuby cedíme na kolemjdoucí: "bony, bony?" [I recalled these little jokes when our government announced that the churches would not be financed by tax assignments, but by some kind of vouchers. So, I imagined us priests stamping feets in front of the parsonage, and pass through our teeth to passers-by: "vouchers, vouchers?"] Já jsem na zranění smolař, a možná i proto jsem se objevil v lize až ve třiadvaceti letech. [I am a luckless fellow regarding wounds, and maybe also that's why I appeared in the league only when I was twenty three years old.]
disjunctive alternative (a, nebo [and, or], 1%; intra 100%; particle)
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 2; integration: any]
examples: Inflace, která znehodnocuje vklady, může prudce stoupnout i klesnout. [Inflation, which devaluates deposits, may rise and fall sharply.]
non-connective usages (95%)
conjunction (a, také [and, also], 100%)
examples: Kanaďané bodují v hokeji i ekonomice [Canadians score in hockey and economy] Odnesl i pistoli [He took away also the pistol]
noun ({písmeno} [{character}], 0%)
examples: U článku o Hondě Legend byla zaměněna fotografie s Roverem 214i. [The photo at the article about Honda Legend was switched with Rover 214i.] Zdvojnásobení zisku očekává v tomto roce Koh-i- noor Hardtmuth České Budějovice. [Koh-i- noor Hardtmuth České Budějovice expects doubling of profits this year.]