functorThe DIR2
functor (directional: which way) is a functor for a free modification that expresses specification of place (direction) answering the question "which way?".
Subfunctors. The DIR2
functor is further specified by subfunctors. See Section 13.1.5, "Subfunctors with the DIR2
Valency. DIR2
modifications are obligatory for many verbs, esp. for verbs of motion with the prefix pro- (e.g. proběhnout (=to_run_by), projít (=to_pass), proniknout (=to_penetrate), proskočit (=to_jump_through), ubírat se (=to_trace)).
Forms. The basic forms of DIR2
modifications are:
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
blízko+2 | Prošli blízko toho domu. (=They passed close to that house.) |
dle+2 | Dle silnice vede chodník. (=Along the road there is a pavement.) |
kolem+2 | Prošli kolem nás. (=They passed by us.) |
mezi+7 | Proběhl mezi nimi. (=He ran between them.) |
mimo+4 | Prošel mimo tebe. (=He passed around you.) |
nad+7 | Trať se vine nad řekou. (=The track winds above the river.) |
naproti+3 | Cesta se vine naproti svahu. (=The path winds opposite the slope.) |
napříč+3 | Hlavní dopravní tepna jde napříč městem. (=The main arterial road goes across the city.) |
nedaleko+2 | Prošli nedaleko Chrudimi. (=They passed not far from Chrudim.) |
okolo+2 | Chodil okolo domu. (=He kept passing by the house.) |
po+6 | Jezdí po Čechách. (=He goes round Bohemia.) |
poblíž+2 | Prošel poblíž nebezpečí. (=He passed close to danger.) |
pod+7 | Tunel vede pod řekou. (=The tunnel leads under the river.) |
podél+2 | Podél řeky vede silnice. (=Along the river leads a road.) |
podle+2 | Podle potoka vede cesta. (=Along the brook leads a path.) |
proti+3 | Prošel proti radnici. (=He passed opposite the townhall.) |
přes+4 | Přes louku vede cesta. (=Across the meadow leads a path.) |
skrz+4 | Provrtali díru skrz zeď. (=They drilled a whole through the wall.) |
směrem do+2 | Vydali se směrem do Prahy. (=They set off towards Prague.) |
směrem k+3 | Vydali se směrem ku Praze. (=They set off towards Prague.) |
směrem na+4 | Silnice je směrem na Prahu zacpaná. (=The road to Prague is jammed.) |
směrem proti+3 | Prošel směrem proti radnici. (=He passed in the direction towards the townhall.) |
souběžně s+7 | Souběžně s železnicí vede silnice. (=Alongside the railway leads a road.) |
vedle+2 | Vedle našeho domu vede cesta. (=Next to our hous there is a path.) |
za+7 | Procházel se za plotem. (=He was walking behind the fence.) |
Šli podél lesa.DIR2
(=lit. (They) walked along (the) forest.) Fig. 7.21
noun in a non-prepositional case.
The most common forms:
instrumental | Maršál Rommel ustupoval údolím řeky Vardaru. (=Marshal Rommel retreated through the valley of the river Vardar.) |
adverbial expressions.
půjdeme? (=lit. Which_way shall_(we)_go?)
Musíme jít jinudy.DIR2
(=lit. (We) must take another_way.)
Turista jen málokdy projde okolo.DIR2
(=lit. (A) tourist only hardly_ever passes by.)
Nastupujte předem.DIR2
(=lit.(For) boarding use (the) front_door.)
Odešli středem.DIR2
(=lit. (They) left through_(the)_middle.)
cesta nevede. (=lit. Here (there) is (no) way.)
dependent clause.
The most common forms:
kudy | Půjdeme, kudy budeme chtít. (=We shall go whichever way we wish to.) |
NB! Dependent clauses with locative and directional meanings are usually introduced by relative adverbs, not by conjunctions.
Půjdeme, kudy.DIR2
budeme chtít.DIR2
(=lit. (We) shall_go whichever_way (we) wish_to.)
Dostal se tam <tudy> , kudy.DIR2
světlo. (=lit. (He) got - there (the) way which came_through light.)
In some cases in which the dependent clause is introduced by a pair of pronominal adverbial connectives with different meanings, the effective root node of the clause is assigned the RSTR
functor. For example:
Díval se tam.DIR3
, kudy.DIR2
světlo. (=lit. (He) watched - where came_through (the) light.)
For details see Section 5.3.4, "Correlative pairs with temporal pronominal adverbs as supporting expressions".
Borders with other locative or directional functors. DIR1
modifications border on other locative or directional modifications. For more see Section 4.4, "LOC".