
Title Type
Automated Speech Scoring in Czech Project
Automatic MWE Identification Project
Czech Academic Corpus Project
Czech Legal Text Treebank Project
Czech Named Entity Corpus Project
Czech RST Discourse Treebank 1.0 Project
CzeDLex - A Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives Project
DeriNet Project
EngVallex - English valency lexicon linked to corpora Project
EVALD 3.0 (Evaluator of Discourse) Project
HindEnCorp Project
Lexical-semantic Annotation / SemLex Lexicon Project
Lindat KonText Project
Modeling of Complexity in Czech Literary Texts Project
MorfFlex CZ Project
NomVallex: Valency Lexicon of Czech Nouns and Adjectives Project
OdiEnCorp Project
PDT-Vallex: Valency Lexicon Linked to Czech Corpora Project
PDTSC 2.0 Project
Prague Dependency Treebank Project
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0 Project
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 1.0 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 Project
Prague Discourse Treebank 3.0 Project
Prague English Dependency Treebank Project
ROMi 1.0 Project
Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech Project
Semantic Pattern Recognition Project
Sentiment Analysis in Czech Project
Slovakoczech NLP workshop Project
SumeCzech Project
UrMonoCorp Project
Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs VALLEX Project
VPS-30-En: Verb Pattern Sample - 30 English Project
VPS-GradeUp Project
Working with the Penn Discourse Treebank Project
An Integrated Approach to Derivational and Inflectional Morphology of Czech Grant
Automatické hodnocení mluveného projevu v češtině [Automated Speech Scoring in Czech] Grant
Generování české poezie v edukačním a multimediálním prostředí Grant
High Performance Language Technologies Grant
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure Grant
Linguistic Factors of Readability in Czech Administrative and Educational Texts Grant
Neural machine translation for low-resource languages Grant
Subcategorization of adverbial meanings based on corpus data Grant
TextLink: Skladba diskurzu v evropských jazycích Grant
VALLEX - Between Reciprocity and Reflexivity: The Case of Czech Reciprocal Constructions Grant
Word-formation Relations Reflected in Noun Valency: The Case of Czech Deverbal and Deadjectival Nouns Grant