1st Deep Machine Translation Workshop (Room S5)

Thursday, Sep. 3, 2015
14:00-15:00 Jan Hajic, Antonio Branco: Opening and introduction to Deep MT Workshop
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Gorka Labaka, Oneka Jauregi, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza, Michael Ustaszewski, Nora Aranberri and Eneko Agirre: Deep-syntax TectoMT for English-Spanish MT
16:30-17:00 Rudolf Rosa, Ondrej Dusek, Michal Novák and Martin Popel: Translation Model Interpolation for Domain Adaptation in TectoMT
17:00-17:30 Kiril Simov, Iliana Simova, Velislava Todorova and Petya Osenova: Factored models for Deep Machine Translation
19:00-21:30 Social dinner (place TBD)


Friday, Sep. 4, 2015
9:00-10:00 Invited talk:
Christian Chiarcos: Linguistic Linked Open Data: What’s in for Machine Translation?
10:00-10:30 Steven Neale, Luís Gomes and António Branco: First Steps in Using Word Senses as Contextual Features in Maxent Models for Machine Translation
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-11:30 Dieke Oele and Gertjan van Noord: Lexical choice in Abstract Dependency Trees
11:30-12:00 Joachim Daiber, Lautaro Quiroz, Roger Wechsler and Stella Frank: Splitting Compounds by Semantic Analogy
12:00-12:30 Eleftherios Avramidis, Aljoscha Burchardt, Maja Popovic and Hans Uszkoreit: Towards Deeper MT - A Hybrid System for German
12:30-14:00 Lunch 
14:00-14:30 Rosa Del Gaudio, Aljoscha Burchardt and Arle Lommel: Evaluating a Machine Translation System in a Technical Support Scenario
14:30-15:00 Sanja Štajner, João Rodrigues, Luis Gomes and António Branco: Machine Translation for Multilingual Troubleshooting in the IT Domain: A Comparison of Different Strategies
15:00-15:30 Miguel Angel Rios Gaona and Serge Sharoff: Large Scale Translation Quality Estimation
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Parameswari Krishnamurthy: Building Divergence Index for Machine Translation System: Implementation in Telugu-Tamil Machine Translation
16:30-17:00 Joachim Daiber, Khalil Sima'an: Delimiting Morphosyntactic Search Space with Source-Side Reordering Models
17:00-17:30 Sophie Arnoult and Khalil Sima'An: Modelling the Adjunct/Argument Distinction in Hierarchical Phrase-Based SMT
17:30-18:00 General Discussion, closing remarks

The lunch on Sep. 4 is not catered; there is a choice of many nice restaurants in the surroundings, or the faculty's cafeteria can be used.

Local arrangements