Variability of languages in time and space
Variabilita jazyků v čase a prostoru
SIS code: NPFL100 (the course's site in SIS)
Teachers: Magda Ševčíková, Anja Nedoluzhko, Zdeněk Žabokrtský
Fall term 2024/2025: Wednesday 15:40-17:10 in S8
Course completion requirements (homework assignments + final test):
- Homework assignments
There will be 3 homework assignments.
For each assignment, you will get points, up to a given maximum (specified with each assignment).
If your submission is especially good, you can get extra points (up to +10% of the maximum).
All assignments will have a fixed deadline (usually in 10 days).
If you submit the assignment after the deadline, you will get:
up to 50% of the maximum points if it is less than 2 weeks after the deadline;
0 points if it is more than 2 weeks after the deadline.
To be allowed to take the test (which is required to pass the course), you need to get at least 50% of the total points from the assignments.
- Final test
There will be a written test at the end of the semester.
To pass the course, you need to get at least 50% of the total points from the test.
Did you know that...
there are languages with less than three vowels and more than 30 consonants?
stress can be totally unbounded?
there may be up to 7 consonants in one syllable?
there may be a special case for doing something without someone?
Hungarian has 19 cases, while old French has only two?
inflection and derivation are quite close to each other?
How to compare languages if they are so different?
The course is an introduction to how languages can be approached by linguistic analysis. After explaining the perspective of genealogical classification of languages and the perspective taken by areal linguistics, the course focuses on similarities and differences in the structure of languages as studied by linguistic typology. Referring to existing databases containing information on many languages and on multi-lingual language resources, we will deal with typological study of phonological, morphological, and syntactic features. Recent approaches to typology of word formation will be presented too.
Course schedule
/last year's slides available below for reference, will be updated/
2 October 2024 - Intro
Objectives of the course, lecture topics, course completion requirements
Basic facts on the world's languages
Linguistic typology (language typology), genealogical classification (genetic classification) of languages, areal linguistics
Slides 2024: PDF
9 October 2024 - Linguistic typology: Phonology (part 1)
Phonetics and Phonology: description, distinction, examples
Consonant and vowel inventories across languages
Segmental processes (assimilation, dissimilation, etc.)
Slides: PDF
Linguistic quiz on vowel harmony in Hungarian: PDF
16 October 2024 - Linguistic typology: Phonology (part 2)
Syllable structure and patterns
Syllable repair processes
Slides: PDF
23 October 2024 - Data for language comparison: "Metadata" about the world's languages
Databases of typologically relevant linguistic features
Genealogical databases of languages
Slides: PDF
A tour through
HOMEWORK 1 to be assigned
see the slides for the spec
submission deadline 13th November 2024 (see the slides for submission instructions)
30 October 2024 - Linguistic typology: Word formation
Word formation vs. formation of word forms
Lexical vs. grammatical morphemes
Bound vs. free morphemes
Word-formation processes
Compounding, reduplication, blending
Approaches to cross-linguistic study of word-formation
Productivity-based approaches
Non/attestation of word-formation processes
Derivational potential of unmotivated words
Slides 2024: PDF
6 November 2024 - Linguistic typology: Morphology (part 1)
Linguistic signs
Grammatical vs. Lexical meanings
Structural morphological typology
Parameters of variation
Types of morphology: agglutinating, fusional, isolating, polysynthetic
Linguistic quiz
Slides: PDF
13 November 2024 - Linguistic typology: Morphology (part 2)
Types of morphology: agglutinating, fusional, isolating, polysynthetic
Comparison of morphology types
Parts of Speech classification
Criteria for distinction (semantic, pragmatic, formal)
Relativity of the distinction
Languages with low predicate-object distinction
Languages with and without adjectives
Grammatical categories of nouns
LInguistic quizes
Slides: PDF
20 November 2024 - Linguistc typology: Syntax
Comparing syntactic features across languages
Basic word order
Basic sentence elements (subject, verb, object)
Types of word order
Order of the basic elements
Order of verb and object, verb and subject, word order in noun phrases
Correlations between the word order type and other syntactic features
Verb-final, verb-initial and Subject-Verb-Object languages
Slides 2024: PDF
27 November 2024 - Data for language comparison: Multilingual lexical resources
Multilingual resources, crosslingual resources, etymological resources
Slides: PDF
HOMEWORK 2 to be assigned, see slides for the spec, deadline 16th December 2024
4 December 2024 - Language universals
Linguistic typology and language universals
J. H. Greenberg's Universals of Language
absolute vs. statistical universals
implicational vs. unconditional universals
The Rara & Universals Archive
Borrowing of verbs between languages
Slides 2024: PDF
11 December 2024 - Data for language comparison: Multilingual corpora
Text corpora for the study of multiple languages
Few languages with large corpora, many languages with limited corpora
Slides: NPFL100_Multilingual_Corpora.pdf
HOMEWORK 3 to be assigned, see slides for the spec; deadline 6th January 2025
18 December 2024 - Writing systems
, References:
Jan Bičovský: Vademecum starými indoevropskými jazyky. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, 2009.
Lyle Campbell: Historical linguistics: An introduction. 2004.
Bernard Comrie: Language universals and linguistic typology. 1989.
Terry Crowley – Claire Bowern: An introduction to historical linguistics. 2010.
František Čermák: Jazyk a jazykověda (Přehled a slovníky). Praha: Karolinum, 2004.
Jiří Černý: Dějiny lingvistiky. Olomouc: Votobia, 1996.
Jiří Černý: Úvod do studia jazyka. Olomouc: Rubico, 1998.
Tomáš Duběda: Jazyky a jejich zvuky. Univerzálie a typologie ve fonetice a fonologii. Praha: Karolinum, 2005.
Adolf Erhart: Základy jazykovědy. Praha: SPN, 1984.
N. Evans – S. Levinson: The myth of language universals. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2009, 32(5), 429–448.
Victoria Fromkin – Robert Rodman – Nina Hyams: An Introduction to Language. International Student Edition. Boston: Wadsworth, 2006.
Eva Hajičová – Petr Sgall – Jarmila Panevová: Úvod do teoretické a počítačové lingvistiky. Svazek 1: Teoretická lingvistika. Praha: Karolinum, 2002.
Martin Haspelmath et al. (eds.): Language typology and language universals. 2001.
Hans Henrich Hock: Language history, language change, and language relationship: an introduction to historical and comparative linguistics. 2009.
Jakov G. Testelec: Vvedenie v obščij sintaksis. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo RGGU, 2001
Online resources: