
Title Type
A treebank of Buddhist Chinese texts and its applications Event
Adapters in Transformers. A New Paradigm for Transfer Learning…? Event
Are Transformers Good Learners? Exploring the Limits of Transformer Training Event
AuGPT: End-to-end dialogue modeling with Pre-trained Language Models and Data Augmentation Event
CANCELLED -- Neural dialogue models: growing up confident and independent Event
Coreference meets Universal Dependencies Event
Disentangling 20 years of confusion: quo vadis, human evaluation? Event
Empirical Models for an Indic Dialect Continuum Event
European Language Grid (online workshop) Event
Framing climate change: A computational perspective Event
Hidden in the Layers: Interpretation of Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing Event
How much do discourse connectives matter in text coherence? Psycholinguistic experiments on implicit discourse relations in Czech Event
Interpreting and Controlling Linguistic Features in Neural Networks’ Representations Event
Jazykové technologie - předměty ZS 2020 Event
Korpus SYN2020 a jeho anotace Event
LANGUAGE IN ITS MULTIFARIOUS ASPECT. Seminar in Memory of Petr Sgall (1926–2019) Event
Language Translator Event
Od věty k textu: diskurzní konektory jako indikátory textových vztahů Event
On counting wholes and parts: Cognitive and linguistic perspectives Event
Prague Dependency Treebank - Consolidated 1.0 Event
Responsible Conversational AI: Trusted, Safe and Bias-free Event
Scaling Semantic Role Labeling and Semantic Parsing Across Languages Event
The L2 corpus COREFL and referring expression selection in L1 Spanish-L2 English Event
The ParlaMint project: developing comparable corpora of parliamentary debates in Europe Event
The third European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) workshop in the Czech Republic Event
UFAL PhD conference - Part I Event
UFAL PhD conference - Part II Event
UFAL PhD conference - Part III Event
Understanding Language Modeling Event
What relative pronoun morphology reveals about relative clause typology Event
Words and Classes. Branches and Links. Interlinking (Latin) Resources in the Linguistic Linked Open Data World through the LiLa Knowledge Base Event