SloNLP 2017
SloNLP is a Slovakoczech workshop focused on Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. Its main aim is to encourage cooperation among NLP researchers in Czechia and Slovakia; we therefore also invite Master and Doctoral students of computational linguistics to participate.
The topics of the workshop include: automatic speech recognition (ASR), automatic natural language analysis and generation (morphology, syntax, semantics...), dialogue systems, machine translation (MT), information retrieval (IR), practical applications of NLP technologies, and other topics of computational linguistics.
We also welcome work-in-progress papers with preliminary results, negative results papers, and future research suggestion papers.
The workshop is part of the ITAT conference, which takes place from 22th to 26th September 2016 in Hotel Martinské hole in Martinské hole near Martin (map).
Invited Speaker
Instructions for Authors
- paper in English
- 4-8 pages including references, in two columns (latex style)
- submit through EasyChair
- each paper will be reviewed by 2 or 3 reviewers. The review process is double-blind to provide anonymity for both authors and reviewers. The paper must be anonymized:
- Remove any identifying information, including author names, affiliations, e-mail, telephone or funding sources.
- Use the third person to refer to work the Authors have previously undertaken, e.g. replace any phrases like “as we have shown before” with “… has been shown before [Anonymous, 2007]” .
- Make sure figures do not contain any affiliation related identifier
- Do not eliminate essential self-references or other references but limit self-references only to papers that are relevant for those reviewing the submitted paper.
- Do not include acknowledgments.
- if you cross-submit your paper to multiple conferences/journals and it gets accepted and published elsewhere, you must withdraw it from SloNLP before submitting the camera-ready version at the latest
- paper presentation during a poster session (plus 1-2 slides for a booster session).
- you can choose to present orally in EasyChair
- papers nominated for ITAT Best Paper will be probably presented during the main conference orally (authors will be informed in advance)
- main language of workshop is Czech/Slovak, presenting in English is also possible. Preferred language of posters (slides) is English.
- the papers will be published in the proceedings of ITAT (with an ISBN).
- until 15/5 abstract submission (50 - 200 words)
- until 22/5 paper submission
- until 26/6 announcement of accept/reject/conditional accept decisions
- until 14/7 camera-ready submission (until 12/7 for conditionally accepted papers)
- 22/9-26/9 conference
All deadlines are 23:59 AoE.
Program Committee
- Rudolf Rosa (ÚFAL MFF UK),, main organizer
- Petra Barančíková (ÚFAL MFF UK),, main organizer
- Vladimír Benko (JÚĽŠ SAV)
- Ján Genči (KPI TUKE)
- Aleš Horák (FI MUNI)
- Marie Chochlová (Mathematical Linguistics, St. Petersburg University)
- Miloslav Konopík (KIV ZČU)
- Pavel Král (KIV ZČU)
- Markéta Lopatková (ÚFAL MFF UK)
- David Mareček (ÚFAL MFF UK)
- Karel Oliva (freelance linguist)