Jana Hamrlová
I'm providing administrative support for projects at ÚFAL:
Current projects:
- ATRIUM - Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities
- UNCE Multilingual Lens
- HumanE-AI-Net
- NPO - Transformace pro VŠ na UK, specifický cíl B
Past projects:
- European Language Equality 2 - organising FSTP
- OP VVV LangTech: Modernizace oboru Matematická lingvistika
- ELG - European Language Grid - including FSTP mechanism
- Transatlantic Collaboration between LAPPS Grid and CLARIN: Implementation of NLP-enabled Tools using Text Archives as a Use Case
- THEAITRE - support in the preparation of the project proposal
- Polisys
- DigiLing: Trans-European e-Learning Hub for Digital Linguistics