18th International Conference of Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD). Plzeň, Czech Republic. 14.–17. 9. 2015. Poster: Analyzing Text Coherence via Multiple Annotation in the Prague Dependency Treebank [co-author Kateřina Rysová]
International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling). Uppsala, Sweden. 24.–26. 8. 2015. Poster: Secondary Connectives in the Prague Dependency Treebank [co-author Kateřina Rysová]
TextLink First Action Conference. Catholic University of Louvain. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 26.–28. 1. 2015. Poster: On Definition of Discourse Connectives – Primary vs. Secondary Connectives (Based on a Corpus Probe) [co-author Kateřina Rysová]
The 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computing (PACLIC). Chulalongkorn University. Phuket, Thailand. 12.–14. 12. 2014. Oral presentation: The Centre and Periphery of Discourse Connectives [co-author Kateřina Rysová]
47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Adam Mickiewicz University. Poznań, Poland. 11.–14. 9. 2014. Poster: Classification of language means expressing textual relations in Czech: Difference between discourse connectives and their alternative lexicalizations
LREC 2014 (Language Resources and Evaluation). Reykjavik, Island. 26.–31. 5. 2014. Poster: Verbs of Saying with a Textual Connecting Function in the Prague Discourse Treebank
ICAME 35 (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English). Nottingham, UK. 30. 4 – 4. 5. 2014. Oral presentation: Language Means Expressing Discourse Relations in Written and Spoken Czech
YLMP 2014 (Young Linguists' Meeting in Poznań). Poznan, Poland. 4.–6. 4. 2014. Oral presentation: Czech Verbs with a Connective Function at the Level of Discourse in the Prague Dependency Treebank
Lingvistika Praha. FF UK in Prague. Prague. 4.–6. 4. 2013. Oral presentation: Je množina diskurzních konektorů konečná? (Are discourse connectives a close classed expressions?)
Workshop of three projects. MFF UK in Prague. Prague. April 2013. Oral presentation: Automatická předanotace TFA v české části PCEDT (Automatic pre-annotation of topic-focus articulation in the Czech part of PCEDT)
International student conference InterFaces. Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Vroclav, Poland. 3. – 10. 6. 2013. Oral presentation: Způsoby vyjadřování diskurzních vztahů v češtině a jejich anotace v Pražském závislostním korpusu (Means of expressing discourse relations in Czech and their annotation in the Prague Dependency Treebank)
46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Split University. Split, Croatia. 18. 9. – 21. 9. 2013. Poster: Discourse Connectives in Broader Sense
6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Nagoya Congress Center. Nagoya, Japan. 14.–18. 10. 2013. One of the authors of an oral presentation: (Pre-)Annotation of Topic-Focus Articulation in Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank.
Kolokvium mladých jazykovedcov, Katedra slovenského jazyka a literatúry UCM v Trnave a Slovenská jazykovedná spoločnosť pri JÚĽŠ SAV v Bratislave, 20.–22. 11. 2013. Oral presentation: Anotace vybraných jevů na textové rovině Pražského závislostního korpusu (Annotation of selected phenomena on the textual level in the Prague Dependency Treebank)
Participation in The Twelfth Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT). Sophia, Bulgaria. December 2013.
Participation in The Third Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities. Sophia, Bulgaria. December 2013.
Seminar of Formal Linguistics (a head of the seminar: prof. PhDr. Eva Hajičová, DrSc.). MFF UK in Prague. Prague. October 2012. Oral presentation: On Discourse Annotation in PDT
Multilingual databases and corpora of connectives. Jena, Germany. October 2012. Oral presentation: Connectives and their alternative lexicalizations in Czech
LREC 2012 (Language Resources and Evaluation). Istanbul, Turkey. June 2012. Oral presentation: Alternative Lexicaliztions of Discourse Connectives in Czech
Discourse workshop: PDTB 2012 Workshop. University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. May/June 2012.
International student conference InterFaces. Universität Leipzig. Leipzig, Germany. May/June 2011. Oral presentation: K explikativním vztahům v češtině (On explicative relations in Czech)
Prague Workshop on Discourse Annotation. MFF UK in Prague. Prague. May 2011. Oral presentation: Problematic relations in the PDT annotation: Explication and Cause
Corpus Linguistics (CL). Birmingham, UK. July 2011. Cooperation in workshop on annotation of discourse relations in large corpora.
International student conference InterFaces VII. ÚČJTK, ÚČLLV FF UK in Prague. Prague. Juni 2009. Oral presentation: Několik poznámek k výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka – překlad z němčiny do češtiny (Several notes to teaching Czech as a foreign language – a translation from German to Czech)
26th student workshop Žďárek. ÚČJTK FF UK in Prague. Hořovice. November 2009. Oral presentation: O spojení číslovky s počítaným předmětem v češtině (On combination of numerals with the counted object in Czech)
23th student workshop Žďárek. ÚČJTK FF UK in Prague. Jilemnice. December 2007. Oral presentation: Nejednoznačnost aktuálního členění výpovědi v básnické tvorbě Otokara Březiny (Ambiguity of sentence information structure in the poems by Otokar Březina)