Monday, 1 December, 2014 - 13:30

Towards large coverage deep-syntactic parsing

Abstract: "Deep-syntactic" dependency structures that capture the argumentative, attributive and
coordinative relations between full words of a sentence have a great potential for a number
of NLP-applications. The abstraction degree of these structures is in between the output
of a syntactic dependency parser (connected trees dened over all words of a sentence and
language-specic grammatical functions) and the output of a semantic parser (forests of
trees dened over individual lexemes or phrasal chunks and abstract semantic role labels
which capture the frame structures of predicative elements and drop all attributive and
coordinative dependencies). In this talk, we will discuss some advantages of deep-syntactic 
structures and present a parsing approach that provides deep syntactic structures.


The seminar is supported by Vilem Mathesius Foundation.



Leo Wanner earned his Diploma degree in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe and his PhD in Linguistics from the University of The Saarland. Prior to joining ICREA, he held positions at the German National Centre for Computer Science, University of Waterloo, the University of Stuttgart and the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. As visiting researcher, he was also affiliated with U of Montreal, U of Sydney, U of Southern California's Institute for Information Sciences, U Paris 7, and the Columbia University, New York. Throughout his career, Dr Wanner has been involved in various large scale national, European, and transatlantic research projects. He has published seven books and over 100 refereed journal and conference articles and serves as regular reviewer for a number of high profile conferences and journals.