Day 1 - Thursday, 19th September 2019
- 8:45 - 9:15 Registration
- 9:15 - 9:30 Opening, chair: Zdeněk Žabokrtský
- A welcome by Markéta Lopatková, the director of the Instute of Formal and Applied Linguistics
- 9:30 - 10:30 Invited talk, chair: Magda Ševčíková
- Lívia Körtvélyessy, Cross-linguistic research into derivational networks. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
- 11:00 - 12:30 Session 1, chair: Jan Radimský
- Daniele Sanacore, Nabil Hathout and Fiammetta Namer, Semantic descriptions of French derivational relations in a families-and-paradigms framework. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Lucie Pultrová, Correlation between the gradability of Latin adjectives and the ability to form qualitative abstract nouns. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Eleonora Litta, Marco Passarotti and Francesco Mambrini, The Treatment of Word Formation in the LiLa Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
- 14:00 - 15:30 Session 2, chair: Marco Passarotti
- Petra Steiner, Combining Data-Intense and Compute-Intense Methods for Fine-Grained Morphological Analyses. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Klára Osolsobě, The Tagged Corpus (SYN2010) as a Help and a Pitfall in the Word-formation Research.
[ full paper ] [ presentation ] - Rudolf Rosa and Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Attempting to separate inflection and derivation using vector space representations. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
- 16:00 - 17:00 Session 3, chair: Klára Osolsobě
- Matea Filko, Krešimir Šojat and Vanja Štefanec,Redesign of the Croatian derivational lexicon.
[ full paper ] [ presentation ] - Jonáš Vidra, Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Magda Ševčíková and Lukáš Kyjánek, DeriNet 2.0: Towards an All-in-One Word-Formation Resource. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Matea Filko, Krešimir Šojat and Vanja Štefanec,Redesign of the Croatian derivational lexicon.
- 17:00 - 17:15 Break (and moving downstairs)
- 17:15 - 17:45 Guided visit of Rotunda - a medieval part of the faculty building (in the ground floor)
- 20:00 Workshop dinner in the Malostranská beseda restaurant (just across the tram rails from the workshop venue building)
Day 2 - Friday, 20th September 2019
9:00 -- 10:00 Invited talk, chair: Eleonora Litta
- Fiammetta Namer, ParaDis and Démonette, From Theory to Resources for Derivational Paradigms.
[ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Fiammetta Namer, ParaDis and Démonette, From Theory to Resources for Derivational Paradigms.
10:00 -- 10:20 Coffee break
10:20 -- 11:20 Session 4, chair: Pavel Štichauer
- Hamid Haghdoost, Ebrahim Ansari, Zdeněk Žabokrtský and Mahshid Nikravesh,
Building a Morphological Network for Persian on Top of a Morpheme-Segmented Lexicon.
[ full paper ] [ presentation ] - Lukáš Kyjánek, Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Magda Ševčíková and Jonáš Vidra, Universal Derivations Kickoff: A Collection of Harmonized Derivational Resources for Eleven Languages. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Hamid Haghdoost, Ebrahim Ansari, Zdeněk Žabokrtský and Mahshid Nikravesh,
Building a Morphological Network for Persian on Top of a Morpheme-Segmented Lexicon.
11:20 -- 11:40 Coffee break
11:40 -- 12:40 Session 5, chair: Zdeněk Žabokrtský
- Christian Curtis, A Parametric Approach to Implemented Analyses: Valence-changing Morphology in the LinGO Grammar Matrix. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
- Junya Morita, Grammaticalization in Derivational Morphology: Verification of the Process by Innovative Derivatives. [ full paper ] [ presentation ]
12:40 -- 13:00 Closing remarks
- DeriMo 2021?
- A special issue dedicated to derivations in the Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics?