
A..Z   ∞..1
a [and]
ale [but]
aniž [without (doing sth)]
[no matter]
[when, until]
dokud [until, while]
důvod [reason]
jak [as, when]
jakmile [as soon as]
jestli [if]
jestliže [if, in case]
jinak [otherwise]
kdy [when]
kdyby [if]
když [when]
li [if]
nebo [or]
ovšem [but, of course]
pak [then]
pakliže [if]
podmínka [condition]
pokud [if]
poté [afterwards]
potom [then]
předpoklad [assumption]
případ [case]
s tím, že [with the fact that]
stejně [equally, still]
tak [so]
také [also]
to [{N/A}]
znamenat [to mean]
že [that]
- [{dash}]