Euro Summer School – Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series 19
March 7 – 20, 2004
Krystal hotel, Jose Marti Str., Prague 6

Scientific Programme
- Nicoletta Calzolari: Towards a New Generation of Language Resources (slides)
- Frantisek Cermak: Text Introducers of Idioms: What Czech and English Corpora Say
- Guglielmo Cinque:
- The Internal Structure of Nominal Phrases
- The Prenominal Origin of Relative Clauses
- Deriving Greenberg's Universal 20 and its Exceptions
- Radu Florian: Tagging in Natural Language Processing: From Part-of-Speech Tagging to Shallow Parsing (slides)
- Jan Hajic: The Prague Dependency Treebank (with demos)
- Eva Hajicova: Information Structure and beyond (with Special Regard to Deep Annotation of Large Language Corpora)
- Frederick Jelinek: New Developments in Language Modelling (slides)
- Aravind Joshi: (slides)
- Starting with Complex Primitives Pays off
- The Boundary between Sentence and Discourse: Annotation of Discourse Connectives and their Arguments
- Manfred Krifka: Optimality - Theoretic Pragmatics (slides), (some further reading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Bente Maegaard: (slides)
- Controlled Language
- Validation of Computational Lexica
- Makoto Nagao: The Principles and Basic Methodologies of Machine Translation, and the Current State of the art of MT, Including Example Based MT
- Barbara Partee and Vladimir Borschev: Formal and Lexical Semantics (slides)
- Petr Sgall:
- Underlying Structure Based on Valency
- Typology and the Core of Language
- Stuart Shieber: (slides)
- Resurrecting the Turing Test
- Towards a Universal Natural-Language Pipeline
The programme includes a half-day tutorial on annotation of large corpora of texts (based on the experience with annotation of the Prague Dependency Treebank and complemented by demonstrations of the system) led by Jan Hajic.
Time Schedule
Week 1 (Monday March 8 – Friday March 12, 2004)
9:30-11:00 | 11:30-13:00 | 14:30-16:00 | 16:30-18:00 | |
Monday | Nagao | Sgall | Cinque | Calzolari |
Tuesday | Nagao | Calzolari | Cinque | Florian |
Wednesday | Nagao | Calzolari | Maegaard | Joshi |
Thursday | Joshi | Maegaard | Cinque | Florian |
Friday | Joshi | Hajicova | Maegaard | Florian |
Week 2 (Monday March 15 – Friday March 19, 2004)
9:30-11:00 | 11:30-13:00 | 14:30-16:00 | 16:30-18:00 | |
Monday | Krifka | Partee Borsch. | Jelinek | xxx |
Tuesday | Krifka | Partee, Borsch. | Sgall | Shieber |
Wednesday | Jelinek | Partee, Borsch. | Krifka | Hajic |
Thursday | Shieber | Partee, Borsch. | Jelinek | Cermak |
Friday | Hajic et al.: PDT | xxx | xxx |
The Foundation of Vilem Mathesius and the Prague Linguistic Circle are grateful for the support given by the European Commission, Research DG, Human Potential Programme, High Level Scientific Conferences (contract number: HPCF-2000-00336), the Higher Education Support Programme of the Open Society Institute, and by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University.