8.1. Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions

For purposes of annotation, identifying expressions are divided into:

  1. identifying expressions with a declinable governing constituent.

    The governing constituent of identifying expressions in this group is usually a regularly declinable noun, but it can also be an adjective or a numeral.

    Examples: Petr (=Peter), Národní divadlo (=The National Theatre), Babička (=Grandma), Karlova univerzita (=Charles University), Nové město nad Metují (=Nové město nad Metují (name of a town)) , Krkonoše (=The Giant Mountains), Osudová (=Beethoven's Fifth Symphony), Vltavská (=Vltavská (name of a street or metro station)), Mostecká uhelná (=The Most Colliery Company), (nápis) "Vy a vaši přátelé" (=(the sign) "You and your friends"), (pojem) čas (=(the concept of) time).

    This includes identifying expressions with more than one governing constituent (i.e. a paratactic connection), if all its governing constituents are declined in the appropriate case:

    Examples: Čtu Timura a jeho partu. (=I am reading Timur and his Friends.); Pustíme si Prince a Večernici (=Let's watch The Prince and the Evening Star (film of a fairy tale)), (pohádka) Bob a Bobek, králíci z klobouku (=(the children's story) Bob and Bobek, Rabbits out of the Hat.).

    This type includes explicative genitives: (pojem) času (=(the concept of) time), (otázka) laickosti (=(the question of) laity).

  2. other identifying expressions.

    All other identifying expressions which do not satisfy the criteria of the first group A, form a second group of titles. These include:

    • identifying expressions with a non-declinable governing constituent, remaining in the nominative in all positions, including paratactic connections.

      Examples: Utkali se s Bayern Mnichov (=They played Bayern Munich); Čtu Timur a jeho parta.(=I am reading Timur and his Friends.)

    • identifying expressions containing an invariable case form of a noun.

      Examples: Matičce (=To Mother (cycle of poems)), Sluncem a stínem (=Sun and Shade (poetry)).

    • identifying expressions formed by a prepositional phrase.

      Examples: Proti všem (=Against All (historical novel)), U Medvídků (=The Little Bears (pub name)), (spojení) "s výjimkou" (=(the phrase) "with the exception").

    • identifying expressions whose governing constituent is a verbal form.

      Examples: Byli a bylo (=They were and it was (memoirs)), Zpíváno z dálky (=Sung from a Distance (poetry)); Zde by měly kvést růže (=Roses should bloom here (stories in verse)); Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (=I served the King of England (novel)), (cedule s nápisem) "Romy neobsluhujeme." (=(a notice with the inscription) "We don't serve Romanies")

    • identifying expressions formed by invariable parts of speech.

      Examples: (návrh zákona) Třikrát a dost (=(parliamentary bill) Three times is enough), Hej rup! (=Heave ho! (comedy show)), (písmeno) "č" (=(the letter) "č").

The nominative of identity. The nominative of identity is a modification of a noun (generic common noun) introducing a proper noun, a title, an expression used metalinguistically or an expression quoted word for word.

A nominative of identity is represented as an identification structure - see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure".

The typical position of the nominative of identity, the position of a noun in the nominative, is occupied by identifying expressions from group A. For example:

symfonická báseň Vltava.ID (=the symphonic poem Vltava)

hory Krkonoše.ID (=The Giant Mountains)

kniha Timur.ID a jeho parta.ID (=the book Timur and his Friends)

pojem čas.ID (=the concept of time)

The non-declinable nominative is, however, only one of the possible occupiers of this position. An identifying expression can take a variety of forms (any form). Identifying expressions from group B, in particular, frequently occupy the position of the nominative of identity. For example:

cyklus Matičce.ID (the cycle of poems To Mother)

symfonická báseň Z českých luhů.ID a hájů.ID (=the symphonic poem From Bohemia's Meadows and Forests)

kniha Obsluhoval jsem.ID anglického krále (=the book I served the King of England)

předložková skupina "s výjimkou".ID (=the prepositional phrase "with the exception")

NB! A combination of a common noun and a proper name of a person (for example: premiér Zeman (=prime minister Zeman)) are not treated (in the position of the nominative) as a case of a nominative of identity. For more on this, see Section 11.4.1, "Combination of a common noun and a proper noun".

To represent nominal groups (noun phrases) of the type: common noun + proper noun see also Section 11.4, "Dependency relations in noun phrases (two nouns in the same form)".

Explicative genitive. Explicative genitive means an expression in the genitive which modifies a generic common noun by a more specific descriptive noun, involving the following transformation:

A helpful criterion for the identification of an explicative genitive:

The explicative genitive is represented as an identification structure - see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure".


otázka laickosti.ID (=the question of laity)

osoba V. Klause.ID (=the personality V. Klaus)

dosavadní díla s tématem synonymie.ID (=existing works on the topic of synonymy)

období reformace.ID (=the reformation era)

umění knihtisku.ID (=the art of book printing)

!!! It has been shown that the boundaries between the explicative genitive, the genitive represented by the functor RSTR and certain valency genitives are very unclear. Cf.:

In future, therefore, it will be necessary to develop more specific criteria for the respective types.

8.1.1. Rules for the annotation of identifying expressions with a declinable governing constituent

No special rules have been introduced for identifying expressions with a declinable governing constituent (group A) unless these expressions occupy the position of the nominative of identity or the identifying genitive.

The effective root node of an identifying expression (i.e. the node representing the governing constituent of the expression - the declinable noun) is assigned a functor according to its position in the sentence structure, according to the nature of the dependency. Cf.:

  • Čtu Babičku.EFF (I am reading Grandma.)

    The effective root node of an identifying expression, the node representing the noun Babička (=Grandma), will have the functor EFF. Cf. Fig. 8.133.

If the identifying expression is formed by an adjective, it is treated as nominalised, i.e. a node with the t-lemma substitute #EmpNoun is not added for the governing noun (so this is not a case of ellipsis as described in Section 12.1.2, "Ellipsis of the governing noun"). Cf.:

  • Vystoupíme na Vltavské.LOC (=We are getting off at Vltavská)

    The effective root node of an identifying expression, the node representing the prepositional phrase na Vltavské (=at Vltavská), will have the functor LOC. Cf. Fig. 8.134.

The structure of identifying expressions is undergoing further analysis. The rule is, unless stated otherwise, that nodes dependent on effective root nodes of an identifying expression are annotated according to the usual rules and their functor is assigned according to the nature of the dependency. At the respective nodes representing an identifying expression, the valency is represented. For example:

Organizace.DENOM Spojených.RSTR národů.APP pro výchovu.BEN , vědu.BEN a.CONJ kulturu.BEN (=The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Fig. 8.135

NB! Special rules apply to certain proper nouns; see Section 8.2.1, "Specific rules for certain types of proper nouns".

Additional examples:

Chodíme do Národního divadla.DIR3 (=We go to the National Theatre) Fig. 8.137

Mostecká.ACT uhelná prosperuje. (=The Most Colliery Company is thriving) Fig. 8.138

Petr.ACT je učitel. (=Peter is a teacher.)

Vytvořit určitý prostor, později nazvaný "transformační polštář.EFF ". (=To create a certain space, later known as "the transformation cushion".)

Titulek tohoto příspěvku by mohl být "Loterie.ACT pro zesnulé". (=The caption for this contribution could be "A lottery for the deceased.")

"Husova cesta.ACT do Kostnice" je název akce, kterou pořádá Praha1. (="The journey of Jan Hus to Constance" is the title of an event organised by Prague 1.)

Sexuální výchova bude součástí předmětu, který se bude jmenovat "výchova.PAT ke zdravému životnímu stylu". (=Sex education will be part of the subject to be entitled "education for a healthy lifestyle".)

Říkali tomu "dialog.EFF ". (=They called that "a dialogue".)

"Vosa.ACT " však mířila mimo. (=However, "the wasp" flew by.)

Modification of an identifying expression. An identifying expression may be modified as a complete unit. The root of the modifier of an identifying expression is always the direct daughter node of the root node of the identifying expression. Cf.:

  • Jeho.APP Máj je otrhaný. (=His "May" (book) is torn.)

    The identifying expression Máj (=May) is modified by a modifier with the meaning of the functor APP. The node representing this modifier (or its root) will be the direct daughter node of the root of the identifying expression (of the node representing the noun Máj (=May)). Cf. Fig. 8.136.

!!! We are aware that the adopted annotation method does not distinguish modification of an identifying expression from other dependent modifications which are constituents of an identifying expression. In the future we anticipate the introduction of an attribute which will specify for every node whether or not it is a constituent of an identifying expression. So far, only the attribute is_name_of_person has been introduced (on this, see Section 8.2, "Proper nouns and titles") and information as to whether a node is or is not a constituent of an identifying expression (in the case of identifying expressions within quotation marks) is also given by the attribute quot/type (on this, see Section 19.1, "Text within quotation marks").

Nominative of identity or explicative genitive. In the position of the nominative of identity and the explicative genitive (see Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions") the identifying expression is represented as an identification structure (see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure").

Figure 8.133. Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Čtu Babičku. (=lit. (I) am_reading Grandma.)

Figure 8.134. Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Vystoupíme na Vltavské. (=lit. (We) are_getting_off at Vltavská)

Figure 8.135. Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Organizace Spojených národů pro výchovu, vědu a kulturu. (=lit. (The) Organisation (of) United Nations for education, science and culture)

Figure 8.136. Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Jeho Máj je otrhaný. (=lit. His "May" is torn.)

Figure 8.137. Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Chodíme do Národního divadla. (=lit. (We) go to (the) National Theatre)

Figure 8.138. Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Identifying expression with a declinable governing constituent

Mostecká uhelná prosperuje. (=lit. (The) Most Colliery (Company) is_thriving)

8.1.2. Rules for annotation of other identifying expressions

Other identifying expressions, i.e. identifying expressions without a declinable governing constituent (group B), usually do not occur separately in a sentence, but in combination with their generic common noun. In this position following the generic common noun they are instances of the position of the nominative of identity (see Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions").

Identifying expressions from group B are always represented as identification structures - see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure".

8.1.3. Identification structure

The following are represented as identification structures:

  • all identifying expressions with a non-declinable governing constituent and identifying expressions without an obvious governing constituent (group B),

  • nominative of identity,

  • genitive of identification.

Identification structure is demonstrated by the diagram Fig. 8.139.

Figure 8.139. Identification structure

Identification structure

The root of the identification structure. The root of the identification structure is the node representing the generic common noun. If the identifying expression (from group B) occurs at surface level without its generic noun, a new node is added to the tectogrammatical tree in the position of the root of the identification structure, with the t-lemma substitute #Idph.

The root of the identification structure is assigned a functor according to the position in the sentence structure, according to the nature of the dependency.


  • návrh.DENOM Třikrát a dost (=the Three times is enough proposal)

    The root of the identification structure will be the node representing the noun návrh (=proposal). Cf. Fig. 8.140.

  • Čtu {#Idph.EFF} Timur a jeho parta. (=I am reading Timur and his Friends.)

    The root of the identification structure will be the newly established node with the t-lemma substitute #Idph.

NB! If the root of the identification structure is a newly established node with the t-lemma substitute #Idph, this is also a list structure. In the attribute nodetype the value list is entered at the root of the structure (on this, see Section 4, "List structure root nodes"). If the root of the identification structure is a node representing the expressed generic common noun, this node is not recorded as the root of the list structure (nodetypelist). There is therefore only a partial overlap of the terms identification structure and list structure.

The effective root node of the identifying expression. The effective root nodes of the identifying expression, which all have the functor ID are dependent on the root of the identification structure. The effective roots of the identifying expression are all nodes representing the expressed governing constituents of the identifying expression not dependent at surface level on any other constituent. This means that the ellipsis of the governing constituent is not represented within the framework of the identifying expression (see Section 12.1, "Ellipsis of the governing element").

The effective root node of the identifying expression is in most cases identical with the root of the identifying expression. The effective root nodes of the identifying expression are not identical with the root of the identifying expression only in cases where there are more (co-ordinated) governing constituents in the identifying structure. An identifying expression can have more than one root, in cases where the identifying expression has more (un-co-ordinated) governing constituents (effective roots).


  • cedule s nápisem "Romy neobsluhujeme.ID." (=The notice with the inscription "We do not serve Romanies".)

    The effective root node of the identifying expression Romy neobsluhujeme is a node representing the verb neobsluhujeme (=we do not serve). In this case, the effective root node of the identifying expression is also the root of the identifying expression. Cf. Fig. 8.141.

  • návrh Třikrát.ID a dost.ID (=the "Three times is enough" proposal)

    The effective root of the identifying expression Třikrát a dost (=Three times is enough) will be two nodes: a node representing the word třikrát (=three times) and a node representing the word dost (=enough). The root of the identifying expression will be a node representing the conjunction a (=and). Cf. Fig. 8.140.

  • V sobotu.ID v poledne.ID je hezký film. (=On Saturday at noon there is a nice film.)

    The effective roots of the identifying expression V sobotu v poledne (=On Saturday at noon) will be two nodes: a node representing the prepositional phrase v sobotu (=on Saturday) and a node representing the prepositional phrase v poledne (=at noon). The effective root nodes of the identifying expression are in this case also the roots of the identifying expression. Cf. Fig. 8.142.

Elements of the identification structure. All nodes representing individual words which are constituents of the identifying expression form the elements of the identifying expression. The structure of identifying expressions is undergoing further analysis. Unless stated otherwise, the rule is that elements dependent on the effective root nodes of an identifying expression are annotated according to the usual annotation rules and their functor is assigned according to the nature of the dependency. The valency of the respective elements of identifying expressions is represented.


  • {#Idph.ACT} Zde.LOC by měly kvést.ID růže.ACT mělo velký ohlas. (=Roses should Bloom Here had a great reception.)

    The effective root node of the identifying expression has the functor ID. All other dependent elements of the identifying expression are assigned functors according to the nature of the dependency. The effective root node (representing a verb) is assigned a (filled) valency frame. Cf. Fig. 8.143.

NB! Special rules apply to certain proper nouns; see Section 8.2.1, "Specific rules for certain types of proper nouns".

Modification of an identifying expression. An identifying expression may be modified as a complete unit. The root of the modifier of an identifying expression is always the direct daughter node of the root of the identification structure. Cf.:

  • Jiráskovo.AUTH {#Idph} Proti všem (=Jirásek's Against All)

    The identifying expression Proti všem (=Against All) is modified by a modifier with the meaning of the functor AUTH. The node representing this modification (or its root) will be the direct daughter node of the root of the identification structure, which in this case is the newly established node with the t-lemma substitute #Idph. Cf. Fig. 8.144.

NB! Modification of the identifying expression may take the form of a paratactic connection.

Additional examples:

Na stole leželo {#Idph.ACT} Proti všem.ID (=On the table lay Against All.) Fig. 8.145

Sejdeme se v restauraci.LOC U Medvídků.ID (=We'll meet at the Little Bears restaurant.) Fig. 8.146

{#Idph.ACT} .ID a Bůh.ID zaujalo mnoho posluchačů. (=God and I caught the interest of many listeners.)

Lépe než { nazvat.CPR} {#Idph.EFF} " Otvíráme.ID " měl pan ředitel svůj text nazvat "otevřená dlaň.EFF " (=Instead of "We are opening", the manager should have called his text "With Open Arms".)

{#Idph.ACT} "Co je.ID vládnutí" se jmenuje pětačtyřicetistránková brožura, určená pro žáky ZŠ a SŠ. (="What does ruling mean?" is the title of a forty five page brochure intended for primary and secondary school pupils.)

...dokud se nenaplní úsloví "Na každého jednou dojde.ID ". (=until the saying "Everybody will have their turn" comes true)

Hosty uvítá znělka "volá.ID Londýn". (=Guests are welcomed by the callsign "London calling".)

Staří čeští intelektuálové tehdy dostali nálepku "zrádné intelektuální reakce.ID ". (=Old Czech intellectuals were dubbed "treacherous intellectual reactionaries" in those days.)

Competition between identification structure and list structure for foreign-language expressions. In cases where two options compete for the representation of an expression - by identification structure and by list structure for foreign-language expressions (see Section 9, "Foreign-language expressions") - precedence is given to representation by list structure for foreign-language expressions. The node with the t-lemma substitute #Idph is not then added to the tectogrammatical tree. Cf.:

  • francouzské {#Idph.DENOM} "ano.ID " (=The French "yes");

  • francouzské {#Forn.DENOM} "qui.FPHR" (=The French "qui").

Additional examples:

Arabská melodika v {#Forn.LOC} Come talk to me. (=The Arabic melody in Come talk to me.) Fig. 8.147

na {#Forn.LOC} US Open (=to the US Open)

Figure 8.140. Identification structure

Identification structure

návrh Třikrát a dost (=lit. proposal Three and enough)

Figure 8.141. Identification structure

Identification structure

cedule s nápisem "Romy neobsluhujeme." (=lit. notice with inscription "Romanies we_don't_serve")

Figure 8.142. Identification structure

Identification structure

V sobotu v poledne je hezký film. (=lit. On Saturday at noon is nice film.)

Figure 8.143. Identification structure

Identification structure

Zde by měly kvést růže mělo velký ohlas. (=lit. Here should - Bloom Roses had great reception.)

Figure 8.144. Identification structure

Identification structure

Jiráskovo Proti všem. (=lit. Jirásek's Against All.)

Figure 8.145. Identification structure

Identification structure

Na stole leželo Proti všem. (=lit. On (the) table lay Against All.)

Figure 8.146. Identification structure

Identification structure

Sejdeme se v restauraci U Medvídků. (=lit. (We) will_meet REFL at restaurant At Little_Bears)

Figure 8.147. Foreign-language expression

Foreign-language expression

Arabská melodika v Come talk to me. (=lit. Arabic melody in Come Talk to Me.)