Some nouns (for example: slovo (=word), otázka (=question), výrok (=statement/declaration) and others) can introduce both direct speech (see Section 3.1.2, "Direct speech as modification of a noun"), and so-called meta-usage of a word or phrase (see Section 8.3, "Expressions used metalinguistically"). Cf.:
Vhodnost těch nemalých investic obhajuje slovy: "Velká část budov je.RSTR
ve velmi zanedbaném stavu." (=He/She defends the appropriateness of these substantial investments with the words: "A large proportion of the buildings is in a very neglected state.")
The noun slovo (=word) introduces direct speech.
Slovo "klika.ID
" má několik významů. (=The word "klika" has several meanings.)
The noun slovo (=word) introduces an expression used metalinguistically.
The following are considered nouns introducing meta-usage, but not direct speech: nápis (=inscription), text (=text), výraz (=expression). For example: Billboard s nápisem "Vpřed.ID
" (=A hoarding with the inscription "Forwards").
An expression used metalinguistically (words or entire phrases, and clauses) is represented as an identifying structure (see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure"). By contrast, direct speech is never represented as an identifying structure.
Boundaries with the expressions "ano", "ne". Choices between meta-usage and direct speech are also made in the case of the expressions of negation and affirmation ano (=yes) and ne (=no). A distinction is made between cases where a statement is being made indicating agreement or disagreement (direct speech) and cases where the expressions ano (=yes) and ne (=no) are being discussed as words or concepts (meta-usage). Cf.:
Jak mám poznat, kdy říci " {#EmpVerb
} ano.PARTL
" (=How am I to tell when to say "yes"?)
The expression ano (=yes) (in the meaning "souhlasím" (=I agree), "platí ano" (=the answer is yes)) is represented as direct speech. According to the rules on the establishment of an effective root node for reported direct speech (introduced in Section 3, "Direct speech") a node is added to the tectogrammatical tree for the empty verb.
Additional examples:
Referendum řeklo {#EmpVerb
} ne.PARTL
(=The referendum said no.)
to kratičké "{#Idph
} ano.ID
" (=That little yes.)
The expression ano (=yes) is treated as meta-usage. According to the rules for the representation of identifying structures (see Section 8.1.3, "Identification structure") a new node is added to the tectogrammatical tree with the t-lemma #Idph
Additional examples:
francouzské {#Idph
} ano.ID
(=the French yes)
ze stoupenců " {#Idph
} ano. ID
" (=from the "yes" supporters)
Direct speech and meta-usage indicated graphically (by means of quotation marks) are distinguished by the distinct values (dsp
and meta
) in the attribute quot/type
(see Section 19.1, "Text within quotation marks").