Academic experience
Assistant Professor: January 2012 -- presentSenior Research Associate: September 2011 -- December 2011
- Development of statistical methods for dialogue systems.
Research Associate: September 2008 -- August 2011
- Research into semantic parsing and parameter learning for spoken dialogue systems.
- The article on "Natural Belief-Critic: a reinforcement algorithm for parameter estimation in statistical spoken dialogue systems" (F. Jurčíček et al.) received the best paper award at the Interspeech 2010 conference in Tokyo, Japan.
Research Assistant: August 2002 -- August 2008
- Designed and implemented the LVCSR decoder for Czech Language.
- Designed and organized semantic annotation of the human-human train timetable dialogue (HHTT) corpus (3000 dialogues).
- Implemented a semantic parser for the HHTT corpus.
Visiting Scholar: February -- December 2004
- Built a new baseline ASR system for the Czech MALACH (Multilingual Access to Large spoken ArCHives) project.
- Evaluated performance of MFCC and PLP front-ends for broadband data (44kHz).
- Evaluated performance of colloquial and formal language models for Czech language.
- Center of Computational Linguistics - University of West Bohemia
- Research Assistant: May 2001 -- August 2002
- Implemented a software layer between a telephone dialogue system and telephone cards based using TAPI and CAPI communication protocols.
- Designed and implemented a finite state grammar compiler for automatic speech recognition.
Industry experience
Department of business and system analysis - Cleverlance Enterprise Solution a.s.Business system analyst: January 2008 -- August 2008
- Responsible for software requirement specification, analysis and early project cost estimation and planning.
- Projects: Revenue Assurance Tool - DHL Information Services (Europe) s.r.o, Contact center - Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.
Department of software development - ANECT a.s.Business system analyst: September 2006 -- December 2007
- Responsible for software requirement specification, analysis and early project cost estimation and planning.
- Projects: Electronic operational documentation – Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí, Call center statistics – Allianz pojišťovna a. s., Call center statistics – Pražská plynárenská a.s.
Speechtech s.r.o - www.speechtech.czResearcher/Developer: 2001 -- 2004
- Contributed to core design of the internally developed speech recognition engine.
- Ported the engine to Linux and IRIX (SGI O2) platforms.
- Contributed to speech synthesis integration.
PhD in Computer Science - University of West Bohemia , June 2007Pilsen, Czech Republic
- Thesis: Statistical approach to the semantic analysis of spoken dialogues , (presentation , source code)
- Received the dean's award for scientific achievements.
Master of Computer Science - University of West Bohemia , June 2003Pilsen, Czech Republic
- Thesis: Design of LVCSR Decoder for Czech Language
- Graduated with honors.
Master of Mathematics - University of West Bohemia , June 2002Pilsen, Czech Republic
- Thesis: Closure techniques in Hamiltonian graph theory. (source code )
- Graduated with honors.
- 2013 - present - Summer semester, Lecturing, NPFL108 - Bayesian inference, Charles University in Prague
- 2012 - present - Summer semester, Lecturing, NPFL099 - Statistical dialogue systems, Charles University in Prague
- 2009 - 2010 - Lent term, Supervising students - 3F6 – Software Engineering and Design, University of Cambridge
- 2009 - 2010 - Michaelmas term, Supervising students - 3F5 – Computer and Network Systems, University of Cambridge
- 2006 - Summer semester, Teaching assistant, MATLAB and Simulink, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
- 2005 - Summer semester, Teaching assistant, Basics of MATLAB, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Research interests
- Spoken dialogue management
- Reinforcement learning
- Spoken language processing and understanding
- Computational linguistics
Professional service
- SIGDIAL 2015, Local Chair
- IEEE ASRU, 2015, Programme Committee member
- IEEE SLT, 2014, Reviewer
- EACL DM, 2014, Programme Committee member
- MLIS, 2012, 2013, 2014, Programme Committee member
- IEEE ASRU, 2013, Programme Committee member
- IEEE J-STSP, 2012, Reviewer
- Springer JMLC, 2012, Reviewer
- ACM TSLP Special issue: "Machine Learning for Robust and Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Systems", 2010, Reviewer
- IEEE SLTC Newsletter, 2009, Reporter
- Awarded for supervising Ondrej Klejch - Ondrej got the CZ.NIC aword for his master thesis in the ACM-SPY Czech republic competition.
- Received the best paper award for the article on "Natural Belief-Critic: a reinforcement algorithm for parameter estimation in statistical spoken dialogue systems" ( F. Jurčíček et al.) at the Interspeech 2010 conference in Tokyo, Japan.
- Received the dean's award for scientific achievements, 18.10.2007, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
- Awarded for supervising Jan Švec, the finalist of the IT master thesis of the year 2007 , 20.9.2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Modern Bayesian methods in machine learning (PI, 2013, FRVŠ 182/2013 B6 c)
- Development of statistical methods for spoken dialogue systems (PI, 2012-2016, Program NAVRAT, Grant No. LK112210)
- Data preparation for dialog draft using spoken language recognition (co-investigator, MŠMT ČR FR VŠ G1/F966, 2002)
- Noise compensation in automatic speech recognition systems of spoken Czech (co-investigator, MŠMT ČR FR VŠ G1/F920, 2001)
Invited Talks
- Extended Hidden Vector State Parser, Machine Intelligence Laboratory Speech Seminars, University of Cambridge, UK, 2008.
- Studentský projev, Slavnostní zasedání vědecké rady FAV. Plzeň, Czech Republic, 2001.
- Chyby grafických kalkulátorů, 7. setkání učitelů matematiky všech typů škol, Plenární přednáška, Mariánské lázně, Czech Republic, 2000.
- Chyby grafických kalkulátorů aneb: Ne vše, co je vidět, je pravda a ne vše, co je pravda, je vidět. Mladý Sisyfos, Přednášky z matematiky a fyziky, II. cyklus - Pandořiny skříňky, Plzeň, Czech Republic, 1999.
Extra activities
- Organised the Prague's event of No Más FARC happening , 4.2.2008, Prague, Czech Republic. Svět demonstroval za mír v Kolumbii. Praha se přidala . video
Open source projects
- Alex, 2011 - present
- Transformation-based learning for Semantic parsing, 2008-2009
- Extended HVS parser, 2005-2008
- Dialogue act editor, 2005-2006
- PyCrop, 2005
- Automated testing of hamiltonian closures, 2002
Other projects
- Gmail Backup, 2008-2010
- All Internet TV, 2008-2010