
A..Z   ∞..1
a [and]
ale [but]
aniž [without (doing sth)]
avšak [however]
i když [even if]
jakkoli [however]
jenže [but]
jestliže [if, in case]
jinak [otherwise]
kdežto [whereas]
když [when]
kontrast [contrast]
kontrastovat [to contrast]
li [if]
na rozdíl od [in contrast with]
nakonec [eventually]
naopak [on the contrary]
naproti [opposite]
ne [not]
nicméně [nevertheless]
nikoli [not]
oproti [contrary (to)]
ovšem [but, of course]
přestože [although]
případ [case]
přitom [at the same time]
rozdíl [difference]
spíše [rather]
srovnání [comparison]
strana [side]
tak [so]
to [{N/A}]
ve skutečnosti [in fact]
však [however]
zase [again, in turn]
zatím [meantime]
zatímco [while]
zato [but (still)]
- [{dash}]