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ID dialogu: 026 (6/6)

418 vět
5923 slov
1. spk1
Tell me about this photo.
so, tell me about this photo
2. spk2
Okay, this is a photo of a friend called Tim, who I was doing a PhD with at Edinburgh.
okay, this is mm-hesitation a photo of mouth a friend called Tim who I was doing a PhD with at Edinburgh
3. spk2
This day we drove up from Edinburgh and met a friend of mine called Andrea Ewart.
and mm-hesitation this day we mm-hesitation drove up from Edinburgh and met ee-hesitation a friend, a friend of mine called Andrea Ewart
4. spk2
We walked up the Aonach Eagach ridge, which is in Glencoe.
and we walked up the Aonach Eagach ridge which, which is in ee-hesitation Glencoe
5. spk2
It's a pretty tough walk, I think someone died on it about a week after we did it.
and this is mm-hesitation it's a pretty tough walk, it's mm-hesitation I - I think someone died on it about a week after we did it so