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Web obsahuje pouze malý vzorek korpusu. Ve vzorku je zahrnuto prvních pět vět každého pátého dialogu. Přístup ke všem datům získáte po objednání a řádném licencování korpusu.

ID dialogu: 021 (5/6)

365 vět
5193 slov
1. spk1
Can you describe to me what's in this picture?
Can you ee-hesitation describe to me what's in this picture
2. spk2
3. spk2
This picture is one of the coolest places that I've seen: it's in Aberdeen, and it's like a fun factory.
This picture is ee-hesitation one of the coolest places that I've seen, it's ee-hesitation it's in Aberdeen, and it's a - it's like a fun factory
4. spk2
What they do is fire.
ee-hesitation what they do is fire
5. spk2
Kids go in, and just fire the foam balls at each other, and throw them about.
Kids go in and just fire th - foam balls at each other, and throw them about