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ID dialogu: 006 (2/6)

440 vět
5720 slov
425 vět
5840 slov
339 vět
5594 slov
1. spk1
I'll make sure that's recording okay.
noisemake sure that's recording noise okay

2. spk1
Can you tell me what's in this photo?
so can you tell me what's in this photo
?spk2 mouth
1. spk1
Make sure that's recording...
noisemake sure that's recording

2. spk1
Can you tell me what's in this photo?
okay, so can you tell me what's in this photo
1. spk1
Make sure that's recording.
noisemake sure that's recording
noise okay,

2. spk1
Can you tell me what's in this photo?
so can you tell me what's in this photo
3. spk2
Okay, in this photo there are two of my friends.
okay, in this photo there are two of my friends

4. spk2
Their names are Nick and Michael.
their names are Nick and Michael
3. spk2
In this photo there are two of my friends, their names are Nick and Michael.
mouthokay, in this photo there are two of my friends, their names are Nick and Michael
3. spk2
Okay, in this photo there are two of my friends; their names are Nick and Michael.
mouthokay, in this photo there are two of my friends, their names are Nick and Michael
5. spk2
This is a photo taken from our summer holiday in France two years ago, in 2006.
this is a photo taken from our summer holiday in France two years ago, two thousand and six
. mm-hesitation mouth

6. spk2
The photograph was taken from the top of the chairlift station, and in the background we've got Mont Blanc and the Aiguille du Midi rock ridge.
the photograph was taken from the top of the chairlift station, and in the background we've got Mont Blanc and ee-hesitation Aiguilles du Midi rock ridge
4. spk2
This is a photo taken at our summer holiday in France two years ago, 2006.
this is a photo taken from our summer holiday in France two years ago, two thousand and six

5. spk2
The photograph was taken from the top of the chairlift station, and in the background we've got Mont Blanc and Aiguille w-token:Aiguille du Midi rock ridge.
mm-hesitation mouth the photograph was taken from the top of the chairlift station, and in the background we've got Mont Blanc and ee-hesitation Aiguilles du Midi rock ridge
4. spk2
This is a photo taken from our summer holiday in France two years ago, in 2006.
this is a photo taken from our summer holiday in France two years ago, two thousand and six

5. spk2
The photograph was taken from the top of the chairlift station, and in the background we've got Mont Blanc and Aiguilles du Midi rock ridge.
six. mm-hesitation mouth the photograph was taken from the top of the chairlift station, and in the background we've got Mont Blanc and ee-hesitation Aiguilles du Midi rock ridge