10.2. AUTH

Definition of the functor AUTH

The functor AUTH (author) is assigned to those free modifications of nouns that denote the author of an artefact.

Both deverbal and non-derived denoting products of the human intellect, results of scientific work or works of art (in a very broad sense) are called nouns denoting artefacts. For example: socha (=statue), obraz (=image), román (=novel), film (=movie), opera (=opera), balada (=ballad), báseň (=poem), monografie (=monograph), memoáry (=memoirs), partitura (=score), pomníček (=memorial), publikace (=publication), stavba (=building), tvorba (=creation), teorie (=theory), disertace (=dissertation) (for more on valency of these nouns see Section, "Valency frames of nouns: names of intellectual products (artefacts)"). Artefacts can also be denoted by a proper noun (e.g.: Smetanova.AUTH Má vlast (=Smetana's My Country). AUTH modifications can potentially modify any noun; compare: Děti se pokoušely namalovat krásu. (=Children tried to paint beauty.) Janova.AUTH krása se pak umístila v soutěži o nejhezčí obrázek na abstraktní téma. (=Jan's beauty gained a good position in the contest of the best abstract picture.)

Valency. AUTH modifications are always non-valency modifications.

Forms. The modification with the functor AUTH is primarily expressed by a noun in the genitive or by a possessive adjective.

The basic forms of modifications with the functor AUTH are:

Figure 7.56. The AUTH functor

The AUTH functor

básně Vítězslava Nezvala (=lit. poems (by) Vítězslav Nezval)

10.2.1. Borderline cases with the functor AUTH

Border with the functor ACT. The AUTH modification can be interpreted as the Actor, too. For more on borderline cases with the functors AUTH and ACT see Section, "Borderline between the Actor and AUTH".

Borders with the functors APP and RSTR. The functor AUTH borders formally (and semantically) also with the adnominal functors APP and RSTR. When the choice of the functor is not straightforward, the following criteria should be used:

  • we assign the functor APP to modifications primarily denoting the owner of the modified object (regardless of whether the person owning the object was or was not the creator of the object).

  • we assign the functor AUTH to those modifications, that primarily express the real creator.

  • we assign the functor RSTR to modifications expressing the meaning "in honor of", "in memory of" (for details see Section 8.2.1, "Specific rules for certain types of proper nouns").


  • básnická sbírka Nezvala.AUTH (=the poetry collection by Nezval)

    Nezvalova.AUTH básnická sbírka (=Nezval's poetry collection)

  • básnická sbírka mého kamaráda.APP (=my friend's poetry collection)

    kamarádova.APP básnická sbírka (=my friend's poetry collection)

    (I have borrowed it from him)

  • básně severských národů.APP (=Northern nations' poems)

    pohádky severských zemí.APP (=Northern countries' tales)

    Nations, countries, tribes are more of the owners of these artefacts than their creators.

  • náměstí V. Nezvala.RSTR (=V. Nezval's square)

    Karlův.RSTR most (=Charles Bridge)

    Smetanova.RSTR Litomyšl (=Smetana's Litomyšl)

The choice of the functor can be problematic - it is not a matter of language, it rather requires knowledge of the world or situation. Compare:

  • brožurka Dagmar Lánské.AUTH/APP (=the brochure of Dagmar Lánská)

    Is D. Lánská the author (AUTH), or does the brochure belong to her (APP)?