Modifications with the CNCS
functor form a group of modifications with a distinct and unified meaning. There is a range of synonymous means for expressing concession.
Forms. CNCS
modifications are primarily expressed by dependent clauses. In case of semantic condensation, a modification with the CNCS
functor can also be expressed by a prepositional phrase or adverbial expression.
The basic forms of CNCS
modifications are:
dependent clause.
The most common forms:
ač | Ač zemřeli, ještě mluví. (=Although they are dead, they still speak.) |
ačkoli/v | Ačkoliv se mu tento požadavek jistě nepodaří prosadit, naklíčené semínko nedůvěry ještě vydatně zalil. (=Although he will certainly not manage to put this demand through, he has supported the budding seed of mistrust.) |
ať | Ať jsou sebemenší, jsou dobré. (=However tiny they are good.) |
byť | Jeho kritika nás ničila, byť byla sebeobalenější. (=His criticism ruined us however indirect it was.) |
i kdyby | Dám jí to, i kdyby to nechtěla. (=I will give it to her even if she does not want it.) |
i když | V bytě máte příjemných 24 stupňů, i když venku mrzne, až praští. (=There are agreeable 24 degrees in our apartment although it is freezing cold outside.) |
přestože | Vyhrál, přestože nepatřil mezi favority. (=He won although he did not rank with the favourites.) |
přesto - že | I přesto, že posádka vozu byla oslepena slzotvornou látkou, lupiči se zalekli a z místa činu ujeli. (=Although the crew of the car was blinded by lacrimator, the robbers became frightened and fled from the scene of the crime.) |
třeba/že | To je výrazný posun, třebaže pocit ukřivděnosti je procenty nevyčíslitelný. (=That is a considerable progress, the feeling of injustice is inestimable by percentage though.) |
Ač je.CNCS
zlý, tento čin nespáchal. (=lit. Although (he) is bad this crime (he) did_not_commit.) Fig. 7.26
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
navzdory+3 | Navzdory velkým studijním úspěchům se v praxi neuplatnil. (=Despite big success in studies he has not asserted himself in practice.) |
oproti+3 | Oproti očekávání se umístil mezi prvními deseti. (=Despite the expectations he was placed among the first ten.) |
proti+3 | Dítě se jí narodilo proti její vůli. (=Her child was born in spite of her will.) |
přes+4 | Přes své dobré vychování se nezachoval nejlépe. (=In spite of his good behaviour he did not act very well.) |
při+6 | Při vší opatrnosti stejně několik hrnců rozbila. (=Despite all her carefulness she has still broken several pots.) |
vzdor+3 | Vzdor velké propagaci byla účast velmi nízká. (=Despite big promotion the attendance was very low.) |
adverbial expression (rarely).
nechtě museli jsme odejít. (=lit. Willingly_or_unwillingly (we) had_to leave.)
to dělal dál. (=lit. Out_of_spite (he) it kept_doing.)
Šel tam přece.CNCS
(=lit. (He) went there after_all.)
přijdu. (=lit. Still (I) will_come.)
For frozen transgressive constructions see Section, "Frozen transgressive constructions".
Figure 7.26. The CNCS
Ač je zlý, tento čin nespáchal. (=lit. Although (he) is bad this crime (he) did_not_commit.)
Border with the ADVS
functor. Concession is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the adversative relation (ADVS
; see Section 12.1.1, "ADVS") because both the relations are based on contradiction of two contents. In PDT, the border between the functors CNCS
and ADVS
is given by the used form. Paratactically connected clauses are re[resented with the ADVS
functor; with a hypotactically connected clause the effective root node is assigned the CNCS
functor. However, it is also possible to see the two forms as semantically different: in the case of parataxis (ADVS
), two incongruous contents occur next to each other and their cooccurence is not a usual situation. In the case of hypotaxis (CNCS
), the contradiction follows from not fulfilling the causality. Cf.:
Přestože pršelo.CNCS
, šli na procházku. (=lit. Although (it) was_raining (they) went for (a) walk.)
Pršelo, ale.ADVS
přesto šli na procházku. (=lit. (It) was_raining - yet (they) went for (a) walk.)
See also Section 6.2, "Coordination and apposition".
Border with the ACMP
functor. The CNCS
functor can border on a the ACMP
functor (see Section 6.1, "ACMP"). For details see Section 6.1.1, "Borderline cases with the ACMP