Be aware that this page describes NameTag 1. You might be also interested in visiting NameTag 2.

NameTag releases are available on GitHub, either as a pre-compiled binary package, or source code only. The binary package contains Linux, Windows and OS X binaries, Java bindings binary, C# bindings binary and source code of NameTag and all language bindings. While the binary packages do not contain compiled Python or Perl bindings, packages for those languages are available in standard package repositories, i.e. on PyPI and CPAN.

To use NameTag, a language model is needed. Here is a list of available language models.

If you want to compile NameTag manually, sources are available on on GitHub, both in the pre-compiled binary package releases and in the repository itself.

1. Requirements

  • G++ 4.7 or newer, clang 3.2 or newer, Visual C++ 2015 or newer
  • make
  • SWIG for language bindings other than C++

2. Compilation

To compile NameTag, run make in the src directory.

Make targets and options:

  • exe: compile the binaries (default)
  • server: compile the REST server
  • lib: compile NameTag library (decoding only)
  • BITS=32 or BITS=64: compile for specified 32-bit or 64-bit architecture instead of the default one
  • MODE=release: create release build which statically links the C++ runtime and uses LTO
  • MODE=debug: create debug build
  • MODE=profile: create profile build

2.1. Platforms

Platform can be selected using one of the following options:

  • PLATFORM=linux, PLATFORM=linux-gcc: gcc compiler on Linux operating system, default on Linux
  • PLATFORM=linux-clang: clang compiler on Linux, must be selected manually
  • PLATFORM=macos, PLATFORM=macos-clang: clang compiler on OS X, default on OS X; BITS=32+64 enables multiarch build
  • PLATFORM=win, PLATFORM=win-gcc: gcc compiler on Windows (TDM-GCC is well tested), default on Windows
  • PLATFORM=win-vs: Visual C++ 2015 compiler on Windows, must be selected manually; note that the cl.exe compiler must be already present in PATH and corresponding BITS=32 or BITS=64 must be specified

Either POSIX shell or Windows CMD can be used as shell, it is detected automatically.

2.2. Further Details

MorphoDiTa uses C++ BuilTem system, please refer to its manual if interested in all supported options.

3. Other language bindings

3.1. C#

Binary C# bindings are available in NameTag binary packages.

To compile C# bindings manually, run make in the bindings/csharp directory, optionally with the options described in NameTag Installation.

3.2. Java

Binary Java bindings are available in NameTag binary packages.

To compile Java bindings manually, run make in the bindings/java directory, optionally with the options described in NameTag Installation. Java 6 and newer is supported.

The Java installation specified in the environment variable JAVA_HOME is used. If the environment variable does not exist, the JAVA_HOME can be specified using

make JAVA_HOME=path_to_Java_installation

3.3. Perl

The Perl bindings are available as Ufal-NameTag package on CPAN.

To compile Perl bindings manually, run make in the bindings/perl directory, optionally with the options described in NameTag Installation. Perl 5.10 and later is supported.

Path to the include headers of the required Perl version must be specified in the PERL_INCLUDE variable using

make PERL_INCLUDE=path_to_Perl_includes

3.4. Python

The Python bindings are available as ufal.nametag package on PyPI.

To compile Python bindings manually, run make in the bindings/python directory, optionally with options described in NameTag Installation. Both Python 2.6+ and Python 3+ are supported.

Path to the include headers of the required Python version must be specified in the PYTHON_INCLUDE variable using

make PYTHON_INCLUDE=path_to_Python_includes