CPA/PDEV workshop
Dec 6 – 7, 2010 (Mon – Tue)
MFF UK Prague, Malostranské náměstí 25
- Francesca Frontini (Universita degli Studi di Pavia)
- Patrick Hanks (Charles Univesity in Prague)
- Martin Holub (Charles Univesity in Prague)
- Elisabetta Jezek (Universita degli Studi di Pavia)
- Adam Rambousek (Masaryk Univesity in Brno)
- Lenka Smejkalová (Charles Univesity in Prague)
MONDAY Dec 6, 4 pm
- Elisabetta Jezek and Francesca Frontini
- The PatternBank Project: Current State of CPA-Italian
- Martin Holub and Lenka Smejkalova
- System of Semantic Types in PDEV [handout] [presentation]
- Discussion
- Good Ontology for PDEV and for NLP
- Ontologies for Different Languages: Development and Relationships
TUESDAY Dec 7, 9:30 am
- Martin Holub and Lenka Smejkalova and Adam Rambousek: The Use of PDEV in NLP [handout] [presentation]
- Current State of The PDEV Project
- The PDEV2 design -- current state
- Validation of Corpus Pattern Analysis
- Cofee break
- Details of the PDEV2 design and implementation
- discussion about lexicographic aspects with Patrick Hanks
- Lunch break
- Discussion - future work:
- strategic directions of future research
- visions, projects, events (meetings), cooperation
- dissemination of the CPA-project and its results
- Social Event
- Advent Concert: Baroque Sonata (F.I. Tuma) and Cantatas (J.S. Bach)
– at Carolinum (historical University building), 19:30 pm
Download program in [pdf].