2.1. Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns (both personal and possessive) that are adverbal or adnominal modifications are assigned a separate node in the tectogrammatical tree and they always get the t-lemma substitute #PersPron. Reflexive pronouns always take part in grammatical coreference relations. They mainly corefer with the closest subject; if no subject is present in the same subtree, the reflexive corefers with the subject of the next higher subtree.

Personal reflexives. The expression coreferred to by the personal reflexive se in active constructions is almost always the subject of the governing verb, which corresponds to the ACT argument. In periphrastic passive constructions, the coreferred expression is the subject of the governing verb again; in this case it is usually the PAT argument. Cf.:

More examples:

Informace o tom, co o sobě, dva roky po rozvodu, už nevíme {#PersPron.ACT}. (=Information about the things we don't know about each other (lit. self) two years after the divorce) Fig. 9.1

Neschopnost opozičních stran {#Cor.ACT} vzdorovat své vlastní lenosti. (=Inability of the opposition parties to resist their (lit. self's) own laziness) Fig. 9.2

Possessive reflexives. With the possessive reflexive svůj, the situation is more complex. It can also be said that svůj primarily (and most often) corefers with the nearest subject but there are also other possibilities:

Also using the pronoun jeho (=his) instead of svůj (=self's) is more and more frequent nowadays. The speaker's intention is respected, the pronoun is left in the form it was used and the given coreference relation is represented in the tree. Cf.:

These days, especially in the language of commercials and newspapers, the possessive (non-reflexive) pronoun is more and more often used also in the 1st or 2nd person (instead of the reflexive), e.g.:

Užijte si vaši dovolenou! (=Enjoy your holidays!)

Also in these cases the annotation respects the intention of the speaker, the pronoun is left unchanged and the coreference type follows from the used form.

Figure 9.1. Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Informace o tom, co o sobě, dva roky po rozvodu, už nevíme. (=lit. Information about that, what about self, two years after divorce, (we) already not_know)

Figure 9.2. Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Neschopnost opozičních stran vzdorovat své vlastní lenosti. (=lit. Inability (of) oppositional parties to_resist self's own laziness)

Figure 9.3. Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Mnohá ze svých děl Reich nedovoluje provozovat bez vlastní hráčské účasti. (=lit. Many of self's pieces Reich not_allows to_perform without self's player's presence)

Figure 9.4. Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Coreference with reflexive pronouns

Jejich kajakářské disciplíny oplývají desítkami vynikajících soupeřů a je také pravděpodobné, že při svém profesionálním přístupu k závodění i k životosprávě jim chybí trochu víc uvolněnosti. (=lit. Their kayak disciplines abound_in tens (of) outstanding rivals and is also likely, that with self's attitude to competition as_well_as to regime them lack a_bit more composure)

Figure 9.5. A non-reflexive pronoun in place of a reflexive pronoun

A non-reflexive pronoun in place of a reflexive pronoun

Představitelé České lotynky tvrdí, že v souvislosti se současnou negativní kampaní v některých sdělovacích prostředcích nezaznamenali pokles zájmu o jejich loterijní hry. (=lit. Representatives (of) Česká lotynka claim, that in connection to present negative campaign in some news media (they) not_registered decrease (of) interest in their lottery games)

Cases when a reflexive is used with no coreference involved. No coreference is involved in two cases in which a reflexive is used: