17.2. Closer specification of prepositions

The meaning of both secondary and primary prepositions can be more closely specified and defined; for example:

Stůl se nachází zcela uprostřed místnosti. (=The table is situated right in the middle of the room.)

Closer specification of the preposition is represented as a specification of the entire prepositional phrase. The node representing the specifying expression is a dependent node of the effective root node of the prepositional phrase and usually has the functor EXT .


Stůl se nachází zcela .EXT <uprostřed> místnosti. (=The table is situated right in the middle of the room). Fig. 8.291

Leží přesně.EXT <pod> stolem.(=It is right under the table.) Fig. 8.292

Zastávka je poměrně.EXT <blízko> školy.(=The stop is fairly close to the school.) Fig. 8.293

Figure 8.291. Closer specification of a preposition

Closer specification of a preposition

Stůl se nachází zcela uprostřed místnosti. (=lit. (The) table REFL is_situated right in_the_middle (of) (the) room.)

Figure 8.292. Closer specification of a preposition

Closer specification of a preposition

Leží přesně pod stolem. (=lit. (It) is right under (the) table.)

Figure 8.293. Closer specification of a preposition

Closer specification of a preposition

Zastávka je poměrně blízko školy. (=lit. (The) stop is fairly close_to (the) school.)