(difference) is a functor for such an adjunct that expresses manner by specifying the difference in quantity or quality between the compared events, states or entities or between the initial and final state of the event.
functor is used for two kinds of differences:
difference in quantity or quality between the compared events, states or entities (w.r.t. a property).
Nabízejí ho o 100 tisíc.DIFF
levněji. (=They offer it cheaper by 100 thousand) Fig. 7.35
Pavel je o 2 cm.DIFF
větší než já. (=Pavel is taller than me by 2 cm)
V českolipské ulici Jiřího z Poděbrad bylo najednou o něco.DIFF
více kyslíku. (=Suddenly, there was a bit more oxygen...)
V osmi letech jsem se chtěl vyrovnat o dvanáct let.DIFF
staršímu bráchovi. (=...a twelve years older brother)
Není nikterak naší zásluhou, že jsme o půl.DIFF
století moudřejší. (=...we are wiser by half a century)
Slavné operní hvězdy se u nás objevily o dva roky.DIFF
později než komety pop music. (=The famous opera singers emerged two years later than the pop stars)
In this meaning, the DIFF
modification modifies an adjective or adverb in comparative.
difference in quantity or quality between the initial and final state of the event (with verbs of change).
Výroba se zvýšila o 10 procent.DIFF
(=The production was increased by 10 per cent)
Počet pracovníků klesl o šestinu.DIFF
(=The number of workers was reduced by one sixth)
Zdražili ceny paliva o 50 haléřů.DIFF
(=The fuel prizes went up by 50 heller)
Stavba byla předimenzována až o sto procent.DIFF
(=The building was designed too large - by almost 100 per cent)
Překročili plán o 200 000 korun.DIFF
(=They exceeded the plan by 200 000 crowns)
Ustoupil o krok.DIFF
dozadu. (=He stepped one step back)
Odsunuli dovolenou o rok.DIFF
(=They put off their holiday until next year)
In this meaning, the DIFF
modification modifies a verb.
Forms. The basic forms of the DIFF
modification are:
prepositional phrase.
The most common forms:
o+4 | Tuzemský výrobce dodal hlavy o čtyři dny později. (=The producer delivered the heads four days later) |
Dependent clause. DIFF
modifications can only be expressed by a dependent clause with the help of a supporting expression; e.g.:
Návštěva byla o to zajímavější, že na letecký průmysl dolehla.DIFF
krize. (=The visit was all the more interesting because of the fact that...)
Specific forms. The following constructions are special cases of DIFF
constructions with čím - tím.
For example: Čím je víno starší, tím je lepší. (=The older the wine, the better it is)
constructions with čím dál tím + comparative.
For example: Mají čím dál víc prostředků. (=They have more and more money)
constructions with tím + comparative.
For example: Tím méně jsou dějiny dílem několika intelektuálů. (=Even less is history work of a couple of intellectuals)
This type of construction is discussed in Section 5, "Specific constructions with the meaning of "difference"".
Agreeing form of an adjective. With event nouns (ending with -ní or tí; see Section, "Functors assigned to the non-valency modifications of nouns referring to events"), the DIFF
modification can also be expressed by an agreeing adjective form.
zlepšení nejlepšího výkonu (=lit. centimeter.adj improving (of) best performance)
Figure 7.35. The DIFF
Nabízejí ho o 100 tisíc levněji. (=lit. (They) offer it by 100 thousand cheaper)
Border with the EXT
functor. Semantically, the DIFF
functor is very close to the EXT
functor (see Section 6.5, "EXT"). Cf.:
Ustoupil trochu.EXT
(=He stepped back a bit)
Ustoupil krok.EXT
stranou. (=He made one step aside/stepped one step aside)
Popojít kousek.EXT
(=to make a couple of steps/walk a short distance)
Ustoupil o trochu.DIFF
(=He stepped back a bit)
Ustoupil o krok.DIFF
stranou. (=He made one step aside/stepped one step aside)
Popojít o kousek.DIFF
(=to make a couple of steps/walk a short distance)
It seems that under certain conditions the adverb and the prepostitional phrase o+4 are synonymous. However, this is not always the case. The prepostional phrase o+4 cannot be used with verbs that do not explicitely express a change between the initial and final state. Cf.:
jít kilometr.EXT
(=walk one kilometer)
*jít o kilometr
The prepositional phrase o+4 is thus assigned a separate functor, namely DIFF
, if it expresses a difference (the EXT
functor is not used).
Borders with arguments. One of the issues related to the DIFF
modifications with verbs of change is also their behavior w.r.t. valency. It has turned out that this type of modification (o+4) is not limited to a certain group of verbs (which is a necessary condition for a modification to be an argument; see Section 2.1.1, "Criteria for distinguishing between inner participants (arguments) and free modifications (adjuncts)"). Modifications in the form o+4 are only considered arguments (see Section 2, "Argument functors") if the difference meaning is weaker and the interpretation is closer to that of result (the EFF
functor). Cf.:
Rozšířili firmu o velkoobchod.EFF
(=They extended the company by the wholesale)
Doplnil zásoby o rýži.EFF
(=He added rice to the stock)