2. The relation between a node's t-lemma and m-lemma and between its t-lemma and word form

As for the nodes representing words that are present at the surface level, their t-lemma is usually identical to their m-lemma.

However, some words have a special t-lemma, which has no counterpart among morphological lemmas, (the so called t-lemma substitute, see Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes"; cf. a), b) and j) in the list), or they have a t-lemma that corresponds to the m-lemma of a different word (cf. c) through i) in the list), or a multi-word t-lemma that corresponds to two (or more) m-lemmas (cf. k) in the list). In still other cases, the t-lemma corresponds to the surface form of a given word (cf. l) in the list). Paratactic structure root nodes have so called representative (i.e. typical) t-lemmas (cf. m) in the list).

The relevant cases are the following:

  1. personal pronouns (including the reflexive si and se) have the t-lemma substitute #PersPron (see Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes").


    • tobě (=you.DAT/LOC) is represented by the #PersPron t-lemma;

    • oni (=they)#PersPron;

    • sobě (=self.DAT/LOC)#PersPron.

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.1.3, "Definite pronominal semantic nouns: personal pronouns".

  2. possessive pronouns (including the reflexive svůj) are also represented by the t-lemma substitute #PersPron (see Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes").


    • náš (=our) is assigned the #PersPron t-lemma;

    • její (=her)#PersPron;

    • svoje (=self's)#PersPron.

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.1.3, "Definite pronominal semantic nouns: personal pronouns".

  3. possessive adjectives are represented by the t-lemmas of the corresponding nouns.


    • matčin (=mother's) is represented by the t-lemma matka (=mother);

    • Pavlova (=Pavel's)Pavel.

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.1.1, "Denominating semantic nouns".

  4. the short form of an adjective is represented by its basic form (the long one)


    • zklamán (=disappointed) is represented by the t-lemma zklamaný;

    • spokojena (=satisfied.fem., short form)spokojený (=satisfied.masc., long form);

    • ochoten (=willing)ochotný.

    NB! Passive participles are represented by the infinitive; for example pozván (=invited) is represented by a node with the t-lemma pozvat (=invite).

  5. deadjectival adverbs are represented by nodes with the t-lemma of the corresponding adjective.


    • pěkně (=nicely) is represented by a node with the t-lemma pěkný (=nice).

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.2.1, "Denominating semantic adjectives".

  6. directional adverbs have locative adverbs as their t-lemmas.


    • tudy (=this_way) is represented by a node with the t-lemma tady (=here);

    • sem (=here.directional)tady (=here.locative).

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.3, "Semantic adverbs".

  7. various temporal adverbs have as their t-lemmas adverbs with the (corresponding) basic temporal meaning (i.e. the one answering the question "kdy" (=when).


    • doteď (=until_now) has the t-lemma teď (=now);

    • doposud (=until_now)teď (=now).

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.3, "Semantic adverbs".

  8. different types of numerals have t-lemmas identical to the corresponding cardinal numerals.


    • trojí (=three_kinds_of) is represented by a node with the t-lemma tři (=three);

    • třetina (=one_third)tři (=three);

    • kolikátý (=how_many.ordinal)kolik (=how_many.cardinal);

    • pětkrát (=five_times)pět (=five).

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.1.5, "Definite quantificational semantic nouns", Section 6.2.4, "Definite quantificational semantic adjectives" a Section 6.2.5, "Indefinite quantificational semantic adjectives".

  9. different types of pronouns, pronominal adverbs and numerals are represented by nodes with the t-lemma of the corresponding relative pronoun (pronominal adverb or numeral).


    • někdo (=someone) has the t-lemma kdo (=who);

    • nic (=nothing)co (=what);

    • všechen (=all)co (=what);

    • žádný (=none)který (=which).

    See Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation" and Section 6.1.4, "Indefinite pronominal semantic nouns", Section 6.2.3, "Indefinite pronominal semantic adjectives", Section 6.3.5, "Definite pronominal semantic adverbs" a Section 6.3.6, "Indefinite pronominal semantic adverbs".

  10. punctuation marks and other symbols are assigned t-lemma substitutes (similarly to personal and possessive pronouns). See Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes".


    • the comma has the t-lemma #Comma;

    • dash → #Colon.

  11. expressions that are built out of more parts (words) but have a single meaning are in some cases represented by a single node with a single t-lemma in which the parts are put together. Such a t-lemma is called multi-word t-lemma; for more details see Section 3, "T-lemmas of multi-word (complex) lexical units".


    • smát se (=laugh; lit. laugh REFL) is represented by a single node whose t-lemma is smát_se;

    • a nebo (=or; literally and_or)a_nebo.

    • van Beethovenvan_Beethoven.

  12. frozen verbal forms (finite forms, as well as transgressives (gerunds) and infinitives, i.e. forms having adverbial functions), are represented by nodes the t-lemmas of which are identical to the surface form of such an expression, e.g. myslím, soudě (=I_think, judging). Similarly, foreign-language expressions (with the FPHR functor) are assigned t-lemmas that are not different from the corresponding surface forms.

    See also Section 5.1, "Dependent verbal clauses without a finite verb form" and Section 9, "Foreign-language expressions".

  13. different variants of conjunctions and other connectives and operators are represented by a node (nodetype=coap) the t-lemma of which corresponds to the m-lemma of one of the variants (this is the so called representative t-lemma). The representative t-lemma may also be complex; cf. k) in the list and Section 3.1, "Multi-word t-lemma".


    • both buď (=either) - nebo (=or) and buďto - nebo are represented by a single node with the representative t-lemma buď_nebo;

    • od (=from) - přes (=via) - do (=to), as well as od - přes - po (=to) and od - přes - k (=to)od_přes_do.

    See also Section 16, "Co-ordinating connectives and operators".

The choice of the t-lemma described in b), c) and e) through i) is a result of taking the derivational processes into account. In principle, derived expressions have the same t-lemma as the base expressions. For the information regarding the relevant derivation types, see Section 1, "Syntactic and lexical derivation".

Newly established nodes may be assigned one of the t-lemma substitutes, which do not correspond to any m-lemma; see Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes". As for determining the appropriate t-lemma, copied nodes are subject to the same rules as the nodes present at the surface level.